Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 732 It's Time To Develop Faith

Facts have proved that the camp is not as simple as a name.

As long as the camp is integrated, there will be some changes in the direction of their own camp. Although it's not very obvious, most people can't even see it, and even they can't feel it themselves.

But Fang Jie himself, who is the Lord of God's Domain, can still easily feel these changes.

Even Fang Jie was able to go through the realm of the gods and know what the ultimate goal of these changes looks like. Although it is only a general appearance, it is actually possible to know something.

The final direction of the change of different people is not exactly the same, that is to say, if a race is integrated, it may become several different races, but they are all from the same camp.

More, Fang Jie can't tell the difference for a while.

But Fang Jie knows that, from a biological point of view, they basically do not belong to the same species after the change and before the change, and they just don't know whether people in this world recognize it.

This change can make them more adaptable to this God's Domain and the laws of God's Domain.

After a series of fusions, Fang Jie finally solved most of the problems of his own race.

Even the lizardmen and snakemen who didn't care much at first were classified into the beastmen. It can be said that the overall number of orc races is the largest, who made them themselves a fusion of multiple different races.

Because it is too broad, the scale of their development is also very large.

It's a pity that after all, it is a subordinate race, and it is completely incomparable with the main body's undead camp.

There is really no way for minority races to integrate, Fang Jie has no way to complete the integration of any concept, so he can only give up. Fortunately, these are only a few, and they are not very familiar with Fang Jie.

As for some of the faction territories among the few, it is even more impossible. If it cannot be replaced, it can only be discarded. Fortunately, there are not many people who need to re-arrange the territory, but the burden is not too big.

After the fusion of the two planes, so many lord huts that were not used before can now be brought over.

If it wasn't for Fang Jie to deal with the expansion of the territory in the future, these lord huts would definitely be in a surplus state.

"Fang Jie, since the territory can absorb the power of faith, and the power of faith still has a great effect, then the next development of faith cannot be put down."

"Developing beliefs? God's Domain can do it by itself, why do you need to do those superfluous things?"

Qin Lan said angrily: "Who said that it is superfluous, if it is superfluous, then why are there so many sects, and even many temples, haven't you noticed, many things about other gods are spread from the temples of."

"If you don't say, I really haven't found it. Now the temple inside our plane has disappeared."

Fang Jie suddenly said in surprise: "I'm talking about the temples that appeared in different places, or the natural temples that are constantly moving. Now there are no more."

Fang Jie suddenly discovered that these temples seemed to be created by the gods using the law of the hunting grounds of the heavens.

Although I don't know how to do it, this thing obviously also shoulders the role of spreading beliefs to the gods. And now that this plane has become its own God's Domain, these things have been rejected.

In other words, unless you agree, it is impossible for such an alien temple to appear in your own plane. Fang Jie's perception of planes is very sensitive and can feel any changes.

It's a pity that although things like professional towers can feel the position, Fang Jie can't control these professional towers to be fixed in a certain position, and can only let the towers constantly change their positions automatically.

For some obtrusive terrain, Fang Jie can control them to smooth out, and gradually interact with the surrounding terrain to change.

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Jie nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. But how to do things like developing beliefs?"

"Don't be so troublesome, after all, doesn't your god really exist?"

"I'm just a demigod, not a god at all." Fang Jie said angrily, he didn't have such a big face. In a world with gods, the boundaries between gods and humans are very clear.

"Then use the Lord of God's Domain as propaganda. Anyway, this is true."

Fang Jie nodded: "That's right, use this propaganda, and then, do you need to get some classic stuff, I'm not good at them. I don't like similar things on Earth before."

"Don't worry about this, just leave it to us to do it. We have many professionals here. When something comes out, you can take a look and use it if you agree."

Then Qin Lan continued: "Although you don't like those things, you have to say that these things are really useful. Not to mention other things, just some religious ceremonies, these are very necessary."

"Is this the so-called need to have a sense of ceremony? Forget it, you can do whatever you want."

Fang Jie decided to be out of sight and out of mind. As long as he couldn't see the behavior of those believers, he would not feel social death.

Besides, wouldn't it be better to keep the mysterious feeling, Fang Jie found a reason for himself in his heart.

Qin Lan, who knows Fang Jie very well, generally knows what Fang Jie is thinking. After all, a person can change, but the nature is basically set, and there will not be much change.

In this regard, even Anya can actually understand something.

There are only two little foxes, a little ignorant, they are really not good at these things.

"Although you may not like it, I believe that in the future development, faith will be a very important force, and we must prepare as much as possible."

Fang Jie sighed: "Yeah, time doesn't wait for me, after all, it's not on the same starting line."

In this world, there are many monsters that have been developed for an unknown number of years. To compete with them, you must be as fast as possible. Don't look at the good development among the same group of people, but the world will never care about your development time.

When I first came, there were already many gods, and there were still many gods of unknown level.

And now, he is not even a god, so he has no right to pick and choose.

Besides, this kind of thing doesn't violate the principle of owning, and you don't need to trouble yourself, just do it like this. The power of faith does not say anything else, that is, there is one thing that can be done right in front of you.

"Okay, let's talk about other things." Fang Jie changed the subject and began to talk about some of the changes in the promotion of the territory.

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