Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 747: The Moment Of Destroying The City Is In Sight

Among the elemental creatures, there are also a small number of dragon-shaped creatures.

They all know that although these dragon-shaped elemental creatures are not many, they are definitely the top existences among the elemental creatures. Therefore, it is not wrong that the dragon shape is top-notch because of the elements of death.

It's true that these don't fit them, but no one dares to underestimate the combat effectiveness of these dragon-shaped elements.

But isn't this kind of dragon-shaped element very rare all the time, what is going on with these undead, how can there be so many. Looking at the bone dragon flying all over the sky, the city lord felt a chill all over his body.

"Let the Winged Legion fight and avoid their direct impact on the Frozen City."

Then the city owner said again: "Notify the family and let the ancestors come forward. If the ancestors do not appear in this war, our Frost City will really be gone."

"But the city owner, the old ancestor's side..."

"I know, the family is already ready, let's start."

Their ancestors in the eight holy cities are all the same. After they became elemental gods, they began to look like normal people. Most of the time, he is asleep, and he is asleep in the Holy Land of Elements, and he hardly wakes up.

In addition to their own Smelling Salts every ten years, other times to get their Smelling Salts over, they need to perform sacrifices. This kind of sacrifice is actually very cruel.

That requires the life of a blood clan, plus the life of a large number of civilians, and many elemental sacrifices.

Only in this way can their ancestors wake up. And even if he wakes up, whether to solve the problem or not depends on the mood of the ancestors. If you are in a bad mood, let alone not solve the troubles, it is even possible to solve them.

So although they have elemental gods as the pillars of the holy city, no one actually wants to alarm them.

Even usually, even when their own Smelling Salts came over, few people wanted to meet them.

Powerful and devoid of humanity, it is too dangerous for ordinary people like them.

When other people heard this, although they objected, but seeing the large number of flying dragons in the Soaring in the sky, everyone shut their mouths wisely. Under such circumstances, they still objected. ..

In the city of Sky, some aliens exuding cold air fought together with the Griffin Knights who flew over first.

They want to avoid being hit by the dragon beat up by the Griffin Knight.

But then some people felt bad, and some weak ones began to fall.

"Damn, it's Toxic, they actually use poison, everyone is careful." Some people found that they were poisoned, and the poison was very strong. Then they discovered that some flying dragons with green bones seemed to be the culprits.

"Is this anti-toxicity still very strong? It is indeed a creature transformed by elements. Because of structural problems, the toxin effect is weakened."

The delegated commanders also began to calculate when they saw this situation. It has to be said that the people transformed by these elements actually have a strong immune effect against Toxic and the plague.

Maybe if they continue to study it, they can ignore this attack mode.

Toxic and the plague, who have always restrained others, met the nemesis for the first time.

But everyone doesn't care, anyway, these two forces, the effect on the undead army is not good. The same goes for the puppets, long before they came to deal with them, their own side already had intentions-->>

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