Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 734 I Can Finally Lie Down And Collect Rent

After discussing many details, big and small, Qin Lan ran out again and got busy.

Now Qin Lan's secretarial team has reached more than 200 people, but it still feels not enough. Or, as things add up, it feels even more inadequate.

This time to develop beliefs, this kind of thing is either integrated into the cabinet, and the style of the people in the cabinet is somewhat wrong.

Either they are independent, but it is conceivable that once they are independent, then they will definitely have all kinds of filth because of the power struggle, which cannot be changed by belief.

In the end, Qin Lan still found a way to integrate it into the cabinet.

Many people in the cabinet are from the earth, and it can be said that they are naturally disgusted with this belief.

Although there are real gods in this world, they also have many people who hate these things. So if you want to implement these things, I am afraid that the resistance will be very large.

Fortunately, God's Domain can gradually affect their thoughts, otherwise, they don't have to think about such things.

Fang Jie used kinship to locate Qin Lan and others, so that they could cultivate and improve faster and get the assistance of this world. Then Fang Jie went back to his room, calmed down and studied hard.

I have been busy with the large amount of materials I bought before, and I really don't have that much time to study and research.

There is also the fact that after reaching the demigod level, if you want to use all your strengths, the means are absolutely essential. In the past, I had already had a lot of means, but I could do more.

So he needs to evolve more spells to the demigod level, or even turn them into quasi-divine spells.

It is not difficult to condense to the demigod level, but it is very troublesome to want to quasi-divine magic. At least with Fang Jie's current knowledge base, it's not known how long it will take to do this.

In the blink of an eye, another two months passed. After the great unification, the interior of the plane has gradually stabilized.

While there are occasional sporadic fights, those are small things.

The real war is nowhere to be seen. Some people who had hatred for Fang Jie temporarily suppressed the hatred in their hearts. But as time goes by, they will gradually be affected by God's Domain, and the hatred will eventually disappear.

"Sure enough, if there is a systematic manpower development of religion, the increase of belief is fast."

Fang Jie looked at the panel, how long did it take, the belief level increased from 3% to 8%, a full 5% increase.

This is not a number of beliefs, but a hierarchy. It can be said that if the people in the entire plane recognize their beliefs, then the beliefs can be raised to 100%, and now it is still far from that time.

Of course, if you become a god, it will be very easy to reach the full value.

The most important thing is not this, but the power of belief stored in the tower of belief is very huge. This power of faith Fang Jie did not purify, but just stored it, and now it is time to plan the next step.

Not long after, Fang Hao and other demigods appeared in front of Fang Jie.

"This time you are here because there is a way for you to continue to improve."

These guys got excited one after another. Although they didn't speak, the light in their eyes could still be seen.

Although they are all undead -->

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