Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 735: Discovering A New Plane

Since none of his subordinates had any opinions, Fang Jie just let people go.

There is no need to choose, the power of belief accumulated during this period is enough for everyone to set off together. And these people have not been idle during this time, Fang Jie has kept them learning about the exploration of other worlds.

This kind of thing has been tested in the past. Since they can pass, they also have the ability in this area.

And Fang Jie's orders, they absolutely obey. Since Fang Jie's strength surpassed them, the attitude of these undead subordinates has completely changed, and they don't even think about Fang Jie's orders. .

In a sense, this is a good thing.

Fang Jie watched as these people were wrapped in special bubbles one by one, and then they were projected out.

Then Fang Jie found that a special structural map appeared inside his territory. In this structural diagram, there are several very thin lines appearing. Thinking about it carefully, isn't this the route that was thrown out of those subordinates before.

"It turns out that this is an exploration of the outside world, but I don't know if there will be no change at all."

Although Fang Jie doesn't believe it very much, this thing is also useful to him.

When you have almost explored the surrounding area, it is still possible to construct a nearby composition that can be used.

"Next, it's up to them."

Fang Jie left the Tower of Faith, there is no way to control this kind of thing, it can only depend on luck.

It won't take long, I'm afraid the ones that haven't been touched will come back, and then make a second release. As for those who discover the plane, if they feel suitable for their own development, they will always exist.

These people used Fang Jie's previous method, and they would take control of that world.

When it reaches a certain level, it will be extracted. At that time, it is not the gods, but the realm where Fang Jie is located. Locate through God's Domain, and then the hunting grounds of the heavens will know.

Fang Jie found that if he used the positioning of God's Domain, it would be beneficial for him to wait until the swallowing was successful.

However, it is not the power of the source, but some fragments of the positioning world, which will fall directly into their own realm.

Because it is God's Domain, these fragments will not be placed on it as roughly as before, but will be perfectly absorbed and used to become the nourishment for the growth of God's Domain.

As for the above people, those who match their own affiliated races will fall to different places for arrangement.

When falling, Fang Jie can even control the specific location where these people fall to avoid some troublesome things.

"Almost forgot, there are new functions that are useless." Fang Jie suddenly remembered something.

The next moment, Fang Jie's eyes became dull, but in fact he began to feel the new undead in his entire plane. Fang Jie can locate easily, and then the mana starts to drain.

Undead fission, these new-born undead in special positions have begun to undergo complex changes.

In just a short while, Fang Jie used multiple fission to complete all the undead that need to be fission produced during this time. Only a few fission waited to be promoted to a higher level, and will be retained.

In just a few minutes, Fang Jie's eyes returned to normal.

"Great, with this, it will be much more convenient in the future."

In the past, in order to fission, Fang Jie often stayed in one place for a long time for fission-->>[Reading updates are slow to load, there are advertisements, and the chapters are incomplete, please exit and read after reading! 】


During the fission, you basically don't have to do anything, and you have to worry about whether you will be exposed. From now on, these are not problems, as long as you are within the plane, you can launch fission anywhere.

I just don't know whether the person I prepared can be upgraded to the level of a demigod, so that I can have thirty times the benefits.

Over the next few days, some returned to the location and were sent out again. Some people did not come back. Fang Jie felt that his gods did not die, so he should have entered a new world.

As for what will happen next, I don't know. But Fang Jie believes that these people will definitely do better than they did at the beginning. After all, at the beginning, he didn't have a demigod level.

If these demigods can't even do what they did in the first place, they really can't.

Next, just wait for them to bring benefits to themselves after they come back.

Within the plane, although Fang Jie can also use the plane core to improve his understanding, but this method is too slow. The most important thing is that the rules here are strictly in line with the hunting grounds of the heavens themselves, so they can only be used for reference.

Fang Jie is worried that if he imitates too much, he will really integrate into the hunting grounds of the heavens and become part of the hunting grounds of the heavens.

That kind of god mode is not what Fang Jie wants to do.

But this day, Fang Jie was in the middle of it, and suddenly felt a slight vibration. He knew that this kind of vibration was a reminder to himself as a lord, and it would only be the case with major events.

"Is it the vibration from the bone tentacles, this is, is this the discovery of a new plane."

Fang Jie felt it, and found that in the void, the tentacles of the bones were carefully touching a behemoth.

That huge figure is a new plane, and that plane is much larger than his own plane. But the level should be the same, but there is no god's domain.

If God's Domain is formed, it is absolutely impossible for his bone tentacles not to feel the barrier of God's Domain.

Of course, if the opponent is a trap plane, it is also possible. However, Fang Jie generally doesn't believe it. After all, what can be caught by using this plane as a trap, and some of the gains outweigh the losses.

Outside the plane at this time, the number of white bone tentacles has increased to thirteen.

His own plane is always advancing at a slow speed, and the current position is no longer the previous position.

Otherwise, his own white bone tentacles would not be so easy to discover this plane.

"Since I found it, I can't let it go. Is it a real trap? Let's investigate it first." Thinking of this, Fang Jie ran to arrange some spies.

In order not to waste it, Fang Jie won't let the natives do it, they haven't transformed it yet.

Fang Jie still uses undead, and there are some undead that mimic various creatures. If you look closely, you can see the difference, but if you look at it from a distance, it is similar to an ordinary creature.

I believe that not many people will catch these ordinary small animals and observe them carefully.

Inside the bone tentacles, a channel is directly formed, which is the function of the bone tentacles.

This channel, which can release a small number of people to the other side, is now used to plant spies. Some small creatures have entered another plane, and the people in that plane have not found the problem at this time.

Or even if they found out, they wouldn't think it was a big problem.

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