Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 742 The Holy City Of Elements Is Not Peaceful

"Well, we do have a little friendship with those death knights, we can go and explore."

The other party nodded, then said goodbye and left.

They also know that those undead are not very elemental creatures, but only rely on instinct. On the contrary, some of the undead themselves have high IQs, so they can communicate.

In fact, this is better, and you don't need to use powerful force to suppress it and force a contract like others.

As long as they can get their consent, even if the difference in strength is huge, they can still make a contract.

The strength of those my undead is not weak, they usually gather together in a large group. If they were forced to confront them, even the Holy City of Elements would not be willing, because the loss would be too great.

As for their ancestors, they are top-level existences, and they cannot be used casually.

Besides, those old ancestors are not easy to talk, if they are unhappy, maybe they will die.

When they left, the skeleton possessed by Fang Jie came out: "What do you think? What do those guys mean."

"Lord Lord, I feel that they are not the powerful people in the holy city. According to our information, there are also families in the holy city. Most of the people have no real power, but their lives are more stable."

"There are also some small families. They don't actually sign too powerful elemental creatures, so their own strength is very weak. If they can get a powerful undead group contract, it will be of great benefit to them."

"Is that so, so what do you think?"

The subordinates hurriedly bowed and said, "I mean, since they want this, then give them a contract. At that time, they will definitely be able to form an opposing force from the bottom up, and let them mess up first."

He knew that this was the lord cultivating himself, otherwise he would not have asked so much nonsense.

As long as he can get the lord's appreciation, he will definitely rise to the top in the future.

Unlike the undead creatures who have no desires and no desires, as human heroes, even if they are still from the military, they still have some ideas and ambitions. Promotions are of course what they are after.

"If it's the same as what you said, then I'm afraid there will be a lot of people contacting various places. You can discuss with them. In this matter, as the temporary person in charge, you can choose a large territory here after success. "

Unlike the undead, not many human troops get large territories.

Once he succeeds, he will be No. 1 even in the Divine Realm.

Thinking of this, he was very excited: "As ordered, I will not disappoint you, Lord."

Fang Jie waved his hand and left, also wanting to see how things would develop. Anyway, under the absolute strength, these people can't have any resistance at all, and it is good to experiment.

The most important thing is that Fang Jie discovered the potential of this secret method, which can just solve a big problem now.

In their own territory, there are many creatures that cannot be classified into their own affiliated camps. Come to think of it, they don't want to see themselves disappear like this.

If you contract the undead, you may be able to be identified as a member of the undead camp. Although there will be some changes, some of the abilities of their creatures will still be retained, which is considered a special undead creature outside the ranks. There are also those elemental creatures, which may also be used to seal them.

Maybe, his subordinates will also get an incomplete elemental creature, or even a completely transformed elemental creature.

After all, after the creature transforms itself, it is likely to become a faction unit recognized by its own territory.

In the following time, as expected by Fang Jie, many people from all over the world received various invitations, and of course there were threats, or various enticements and information theft.

Just a closer look at these things can reveal that most of them point to the central area.

Some are holy cities, and some are subordinate city-states under the holy city.

There are also some that are not pointing to the central area, but the surrounding area is basically under Fang Jie's control. Therefore, most of these people are deliberately shifting their direction.

Even if you don't need to check Fang Jie to know, this is definitely made by people in the central area.

For these people, Fang Jie's men did not refuse, and introduced them one by one, and then let them make a contract. Not all people have to meet all their requirements, after all, high-level undead are not so easy to contract.

If it is too easy, those people will probably not cherish it.

With the constant contracting of people, Fang Jie can find that new reformers have appeared in many cities in the central area.

The strength of these transformed people began to increase continuously. In a short period of time, relying on some means and some treasures, there were many people even at the gold level, and the faintness of the legendary level began to appear.

"It turns out that, I didn't expect that there are some strong people who have not been transformed."

Fang Jie found that people in this world also have some exercise methods. There are always some people who are not suitable for transformation, and they also need to exercise. So they exercised their strength very powerful.

Now that they have encountered a suitable transformation, in a short period of time, they have fully exerted their own heritage.

It seems that there will be more undead transformers at the legendary level when these foundations are finished. I just don't know if the demigod level will appear, after all, this is no longer a regular level.

As more and more people remodeled, a special trend gradually took shape.

This is a new transformation group, a new type of transformation, and of course they have their own demands. Some resources and people who transform elements are also common, and they naturally have certain needs.

And this demand, coupled with the unbalanced distribution method, eventually began to cause internal conflicts.

At the beginning, the Holy City was fine, but some of the surrounding city-states were not so good.

From the beginning of large-scale protests and negotiations, some small city-states suddenly rebelled, changed their flags overnight, and changed the owners of the city-states, and this situation became more and more frequent.

Even some people have begun to boldly unite with other cities, preparing to form new alliances.

And what this alliance is used for, anyone with a discerning eye will know at a glance, isn't it used to fight against the Holy City? The ambitions of these people have swelled to the point that they are out of control, and they regard the Holy City as their enemy.

On Fang Jie's side, they are still constantly sending people over to make contracts, sending more and more undead to cooperate.

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