Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 739: The Power Route Belonging To The Undead

Dolora's return is just an episode, and it has no impact on Fang Jie's development of the plane.

And at this time Fang Jie was also completely sure that the other party was indeed not a trap. After all, he has now completed one-third of the occupation of that plane. If it was a trap, the people behind it would have come out long ago.

And he didn't even send out a demigod, and the other party didn't have a demigod creature.

Although Fang Jie vaguely discovered that there should be a demigod, but he has not encountered it yet.

Therefore, for the time being, it can only be regarded as no, and they are not a whole, so it is too easy to advance. As long as the army crossed the border, they surrendered themselves and would not resist at all.

With the successful establishment of the plane teleportation array, a huge space gate was formed, and a large number of troops entered.

After this, the progress of the plane occupation will be faster. If there is no accident, perhaps within two months, the entire plane will be completely occupied. And this time, there was still no accident.

If that plane is really a trap, now his space gate will definitely be attacked.

"Looks like I'm thinking too much this time." Fang Jie was relieved.

Frequent encounters with various troubles and traps have really made Fang Jie used to being cautious. No matter how small the possibility is, Fang Jie will still prepare as a 100% possibility for the other party.

Fang Jie stayed in the opposite clone and released a spell on a defunct city, the ghost town.

The entire ruins began to change. The buildings that had been destroyed have returned to normal one after another, as if time had flown backwards. At least, from the outside it looks like it's real.

There are many people coming and going inside, and it looks like a bustling scene.

But Fang Jie knew that these were all fakes. Gradually, some ghostly creatures appeared and attached to these people, as if life had returned to the past.

It's just that with the repetition over and over again, the resentment in the hearts of these people is getting stronger and stronger, and the aura of death is getting stronger and stronger.

"At this speed, it can be completed in three days at most, and two legendary ghosts should be born. When the time comes, you can pick them up." Fang Jie said to the ghosts beside him.

That's right, this is the ghost town improved by Fang Jie.

Although improved, Fang Jie uses the enhanced version, and some people learn the weakened version.

It's not that they are not given to learn, but because they can only learn from the weakened version. The range is small and the effect is poor, but the same kind of spell can be used in more places.

Not like Fang Jie, only huge ruins can be used.

If the ruins are not big, then even if you use it, it will not have a good effect.

After this period of research, the magic of ghost town was finally completely perfected by them. Now many undead heroes have learned it, and even Fang Jie has begun to teach some natives.

That's right, the natives of this world treat the undead as a special elemental creature to make a contract.

After the contract, they will seal the undead in their bodies, and then use the power of the undead to transform themselves. What is the power of the undead, that is the power of death. Using this power to transform themselves, they will gradually begin to change in the direction of zombies. It's just these people who don't care about it.

After all, turning into a zombie is more acceptable to them than turning into an elemental creature.

The elements don't even have the body, and the zombie's appearance can still maintain the body. Besides, they can also use their own strength to recover, and they usually look no different from normal people.

Only when you do your best will you become like a zombie. Because of their strengths, they can transform their entire bodies.

The powerful strength and invulnerable physique make them like this state even more. As for the power of death, it also has a good lethality to elemental creatures, and it is not completely ineffective like physical attacks.

One by one, they became like living corpses, in a very special state.

Fang Jie is also very curious about this kind of appearance, but he can't figure out anything for a while.

But since they have become like this, Fang Jie can't let them just instinctively use their fists. The undead who can only use fists are not the opponents of those elemental creatures.

Fang Jie then arranged for those dead elemental creatures with wisdom to teach them some special skills.

Some who are good at spells use various spells. Because there are so many types of spells, the range of adaptation is also greater. The effect it exerts is very comprehensive and powerful, and it is clear at a glance that it is stronger or weaker than the rigid ability of elemental creatures.

Even the combat skills are far more than those elemental creatures can burst out.

After all, the skills of using elemental creatures are basically those that you have come up with. Elemental power is nothing but a method of blessing on one's body or weapons to increase one's lethality.

Comparing the various methods of using the aura of death, it is simply not the same level.

The most important point is that after the elemental transformation, the ability to reproduce by oneself will decline. Many people who have transformed themselves too much have even lost the ability to continue to reproduce.

They not only have to improve their combat power to protect their families, but also face the disadvantages that are too strong to make future generations difficult to appear.

For the ability of element transformation, many people hate and love it.

But the spirit of death is different, because this undead was originally transformed by a living being, so they are very compatible.

Their methods are very special, and with the unique rules of this plane, they transform themselves very fast. However, this kind of transformation does not have much impact on itself.

This is also due to the rules of this plane, which Fang Jie discovered after research.

After being transformed by the energy of death, their reproductive ability has not been weakened in any way, and many people's reproductive ability has become stronger. This has brought joy to many who have suffered before.

Many people even endured the pain and have to change their elemental transformation back.

They can be changed back, but the recovery is ten times stronger and longer than the pain of transformation.

Another point, that is, using the breath of death, they improve faster. In a very short period of time, it can have a strong strength. Even the upper limit of strength has been raised a lot.

There is no threshold for sealing the undead, unlike other elements, because of compatibility and endurance, there are always people who cannot afford the transformation. To seal the undead, it seems that most people can accept the transformation, but very few cannot.

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