Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 729 New Buildings Of God's Domain

In any case, the newly added buildings, in some special aspects, will definitely not have poor territorial capabilities. Fang Jie looked at the first new building, the Tower of Faith.

Tower of Faith (3%): Draws on the power of faith in the entire plane, condenses it and purifies it. There is a lord statue in the Tower of Faith, and the default lord is the lord of the plane of faith. God's Domain is upgraded again, requiring a Faith level of 100%.

While watching the introduction, Fang Jie gradually understood through the ability to perceive the territory.

"It turns out that 3% of this belief is the belief level of the Tower of Faith."

Fang Jie understands that this belief does not mean the percentage of belief that the territory can accommodate, nor the number of belief units. It is purely a belief level in his own territory now.

As long as there are more people who believe in and become stronger, and the territory is larger, then this level will continue to rise.

The territory can still continue to improve, but one condition needs to be met, that is, the belief level of the Tower of Faith reaches the full value. At the same time, I have enough power of faith in my hands, otherwise I can't do it at all.

Inside the Tower of Faith, the statue is not someone else's, but Fang Jie's own.

As the Lord of the Divine Realm, he can be regarded as the god of the entire Divine Realm.

People within the domain of God believe in themselves, and the Tower of Faith condenses the power of faith through its own abilities. Otherwise, only the demigods themselves are not qualified to absorb the power of condensed faith.

Fang Jie can directly use the power of faith absorbed and condensed, but he knows that the problem of using it this way is too great.

If you absorb it directly, then your spirit will definitely be impacted, gradually assimilated by belief, and become an existence that is not your own. Many demigods and even gods have similar problems.

It's no secret that it's on those books that I bought myself.

In fact, normal gods do not want those gods assimilated by beliefs to appear. Because such gods have absolutely no way to negotiate things, and maybe they will go crazy at some point, they will only act according to their own rules.

The Tower of Faith can absorb Faith and at the same time Purify it, making it easy to use.

The power of belief now has two functions, one is absorption, which is used to help comprehend the law, improve one's own strength, and speed up the practice. Another function is to use it as a reserve energy.

After all, everyone's power is limited. After it is used up, people above the demigod level can use the crystals of faith to quickly recover, or use it directly as their own power.

At their level, some people seem to be able to fight to the end, and that's why.

But this is useless to Fang Jie, because Fang Jie's own recovery talent, the recovery speed can be much easier to use than this.

Let’s absorb it for the time being, and then talk about it when we need it. Who knows what other functions these beliefs have.

Fang Jie moves on to the next new building, Legend Abyss.

Legendary Abyss: Gold-level hero units can enter it for experience, success will get a legend certificate, the legendary abyss can be entered multiple times, and the interval between each entry is 1 month.

The Legendary Abyss is a special experience building that actually allows gold-level hero units to obtain the Legendary Certificate. Fang Jie himself never imagined that in the future, the Legendary Card would not have to rely on tricks during war, nor would he have to use all kinds of methods that would disgust other races.

"It seems that there will be no shortage of legendary subordinates in the future." Fang Jie smiled.

It is a pity that relying on this alone, it is impossible to use the legendary arms to eliminate the golden arms of his subordinates.

Otherwise, all the members are legendary arms, and even the gods will have a headache looking at them. They may not be afraid of this level of troops, but they are afraid of this level of believers, the blessing of the gods behind them.

After all, if you directly use the power of faith to fight, then the number and quality of your own followers can also improve your combat effectiveness to a certain extent, which is regarded as a combat effectiveness gift.

"If the Legendary Abyss is used to obtain the Legendary Certificate, then the Legendary Advancement Tower is a supporting measure."

Fang Jie looked at the next new building, the Tower of Legendary Advancement, and thought silently in his heart.

Tower of Legendary Advancement: Units with a Legendary Certificate can enter it and be sent to a random world for testing. After passing the test, they will be advanced into Legendary units. The test has a certain degree of danger, and the unit will not be opened again if the test fails.

The Tower of Legendary Advancement actually replaces the test of the gods for those who have a legendary certificate.

In the future, his subordinates do not need to pass the test of the gods, and they can directly pass the legendary tower to upgrade to the legendary level. However, unlike the test of the gods, the test of the gods entered an illusory world.

And after passing the legendary advanced tower, they will be sent to another world for testing.

But Fang Jie understands that if this test is handled well, it can completely absorb some of the power of the world's origin.

Of course, it depends on how much your subordinates can do. There is a certain danger in this kind of test, because there is a possibility of death, not the kind of spiritual test that will never die.

However, after successfully absorbing the power of the source, his own strength will also be greatly improved.

Even if it is to ascend to the sky in one step and directly rise to the level of a demigod, it is not completely impossible, it depends on whether one has the ability. Fang Jie is not stingy with all kinds of secret techniques for his subordinates.

Likewise, after failing the test, there will be no second attempt.

Just like everyone else, there is only one chance to advance to the legendary stage, and there is no hope for life if you fail.

This is a very critical threshold, both for natives and for units. Before, no matter how strong the foundation is, how high the talent is. As long as the breakthrough legend fails, then at most it will be a golden peak in the future.

Fang Jie looked at the center of the world, which, strictly speaking, was not a building.

The center of the world: the product of the condensed power of the world, the special space attached to the world itself, and the place where the origin of the world is stored. Within this space, the comprehension of the law can be accelerated and the speed of cultivation can be accelerated.

The center of the world, this is a special space at the core of the world, a place that only the Lord of the Divine Realm can enter.

This place stores the core of the world. Once this thing is destroyed, the plane is equivalent to death. The body left behind is just a shell, no different from a brain-dead person, and even cleaner.

But in this, oneself is closer to the core of the world, and it is a cultivation accelerator without any side effects.

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