Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 731 Fusion And Assimilation Of Factions

Seeing Qin Lan coming, Fang Jie didn't hide it either: "Yes, it has been successful."

Fang Jie then continued: "But there is a problem. The faction under my command has solidified. In addition to the undead in my own camp, there are only alchemists, humans, Pokémon, orcs and dragons."

"The faction has been solidified, what's going on?"

"That is to say, only these factions can develop in the future. The main faction will get the most powerful bonuses, and the other factions will be much weaker. As for the factions that are not their own, they will be eliminated step by step."

After hearing Fang Jie's various explanations, everyone was silent for a while.

At this moment, Luo Qi'er suddenly whispered: "Well, what do orcs have? It seems that many races can be regarded as orcs." Luo Qi'er's voice immediately attracted the attention of others.

Fang Jie looked at Luo Qi'er with a look of surprise, and the others didn't even blink.

Luo Qi'er shook her hands slightly embarrassedly behind her back: "Well, me, is there anything wrong with what I said?"

Luo Qi'er, who is a little older, is no longer as detached as before, and is more quiet. However, it is more active than others.

"No, you're right. Many camps actually have some overlaps, so these camps can be integrated to a certain extent." Qin Lan suddenly said with a smile.

Then Qin Lan looked at Fang Jie: "Then, we can carry out an experiment to prove whether it is really what we thought." Hearing this, Fang Jie also nodded slightly.

I used to have a headache for these things, but now it doesn't seem like that.

"First of all, there is no need to integrate the Warcraft camp. After all, Warcraft is not only a kind of camp, but also a basic creature. Even if they are not integrated into various camps, they can reproduce themselves."

This thing is like some ordinary flowers and trees, how can it be integrated into any camp?

This is all part of the natural environment. Without these, most forces themselves would collapse completely.

"Indeed, according to this view, the camp is very broad, and there are not such strict boundaries."

Anya also said at this time: "Fortunately, our affiliated camps are relatively special, and they all have a large range. If they are niche, I am afraid it will not be so easy to integrate."

Instead, Fang Jie thought about the worm camp that he had previously under his command, how to integrate those worms.

Worms may be able to integrate into other factions, and Fang Jie has decided to integrate it into the Pokémon faction as a natural part. If you are a worm camp yourself, it may not be easy to integrate others.

After all, this concept is really too narrow.

"Then I'll start the experiment." This fusion experiment doesn't have to go out.

Fang Jie first thought about it, there is a special existence that has always been under his own hands.

Then Fang Jie integrated the existence of the Leech Life ghost camp into the undead. The next moment, the prompt appeared. "Whether the Leech Life ghost is fused into the undead camp, if it is merged, there will be some changes in the Leech Life ghost."

"It's really possible, it seems that there is no problem." Fang Jie directly chose fusion. Then Fang Jie called some Leech Life ghosts over and found that their bodies really began to change.

However, this kind of change cannot be completed immediately, but requires a slow adjustment over a long period of time, and it may even take several years or even decades to complete it completely.

But Fang Jie has discovered that the direction of these changes is basically changing in the direction of the blood servants.

At the same time, it seems that some changes have taken place in his blood servants, which are in the direction of the Leech Life ghost. These two species, I am afraid, will gradually merge into a new species.

Possesses various Leech Life ghost abilities, but also loses some abilities.

At the same time, some characteristics of the Leech Life ghost race itself will gradually be lost, and some characteristics belonging to the undead will be added. It seems that this species is really a good fit with the undead, otherwise it would be impossible to complete the fusion.

"Success, then something else follows."

Fang Jie began to carry out fusion experiments continuously, and it was a good fit for Pokémon. Basically, natural species can be integrated into it, and many races can be gently integrated into it and become a part of it.

It may not be recognized and liked by Pokémon, but Fang Jie, the Lord of the Domain of God, will do.

After all, everything in God's Domain is based on Fang Jie's will.

The human camp has a good fusion ability. Fang Jie simply integrated some monster creatures suitable for human domestication and so on. Not only can it be used as an army, but it can also play a role in other aspects.

There are also some monsters that are closer to nature, which are integrated into the Pokémon camp to increase their heritage.

Only at the level of God's Domain can these changes be completed, and it is impossible at the main city level.

"The orcs are also very inclusive. Basically, as long as those humanoid creatures are not from other mainstream races, most of them can be integrated into the orcs, and there is no problem with the goblins."

"Great, goblins are the merchant race we focus on cultivating. Although there are some problems, it will be very troublesome if they really disappear." Qin Lan finally felt relieved after hearing this.

In fact, what Qin Lan values ​​most is these goblins, and they are the ones that Fang Jie brought back for the first time.

Because the racial talent of those goblins is a special space, and the effect of this space is very large.

Although most of them can only be used as merchants, they must also guard against betrayal by these people. But in some spaces, the effect can be very large. With the transformation of God's Domain, these goblins will gradually change eventually.

Money used to be the number one in the hearts of goblins, and it may be Fang Jie who will be the number one in the future.

Therefore, Qin Lan does not want to give up such a race with special abilities that can be reused.

"Dragon beasts and sub-dragons can both be integrated into the dragon camp. This camp is relatively simple. It is a bloodline camp. It must have a dragon bloodline. It can solve some troubles, but not many."

Fang Jie was a little pity: "It's a pity, there are relatively few elemental creatures on our plane, and there is no way for the elemental creatures to integrate into any faction. These guys are really exclusive."

There is nothing Fang Jie can do about it. For an exclusive race, there is no way to do any fusion.

"There are always some things to give up, and most of them are very good without problems." Qin Lan said.

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