Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 730 Talent Upgrade And Temple Change

For Fang Jie, the special space where the core of the world is now is the safest place and the last place. If it is broken, then everything will be lost.

Even if he survives, he can only exist as an ordinary demigod in the future.

Fang Jie believes that even if he regains the territory by special means, it will not be able to reach the level it is now.

The territory that comes with one's own innate ability and the territory that he regains in the future are not the same thing after all. Otherwise, why didn't Fang Jie hear that other lords had their own experiences of this terrifying development.

Fang Jie is no longer a novice, and many of the undead develop with territories as the main body.

When they got the territory, they were very powerful in terms of strength and resources, far from the Contest Condition they just came to this world. However, the development speed and potential cannot be compared with them.

Shaking his head, let's talk about these things later.

That special space, Fang Jie can feel, in his own domain, can exist anywhere. It can continue to move freely without consuming the power of belief.

But after thinking about it, Fang Jie didn't plan to put it in any too conspicuous position.

After reading this, Fang Jie suddenly found that his talent seemed to have changed. The first talent, Undead Fission, has actually been upgraded by another level. The feedback from this upgrade is really strong.

Undead Fission Level 7 (Unique): At the same time, fission 50,000 undead under his command, turning each into 30, consuming 1-1000 mana points, and the maximum fission limit is demigod. The only talent, no second person will get the same talent. Being in the realm of the gods, you can assist the power of the realm and fission the undead in any position inside.

The fission of the undead has been upgraded to level 7, and the number of fission has increased from 5,000 to 50,000, a direct increase of ten times.

Although the maximum mana consumption has also increased tenfold, Fang Jie does not see this consumption.

The most important thing is that being able to fission more at once means that the work of fissioning the undead is easier.

At the same time, the number of fission had changed from twenty to thirty. Through the fission during the production of God's Domain itself, own Encore, then the number of fission from the maximum of 400 has become 900.

A full nine hundred times the income, thinking about it makes people feel extremely excited.

Even a Charon dragon, who cannot accept the fission of Earl Dervish, is thirty times the profit.

Thirty times is a demigod. Now that the level of undead fission has been upgraded, the maximum limit of fission has been raised from the legendary level to the demigod level. In the future, as long as you cultivate a demigod that has not been fissioned, it will be thirty times the income.

Perhaps, the plan for the cultivation of demigods can also be put on the agenda, Fang Jie thought to himself.

You must know that the demigods under him now add up to only thirty or so.

There are enough demigods, whether it is to grow into a god in the future or to fight externally, this is a very powerful background.

Fang Jie found that the new talent adds a new ability, which is used in conjunction with God's Domain. In the past, if I wanted to fission, I had to go to the front of the troops and directly cast spell fission.

But now it is different, as long as you are in your own domain, you can fission units in any position.

All you need to do is to devote your magic power, and you no longer have to run around or gather your troops together.

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