Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 741 Take The Initiative To Introduce

This attack on the new plane can be said to be the second time, the previous one was due to an accident. And the first plane is basically occupied by the lords from the earth, so it is easy to fight.

What Fang Jie didn't expect was that the occupation was actually easier this time.

As a large number of undead continue to penetrate, more and more people actually join in.

No way, after all, using the undead as a source of transformation is more suitable than other elemental creatures.

Especially those undead creatures in human form, the value is too high for them. In such a short period of time, someone has developed a new special transformation method.

That is to completely transform one's own bones through the bone-based undead, rather than transforming one's own body together.

Although this transformation is weaker than the zombie type transformation, it is not as ugly as zombies look, and it can still maintain its own appearance.

Fang Jie tried to deduce it, and found that this kind of transformation is actually not so useless.

After all, although the initial strength is relatively weak, after the transformation to a certain level, they can use bones to form a layer of bone armor on the surface of the body at any time. At that time, the combat power will not be weaker than the zombie type, and may even be stronger.

It's just that it will not be done until the later stage. This kind of transformation still makes many people look forward to it.

Gradually, more than half of Fang Jie's outer ring control plan has been completed, and it is coming to an end.

Only at this time, Fang Jie found that someone came to negotiate.

"I don't know what you want to negotiate." A hero unit asked the person in front. But this hero unit is not the undead, it is actually a human hero unit under Fang Jie.

As more and more people seal the undead to transform themselves, Fang Jie also put some humans and orcs into it.

In front of this, I feel that the transformation method of this world is very suitable for me, and I actually learned the cultivation method of this world. Then this person also used the undead to transform himself.

Of course, because it is Fang Jie's hero unit, the undead used is not as brutal as others.

This is a undead that has been carefully selected to suit him best, and his strength is already close to the legendary level. That is to say, as long as the transformation is completed, he can easily reach the legendary level.

And at that time, the undead that he had sealed would be able to be released.

This is a method improved by Fang Jie's men based on the transformation method of this world. Although it is not perfect, it can also meet the last step, but it is a little more difficult.

Let him come out to negotiate at this time, just in line with the values ​​of those people in this world.

The person on the opposite side said, "If I read it correctly, you should be using the kind of death elemental creatures that transform yourselves. This kind of transformation is really perfect."

"You are people from the holy city, can you still see the methods of us in the countryside?"

During this period of time, their new transformation has spread more and more, which can naturally arouse the awareness of the people of the Holy City.

However, Fang Jie didn't want to face them for the time being, so he didn't touch them all the time.

After the perimeter is occupied, they will eventually be attacked. The so-called holy city is the eight major element holy cities in the central area of ​​this plane, and it is also the eight most powerful city-states.

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