Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 740 They Are Too Active

With the continuous transformation, more and more local powerhouses appeared.

And with a large number of undead fighting, the occupied territory is getting bigger and bigger. This person who had almost no communication at first finally had communication. Cities were built, and roads were built.

At first they didn't know the difference between these so-called cities and city-states, but gradually some people discovered that things were different. That is, the city-state is too closed, and the city is completely different.

People in different cities can communicate freely, and there are also many people living in the middle of the city.

The most prosperous places are not only concentrated in cities, but scattered everywhere.

City-states generally have one if they are far apart, but cities are larger and not so far apart. At least in their past perceptions, these cities are a little too close.

If it is a city-state, they are not an alliance, they can only fight each other.

These cities are ruled by the undead, but these people do not reject the rule of the undead at all, but like it very much.

"Aren't these people being too proactive." Fang Jie was speechless.

"It is very active, but it is also related to some of their past situations. Because there are too many people they don't know, it is difficult for them to unite, so in the end there is only one boss." Qin Lan said beside him.

At first, I thought that there would be a lot of things to develop a new world, but I didn't expect it to be so leisurely this time.

Also, because Fang Jie didn't let the natives participate, it was the undead army under his command.

And the natives on the opposite side are too cooperative. Except for a few, most people came to the door to join in crying and shouting, which made Fang Jie feel uncomfortable.

But since he came, he couldn't just give up, Fang Jie simply accepted them all.

Maybe some people had bad intentions at first, but when they discovered the benefits of sealing the undead, they soon changed their minds. After all, they don't have the concept of a nation yet.

Because there is no such concept, it is rare to swear allegiance to a certain city-state or some people.

Their minds are more easily changed, and they are more willing to rely on people who can make them safer and stronger for their families and tribes, or even just for themselves.

The undead system now fits all of this perfectly.

Although they'll collect some dead bodies, it's nothing.

In the eyes of the people of this world, the dead body is not an important thing. After many companions died, the corpses were often still on the ground, and their relatives would not care too much.

The composition here is a whole big family as a unit, not a small family.

So members of the family have to leave from time to time, and they have long been used to it.

All kinds of habits are created, and it is too easy to advance this way. And looking at it like this, it will be easier than I imagined to continue to occupy the plane.

In the plane, the person possessed by Fang Jie shook his head, and then winked at a person beside him.

There is a city-state ahead, and you can't let it go. The zombie opened his hands and released a spell called by the Scourge. Then, a space channel opened, and a large number of undead emerged from it and joined the battle one after another. However, the spell level is only silver, so only silver-level undead are summoned.

If the undead hadn't come voluntarily, the magic power of this zombie would not have appeared so much.

That's right, this is the natural disaster call after the improvement and lowering of the level. The location of the summoning has changed from the plane of natural disasters to Fang Jie's own domain. The specific location is the northernmost part of God's Domain.

At the beginning, the place where Fang Jie moved his exclusive land, that is, the demon area full of demonized land.

Even if it becomes God's Domain, it is not something that can be achieved in a year or two if it wants to recover completely.

Fang Jie has divided the area into this place. As long as he uses the natural disaster to summon, he can connect to the northern demon area by matching a special code. Fang Jie has prepared a large number of undead creatures of various levels and types here.

As long as someone is summoned, the undead will rush over without hesitation, and there will be no other requirements at all.

This is why such a silver-level person can also summon a large number of silver-level undead creatures. It didn't take long for the zombie's magic power to run out and it could only stop.

However, the large number of undead he summoned have already rushed forward in a mighty manner, as if to devour everything.

The people behind looked at this spell with envy on their faces. "It's amazing, this is a high-level spell."

"Yeah, if only I could learn it, I must earn more points and learn as soon as possible."

"Idiot, give it up. You don't know how many years it will take you to get enough points. But I'm very hopeful. It's better for us to cooperate. You can invest in me, and I will definitely reciprocate in the future."

The previous person rolled his eyelids: "If you want to be beautiful, even if it takes a few years, I won't waste it on you."

In the face of a large number of undead creatures, the city-state in front suddenly opened the city gate and surrendered directly.

"These guys, is that the case again." Fang Jie sighed.

He knew it would be like this. Along the way, most city-states would not resist at all, and simply surrendered. The attitude of a few people is really very good, and they will tie their stubborn leader and send it out.

This is the hope that the undead bring them, and many people who know the news want to join.

And this world does not have the concept of public opinion warfare, so there is no idea of ​​defense at all, and it can only be incompetent and furious.

This is why even though the city-state is stronger and has a strong defense system, it still has to surrender. Shaking his head, Fang Jie asked the zombie next to him to dispel the spell.

Most of the undead were sent back, but a few stayed and returned.

During this period of time, the zombie around him has gathered more than 20,000 undead troops here with this trick.

This kind of performance made many people who had undergone the transformation of the undead more excited. When can I learn this ability myself, as long as I give myself time, I can push countless city-states horizontally and become the boss of the city-state alliance.

"Okay, let's move on and try to complete our goal as soon as possible."

Their goal is to first circle around the periphery of the world and occupy all the city-states in the periphery and the middle of the world. Then concentrate your strength and press from the surrounding to the middle.

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