Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 736 Binding And Establishing Space Channels

The detection speed is still very fast. In just a few days, some basic information has been sent to Fang Jie through spatial channels in different locations.

"It's really strange, how the world structure in different locations is basically the same."

Generally speaking, when the plane is so big, the structures and even the creatures in different places should be different.

Even separated by a certain distance, there will be some differences in customs and habits, but there is almost no such difference in this world. The whole world is basically a mixed situation of humans and orcs.

But there is no situation where humans and orcs are opposed, or they have a very chaotic relationship with each other.

"It's very strange to have a structure similar to a city-state, with some nomadic tribes in it."

Among the data, there are humans and orcs who establish their own city-states, and those who exist in the form of tribes are also humans and orcs. Perhaps in their eyes, humans and orcs are one race.

In other words, humans are a part of orcs, but this part is more numerous.

They are all based on the city-state tribe they are in, and they fight each other for survival resources. Sometimes they also unite with each other, and their enemies are all monsters and elemental creatures everywhere.

That's right, there are a lot of elemental creatures in this world in addition to the monsters that roam all over the place.

Even the spies sent by Fang Jie have also probed into the special environment that exists in some special places. This kind of place is basically a place where elements gather, and it looks like some simplified version of the element world.

It is basically unsuitable for normal people to survive, and all are some elemental creatures.

"Continue to explore, and bind this plane at the same time."

After Fang Jie did some research, he finally decided that this world is not a trap world. After all, there is no trap world, it can be this strange.

Even if other people do trap the world, they are either very normal or very tempting.

In short, always have to be able to deceive or attract other people to enter. And this world looks very strange. The situation where so many elements are rampant often leads to the lack of resources in the whole world.

Although element type resources may be more, but where they are, other resources are less.

In the void, the white bone tentacles stretched out gently, entwining the whole world.

It seems that this plane is holding another plane firmly, but this is not a warm embrace, this is the capture of death.

The opposite plane struggled slightly, but this instinctual struggle was basically the same as nothing.

Then, the other bone passages were also released, and Fang Jie was about to release some undead creatures into it.

With the situation of those people in this world, even if they encounter the undead, it will not feel strange. After all, they do not have a huge power, and the exchange of information between them is not very smooth.

So they won't feel anything wrong when they encounter something strange.

Fang Jie also used his newly acquired ability, which was an ability after the territory was upgraded.

That is to be able to attach part of his consciousness to other undead troops for observation. Of course, once the attached unit is eliminated, then you will also be affected by -->>

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