Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 733 Change Your Thinking Mode

Listening to Fang Jie's questions, Qin Lan silently wrote it down and analyzed it.

"These things can greatly enhance the overall strength of our territory. In the future, whether it is external or internal, it will be stable." Yes, after integrating the planes, it is basically stable.

At least you don't have to deal with all kinds of troublesome things inside the plane all day long, and you can take a good rest.

Most of the time can be used for research and self-improvement in the future.

After all, at this level, Fang Jie himself will be the core force of the entire God's Domain in the future. It is useful for other powers to grow and grow, but Fang Jie himself is undoubtedly more useful.

As long as no one can kill himself, God's Domain will basically be fine.

And once there is a problem with oneself, it is not necessarily the existence of God's Domain. The previous situation of relying on subordinates to fight and being powerless is gone forever.

At most, some low-level battles in the future do not need to be shot by themselves, rather than being powerless to intervene.

"It is indeed useful, but these things are more useful for the natives."

Qin Lan looked at Fang Jie: "Our thinking needs to be changed. After all, we need to develop believers in the future, so we must have some things that believers need, and give them some thinking guidance."

"These things can't all be used by the arms, but also by the believers. At least it is necessary to treat them equally. Also, in the future, the arms will only be part of the fighting force, and the believers will be the real war force."

"Using believers to fight, wouldn't that make believers suffer heavy casualties?" Anya didn't understand.

Qin Lan shook his head and said, "That's not the case. Although believers will be killed and injured in the war, their beliefs will be firmer and more fanatical. A high-level believer is more important than thousands of ordinary believers."

"How do you know?" Fang Jie was a little strange to hear this.

"There are some guesses. Although they are all written in novels, they should be somewhat closer to the truth of the matter."

Fang Jie himself does not have any books on this subject, but when it comes to novels, there are indeed a lot of them.

"You actually started reading novels?" Fang Jie was speechless for a while, Qin Lan's hobbies were really extensive.

"No, after all, I need to know something. I found that there are a lot of big brains in the territory, and many ideas are found in novels. The guilds you made before should be similar."

Fang Jie's face turned red, and he did learn something. But it has to be said that after so many people's continuous efforts to find faults and optimizations, this system is indeed very effective, and it can also be adjusted and repaired automatically.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about the novel, what are you going to do."

Qin Lan thought for a while: "I'm going to grade the believers, or just come up with a religion. There's no problem. There are belief levels and job levels within the religion. Anyway, the belief level can be directly measured."

"There is no problem. I can directly connect to the Faith Tower, and then use the Earth Vein Bone Tree to transmit it."

The Leyline Bone Tree is now more flexible under Fang Jie's control, and can do some things that were absolutely impossible to do before. "That's it, we can let them enjoy different treatment according to different levels. For example, different levels of arms bodyguards or directly controlled arms, these are very good."

Similar means have been used before, and now it is enough to modify it.

"There are also Talent rewards. Your Talent optimization can be concentrated on certain people. We can use rewards to improve the Talents of some people in a short period of time, which is also a reward."

Fang Jie thought for a while, and it seemed true that his own was able to do this.

"Then there is the Tower of Faith, the highest level, which allows them to work in or around the Tower of Faith. This is definitely the most valuable reward for believers."

"Really?" Fang Jie thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the case.

However, although he can understand the thoughts of those believers, he cannot understand their mentality.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. As for the Legendary Certificate and Legendary Test, you can also add it to the rewards."

"Don't worry, there are quite a few on my side who do religious Fang Jie work. Those guys are more professional than me."

Suddenly Qin Lan seemed to think of something: "Wait a minute, you said the Legendary Certificate and the Legendary Test, aren't these things only used by troops?" Qin Lan seemed to have found some blind spot.

"It used to be true that only arms could be used, but now it's different. If all arms are born mad believers, then if the believers reach the level of mad believers, they can also use some methods that can only be used by arms."

"Just like these two new buildings, those who reach the level of mad believers can get the legend certificate in them, and they can also directly break through to the legendary level through the test, but they are not without shortcomings."

Fang Jie paused and continued: "If this method is used, then they will be the same as those legends from the army. Although they can quickly improve their strength by fighting, they still need to continue to be tested to break through, and their potential is also high. limited."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can use it, after all, many people have limited potential."

Qin Lan smiled: "Although these methods may constrain them, maybe they themselves are willing."

People's hearts are always very special, who knows what the Daoist family thinks. Especially those believers, as long as they can get closer to the gods, they will also yearn for things that others think are inexplicable.

Fang Jie spread his hands: "In short, that's it. As for what functions other faith levels can use, that requires experimentation. Anyway, those who have reached the mad believer level can use the special abilities that I can use for the troops here. "

Speaking of which, Fang Jie is also very surprised. Originally, he just thought that after the troops became hero units, they were basically similar to natural creatures.

They can cultivate, and they can also improve themselves by means of some normal species.

It was only later found that they were still from the arms, and the level of high-end would still be subject to various restrictions. But he did not expect that the natives could also be used as troops in reverse.

If it wasn't for the fact that his own domain had become a god's domain, he really didn't know these things.

And these things are obviously not only available to the Lord of the Divine Realm. Even before there is no God's Domain, if you can meet some requirements, you can still use these special methods.

I believe that many people who are related to the gods probably already know this.

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