Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 746 The Holy City That Was Beat Up For The First Time In History

The city lord ran out quickly with a group of ministers, and as soon as he came out, he saw several balls of light flying over his head.

The ball of light hit some buildings, and as a result, the building that had been attacked with the earth element X attacked a large piece of it in the first place. In the largest building, one wall was blown open.

"These damn pariahs actually dare to unite with the undead to attack us."

"And those undead, who dare to intervene in the war of our orcs, I must inform everyone else and let everyone kill those damn undead together."

The people around are also full of righteous indignation, after all, this has already hit their own home.

However, some people know that it is impossible to kill all the undead, even if they don't want to do it themselves. But leaving a part of the undead without thinking, they will still do this kind of thing.

After all, only by contracting with the undead can they get this kind of power that is more in line with themselves.

Even these big families, it is not that there is nothing at all. Some large families have begun to decline, and it is very important for them to be able to find a replacement.

Even if there is no problem with himself, there are still many family branches or relatives and friends, and they also need strength. Isn't it good to use these undead to strengthen them.

Some people don't want these people to develop, but others want to see them grow.

A group of people had their own thoughts and quickly came to the city wall.

When you get to the city wall, it is much safer than some places in the city, because this place has a layer of elemental shield. It is impossible for the walls to suffer a devastating blow until this elemental shield is broken.

As soon as they came up, they saw a lot of undead creatures on the opposite side pressing towards them, as well as those trebuchet-like things, which were able to hit the elemental light balls one by one without anyone's control.

"Those trebuchets, shouldn't they also be undead creatures?"

As soon as these words were spoken, many people looked at those elemental trebuchets with greed.

Everyone knows that after contracting the undead, it is very easy to transform oneself, and it has a very high degree of fit, but there is one thing, that is, the elemental power is gone. They are very familiar and obsessed with elemental power.

But if those elemental trebuchets are also undead, then after contracting with them, will they be able to retain their advantages while adding an additional elemental ability.

And looking at this elemental ability, the attack distance is very long, and the power is also great.

If you control it yourself, maybe the control effect will be better.

Let them control the force of death, they have no experience with this, but the elemental force is different. After so many years of research, they can say that there are not many people who can compare the various secret methods of elemental power.

On the Ice City side, the control of the ice element is the World's Mightiest.

Therefore, even people from the lineage of the city lord, looking at those elemental trebuchets, their eyes glowed. Especially those Fling ice element balls, they can't wait to get them now.

"Strengthen the suppression of firepower, we must suppress them."

"But the city lord, our attack distance is not as far as the opposite."

The person above the city wall said, at such a long distance, -->> [Reading updates are slow to load, there are advertisements, and the chapters are incomplete, please exit and read after reading! 】

It's not easy for them to attack. Even if someone can attack the past, they will be blocked by other undead. Those undead are not afraid of death, and their strength is still very strong.

The city lord looked back at the person who was throwing various spells, gritted his teeth and insisted: "Intensifying firepower control, even if you draw more power from the element pool, you will not hesitate."

Then the city owner continued: "Inform the cavalry regiment, find an opportunity to rush out, and try to eliminate those trebuchets."

Seeing that the people around seemed to want to say something, the city lord almost said to himself: "Some of those trebuchets are enough, don't you think there are too many. So many, the threat to us is great. ."

Now everyone understands that this is a double meaning.

On the surface, there are so many trebuchets, which pose a great threat to their city defense. In fact, that special type of trebuchet, it is enough to leave a part for them to contract.

If there are too many left, there will definitely be a lot of people contracting. In that case, their advantage will be lost.

In the absence of an advantage, it is not certain whether they are capable of surpassing those civilians.

After all, their real enemies are definitely not those undead, but a large number of civilians and small families who have contracted the undead. Now this time, they all think so.

It didn't take long for the city gates to open, and a large number of cavalry rushed out.

The soldiers above these cavalry and the mounts below show some elementalization capabilities. It shows that these mounts have also been transformed, and this technology cannot be completed in a day or two.

"They came out, we should also strengthen the attack effect."

The commander waved his hand, and the cavalry in the rear rushed out. That's right, they have cavalry, don't they have undead.

It turns out that the undead not only have cavalry, but also stronger and more types. Even some orcs who have taken refuge in the undead side rushed out, at least it would be good to play a side ball.

The cavalry on both sides collided, and the original elemental cavalry exploded their own strength.

But then they discovered that Rival's strength exceeded their imagination by too much. Now let alone overwhelm the opponent and destroy the trebuchet, even if it is possible to ensure that oneself is not overwhelmed, it is not easy.

"Damn, how are they so strong, where did so many powerful undead come from?"

In their impression, even a powerful elemental race, it is difficult to come up with so many powerful elemental creatures, let alone form such a forbidden army.

But now this kind of army has appeared, and it has appeared alive in front of him, and he is also an enemy of himself.

The Trump Card army in Frozen City did not freeze the opponent, but was overwhelmed by the opponent.

The city owner immediately realized that it was not good, because this Trump Card army was composed of the elite children of their major families in the holy city. If the loss is heavy, the city lord himself will also be responsible for it.

Who let the order be issued by himself, even if it is correct, he has to find someone who is the culprit.

But then he didn't have the heart to think so much, because he saw a large black shadow flying over in the air.

"No, it's the Flying undead. There are a lot of them, and it's in the shape of a dragon." According to some information, they know that these are the strongest among the undead. Although the fit with them is low, the strength is definitely the top.

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