Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 745 The Legion Of The Undead Has Also Joined

On the day Fang Jie gave the order, his own demigods had already arrived.

Because they have large space passages, it is not too troublesome to pass through the demigods. Otherwise, if there are only bone tentacles, it will be too difficult for the demigods to enter it, because the bone tentacles are relatively fragile.

As for Fang Jie himself, he never thought about going by himself.

While this would make things easier, Fang Jie didn't want to make it a habit.

Otherwise, you have to do everything yourself. If you are not careful, people will catch their own habits and frame themselves. As long as the other party succeeds once, he is really in danger.

Of course, if necessary, Fang Jie still has to do it himself, who makes himself the most powerful fighting force in the territory.

But the situation at hand is obviously not that far away. This world is too weak for the development of various means, even if there are demigods like elemental creatures, the combat power will not be very strong.

And this kind of improvement method of directly transforming oneself, it is not easy to reach a demigod, and basically there is not much potential left. This transformation, in fact, does not seem to be in line with the mainstream development method of the hunting grounds of the heavens.

Fang Jie even suspected that this should be the unique way to improve their world when it devoured a certain world.

In this regard, Fang Jie is also well-informed, at least the power of the undead camp, Fang Jie has seen a lot. But I really haven't seen anyone using this method to transform themselves little by little.

Those who have become undead are either eroded by the aura of death and cannot control themselves, or they simply use the method of undead transformation to directly transform themselves into undead. There is no such local transformation.

The chaos ahead intensified, especially after a large number of city-states joined, they became more and more powerful.

The area around the Frozen City that first began to destroy them was not suppressed, but was the source of the outbreak of resistance, and it was also the place where the resistance was most intense. More recently, it has turned into an armed conflict. .

Often in the wild, people in the Holy City will be attacked.

You know, before this, it could not have happened at all. And now, not only has it happened, but a lot more.

If the sneak attack is successful, one or two people in the holy city will die. One or two people are not many, but they come here from time to time, and the whole adds up to a lot.

The transformation of traditional elements is not so easy to fit, and if one dies, there will be one less.

If there are too many deaths, it will seriously affect their own development for them.

But they have no evidence, because even if the sneak attack fails, those who fail to escape themselves will also choose to die with the enemy as soon as possible. There are also some means, so that they will not leave any evidence.

Even his own corpse will decay quickly after death and turn into ashes, leaving nothing behind.

This is a new function developed by Fang Jie, and now many dead people have learned this ability. After all, if they don't learn, they are not allowed to do this kind of thing here, they don't want to leave behind.

"Damn it, they are too much, don't we have to be bullied by them like this."

"After all, it's the rules we set ourselves, and we can't take the lead in breaking them."

"But now the rule has become our bondage. Anyway, -->>

[Changdu update loading is slow, there are advertisements, and the chapter is incomplete, please exit and read it! 】We have to resolve this matter, and the big deal will be to revise the new law later. "

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, but found that this method seems to be good, and it is the only way.

"It really can't continue like this, otherwise even our holy city will be surrounded by those damn untouchables."

"Also, their strength is getting stronger and stronger, and there are still a lot of people. If we can't put them out as soon as possible, I'm afraid they will become a big problem for our confidants. By the way, how is your communication with the undead."

Now they also know that those dead elemental creatures call themselves undead, although they don't know the meaning of this name.

"It has been communicated. They are indeed very talkative, but they accept everyone's contract and are not allowed to be monopolized."

"Damn it, it's just a mere elemental creature. How dare you do this. So what about the contract, how many people have contracted on our side."

There is no way, there are too many people on the other side who can fight, and they can't keep it up all the time. There are too few people who fit the common elements. If they continue to fight like this, they will become less and less, and in the end they will not be opponents at all.

So their idea is to also train some people with the undead system, and then fight against the opposite.

"Those undead said that they first signed contracts with those outside, and they couldn't fight with themselves. At the same time, they also asked us to give up this attack."

That's right, after the contract, the general transformation method is to seal the undead into one's body.

The same is true for other elements, but once the Host dies during this period, most of the sealed elemental creatures will also die. Too few can survive, which is equivalent to a joint.

It's understandable that they don't want to kill themselves, but if they don't make a contract with them, it will be troublesome.

"No, those, those undead creatures took the initiative to call."

"What? Didn't the elements never participate in the war of our orcs." A human shouted loudly, but in his heart, he was also a kind of orcs, which was a consensus.

"It seems that those elemental creatures with wisdom are indeed different from ordinary elements, and these undead cannot be left behind."

"Now is not the time to talk about this, they have already fought, we have to fight back. Damn it, they actually started to tear down the city wall." At this moment, everyone became anxious.

Undead siege is not the same as their general siege, these undead obviously have rich experience.

Elemental trebuchets that no one has ever seen behind them are throwing various elemental bombs over them. This kind of thing can cause huge damage to their city walls, and it continues.

Although I don't understand how to use this element, it is an element after all, and no one is surprised.

The only thing is that his city wall seems to be unable to withstand it.

"Damn it, why did those undead mix with those pariahs and actively attack our holy city. When have we encountered such a shameful thing, we must fight back."

Seeing the flamboyant civilians, they of the big family became angry.

It's as if the lion sees the rabbit provoking him and doing himself damage. This anger can only be healed with the blood and life of the enemy.

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