Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 744: Full Outbreak Of Conflict

"Lord Lord, they are fighting, they are completely fighting."

The avatar in the middle of boredom suddenly heard someone running in and shouting loudly. There was also a document waving in his hand, and one could imagine how excited the other party was.

"Calm down and speak slowly." Fang Jie didn't care, after all, he was his subordinate.

Although he is human, he is indeed a die-hard, just a little excited, it doesn't matter.

After all, we can't ask all creatures to collapse in front of the dead like the undead without changing their faces. At this time, hearing Fang Jie's words, the person who came to deliver the letter finally calmed down.

But as soon as he calmed down, this person felt a cold sweat, and he was too excited.

To be so rude in front of the lord, it really shouldn't be. Fortunately, the lord does not care, otherwise he will be in trouble.

"Lord Lord Atonement, it's true that your prediction is completely accurate, and your subordinates are too excited." After speaking, the visitor put the report on the table in front of Fang Jie, and continued to speak.

"There was a large-scale armed rebellion before. The reason was that some people joined forces to make trouble in Frozen City, hoping to change the allocation and allow them to get some resources."

"Ice City is one of the holy cities, how can they let them in, they are so courageous?"

"No, it's not that they are bold, but there are too many people who have undergone the transformation of the element of death. Many of them are from the big family of the holy city or even the family of the city owner, and many of them also show high talent."

This is no problem, after all, according to their rules, those with high talent can naturally get higher resource allocation.

Even if it is the transformation of the death element that has never appeared, talent is talent.

They believe that as long as they can continue to transform, they will definitely become a top-level existence. Because of these people, they have the courage to go to the holy city to make trouble. No one would have thought that someone would not give face to the people of the city owner's family.

The city lords of the holy city are all hereditary. After all, their city lord family has had a demigod ancestor.

And those ancestors of the elements are still alive, this is the strongest deterrent to ensure their existence.

But no one thought that the Holy City was determined to destroy them this time, so they gave a direct answer. That is, entering the holy city to make trouble is a heinous crime, so the siege is carried out.

"Bing Bingcheng directly sent troops to encircle and suppress them, killing many people on the spot. It is said that the important figures of those big families were arrested, but others suffered heavy casualties."

"It's just because there are too many people, so many people have fled, and the news is brought out."

"And then." Fang Jie asked, he didn't believe this was the end result.

"Later we saw that this was an opportunity, so we secretly spread some rumors. We said that this was a way for big families to unite, and they wanted to transform the death element into a monopoly."

"We said that the reason why they wanted to make trouble before was deliberately taking the initiative to organize the geniuses among the civilians, so that they could be wiped out in one go. Even if there are new types of transformations, they are still the most powerful."

Fang Jie smiled: "So someone believed it and rebelled?"

"Of course there are people who believe, but there are some very smart people who choose to believe."

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bsp; The choice is interesting, believe it or not, but what they show is believing. So these people can easily organize a very large number of people to form a wave.

"So what's the result?" Fang Jie didn't read the report very much, so he could already guess some.

"The result was that some people were instigated to rebel, and these people actually rebelled. But under the powerful force, the rebel force was quickly extinguished, but this time there were too many casualties."

Fang Jie picked up the report and looked at it, and the numbers on it were shocking. For the sake of their own ambitions, some ordinary people probably don't care no matter how much they die. The deaths of these people did not stop things.

On the contrary, because of the demise of these people, the grievances between the lower and upper classes broke out completely.

The low-level people who had been suppressed all the time would definitely be angry when they saw that their only chance was also taken away.

They could not compete for the holy city, but many surrounding city-states were able to successfully rebel.

The special structure of this world makes it impossible for even the Holy City to easily decide the internal affairs of other city-states. As a result, many city-states did not rebel on the surface, but the people in control changed one after another.

They are accumulating strength step by step, using these city-states to collect various resources to develop and improve themselves.

Although the small battles continue, the big battles have been suppressed. If it continues to develop, this thing will eventually develop into a huge wave. new

As if it were a revolution, the lower began to change the upper.

When the lower layers have strong power, they will naturally be able to change those upper layers. And this point is whether they will have a powerhouse of demigod level, or have the ability to fight against demigods.

But after all, this is not a natural revolution, but Fang Jie's initiative, so he will definitely intervene.

He didn't want to watch the people of this plane lose too much, these are all his own people in the future. And it is impossible for him to watch their power increase too strong, otherwise even if they become undead, it will not be easy to control them.

Most importantly, it takes time, and Fang Jie doesn't want to waste too much time on one plane.

"How about our peripheral control plan, has it been completed?"

"It's still a bit worse, but it can be completely completed in a few days at most. Now it's no problem to draw troops to attack the center."

"Let's go step by step, don't worry. In that case, let some city-states under our control unite with the central city-states, and let's add some pressure to those holy cities."

Fang Jie had no idea of ​​speeding up, which was already very fast.

If the plan is changed rashly, such a large-scale operation will easily cause some problems. Fang Jie will not change the army's course of action just because of his own preferences.

History has proved that such random orders did not end well in the end.

Although it cannot be changed, it is possible to plan ahead. "Inform them and let them make plans for the central area. Also, prepare to welcome our own demigods."

Fang Jie told those returning demigods not to leave for the time being, but to enter the New World.

Originally, it was best for Fang Jie to go by himself, but this is an alien plane, and Fang Jie would not take risks easily.

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