Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 737 New Plane, New Rules

The undead shot, and a moment later the entire tribe was captured.

"Control them first, and then hide them. It should be easier to hide here." After Fang Jie gave the order, he began to study the people of this tribe.

Although it is not his own body in this place, the research ability will be inferior, but it can still be carried out.

For example, Fang Jie has the ability to search for souls. After all, with this ability, it is too easy to understand the intelligence of this world.

After a while, Fang Jie put down some old men from the tribe. They were chosen because they were knowledgeable, and the inheritance of the tribe was basically carried out by these old people.

And don't look at their age, in fact, their strength far exceeds those of the young people.

After searching, these people became vegetative one by one. But Fang Jie didn't just waste them, but collected them so that they could be left for some special experiments.

"I didn't expect that the rules of this world would be so out of place."

Fang Jie never imagined how the rules of this plane were formed, and it is precisely because of these strange rules that no one is willing to approach this plane. Of course, it is also possible that it has not been discovered.

After research, Fang Jie found that the reason why people in this world can be in such a chaotic situation, the race has not become a complete hybrid, is because there is absolute reproductive isolation between their different species.

Not only between humans and orcs, but also between different species of orcs.

In other words, only the same type can give birth to offspring, and there is no need to think about different types. This isolation is so strict that the creatures in this world are basically pure-blooded species.

I am afraid that even if a giant dragon came to this world, it would be impossible to create so many dragon beasts and sub-dragons.

Then Fang Jie studied the special power system of this plane.

This plane does not have a lot of different power systems, because they are all about the same things. At least this is the case in Fang Jie, these people haven't traveled too far, so they don't know what the outside world is like.

Fang Jie judged this because the undead from several other places also sent similar information.

"Although they are similar, the focus is still somewhat different."

Fang Jie dissects and studies while comparing their memories.

People in this world have only two ways to improve their strength, or one way.

That is, they need to make a contract with one or several elemental tribes, which is a special soul contract. Once the contract is signed, the elemental help is available.

Initially, they all summoned elemental creatures to help themselves, and there was only such a means of fighting.

But then I don't know when, someone spread another method.

That is to seal the elements of his contract directly into his body to form a special core. Through this core, gradually absorb the corresponding elements and transform themselves.

After using this transformation, his own strength will be greatly improved, and it will become stronger and stronger.

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