Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 738 Dolora's Return

It turns out, just as Fang Jie thought, the undead really don't cause any panic.

After all, there are such strange things as elemental creatures, so what's the problem with a few skeleton zombies standing up again.

After a large number of undead were released to the opposite plane, those people would not feel any problem at all. Given that they had never seen the world, they directly regarded it as a mutated elemental creature.

In fact, mutant elemental creatures, but they are very pursued.

For example, there are some mutated lava elements, if you can make a contract with them, then the combat power is very terrifying.

Although it is very difficult to adapt to, and very dangerous. But once you get used to it, the strength it exerts far exceeds other conventional elements, and it can deter many surrounding tribes.

There is a place called Lava City, which was established after contracting Lava Elemental Creatures.

In this world, the city-state is the most powerful form of existence. The greatest wish of any tribe is to join a city-state. If it is more ambitious, it is to hope that he can build a new city-state.

As for the city-state alliance, although it is stronger, it is also a city-state, isn't it?

So Fang Jie found out that some people started to try to make a contract with the undead.

Fang Jie originally wanted to get rid of them all, but after thinking about it, he simply did a test.

So Fang Jie's subordinates, some undead began to contract with each other. And because he was worried that the other party could not bear the power, Fang Jie also sent some weaker undead creatures for testing.

After sealing the undead, those people immediately filled with death energy.

Of course, this kind of breath does not hurt them much, but the erosion ability is relatively strong.

"As expected of the undead, it fits with the living creature. After all, the living creature has transformed. I just don't know what it will be like in the end." Fang Jie muttered in his heart.

Anyway, it is to do experiments, the best if you can succeed, it doesn't matter if you can't.

Occupying this plane does not depend on those local people.

As more and more undead troops were sent into it by Fang Jie, the entire plane began to undergo some changes. However, most of them are local changes, not overall changes.

Just because the undead creatures have their own wisdom and can communicate, this has caused panic among many people.

That's right, in their eyes, elemental creatures have always had no higher intelligence. At least they don't have it on this plane, as if this plane has a special suppression for elemental creatures.

So suddenly there are intelligent elemental creatures, which makes them feel that they have another competitor.

Fang Jie doesn't care so much, a large number of undead creatures continue to advance, nominally and actually occupying all places. As for those tribes, those who do not obey will simply perish.

Because of the difficulty of survival in this world, their people still worship the strong.

As long as the performance is stronger than them, then they will be obedient. At this time, as long as they are given a chance to survive, they will never resist, at least without the courage.

On this day, there was a sudden reaction from the Tower of Faith. Fang Jie didn't pay any attention to it. After all, many people came back these days, and they all came back after they didn't find another world. Then the power of faith recreates the bubble and sets off again.

But this time is different from before, because after this person came back, Fang Jie immediately felt a force appearing in his body. This power is very familiar, isn't this the power of the origin of the world.

"This is a success? Why so fast." Fang Jie was a little surprised, and then walked out.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to see a beautiful woman walking out slowly on a bone horse.

That's right, it's a woman, this is Dolora, who was originally a Bone Knight hero under her early command. I just didn't expect that when I broke through the demigod, I took some rest and turned into a human woman.

Sure enough, when it comes to women, they all love beauty, even the dead.

Because of the undead under Fang Jie, most of them were female.

There are only two males, and the others remain as undead. Even Fang Hao, who is the closest to Fang Jie, has no intention of changing his appearance.

"Dorola has seen Lord Lord, but fortunately, I have completed the development of the first world."

"You did a good job. Depending on the amount of this source's power and the time you have to complete it, the world shouldn't be very strong, right?"

Dolora nodded lightly: "There is no demigod-level powerhouse in that world, so it is not difficult to occupy it at all." As the undead who followed him in the early days, he could obtain a lot of resources.

Under the accumulation of so many resources, Dorolla's strength can definitely be ranked in front of his own men.

So this kind of world is too easy for Dorolla to clean up. But it won't take long for Dorora to become the most powerful demigod under his command.

Unless someone else can come back and carry a greater amount of world power.

"Very well, I understand. You go to rest first and increase your strength as soon as possible. Regarding the development of the world, make a summary for inclusion. Improve your strength as soon as possible, we still have a lot of things to use in the future.

"Lord Lord." Dorolla saluted gracefully again, and pushed away.

"This guy really doesn't look like an undead anymore." Fang Jie sighed in his heart.

These elegant movements were learned by Dorora and the elves. The beautiful earl that the Black Flame Empire had prepared for her at the beginning, but with the destruction of the Black Flame Empire, she became even more prosperous.

Especially after Dorolla learned etiquette from these elves, more and more people learned from them.

Even the people around Fang Jie were the same, and it just started a trend. But anyway, after learning these things, their behavior and posture are indeed more beautiful.

Since they liked it, Fang Jie certainly couldn't make any objections.

Back in his room, Fang Jie also needs to absorb these source powers to improve his own strength.

Although the distance from the gods is far away, this at least proves that his choice is correct. It is a little dangerous to release the demigods, but it can always bring benefits to oneself and form a benign development.

The demigods of the arms that cannot improve their strength have been improved, and they can improve themselves while lying down, so why not do it.

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