Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 748 It Turns Out To Be The King Of Ice Elements

A special atmosphere filled the air, and everyone seemed to be given a slowing halo.

They know that this is because even the undead cannot avoid the freezing of the ice for themselves.

At this moment, Fang Jie's possession also came out, looking at the breath ahead. "A strong ice element breath, but this breath is a bit wrong, it seems to be linked to this plane."

Dolora next to him also walked slowly: "It's really strong, this breath has reached the level of a demigod. It's not the kind of defective demigod we thought, but the stronger kind of demigods."

If it was the previous Dolora, it couldn't be this guy's Rival at all.

At that time, Fang Jie didn't do anything by himself, and the demigods under him couldn't deal with this ice elemental creature.

But after Dorolla came back, he brought back a lot of source power. After absorbing and digesting it, Dorolla's combat power is not comparable to before. According to the breath, it should not be weaker than the other party.

And in Fang Jie's view, the other party doesn't seem to control his own power very well.

If he can't use his full power, then the opponent might not be the Rival of Dolora.

"You can let go of your hands and feet after the battle. Others don't have to do it for the time being. If it doesn't feel right, just let others do it at any time." There is not only one demigod powerhouse here.

Fang Jie also arranged for two demigods to return to the territory here. Although these two are not as powerful as Dorolla, they are definitely demigods. If you intervene, the scale of victory will be tilted instantly.

Dorolla nodded slightly, her beautiful big eyes looking straight ahead.

At this moment, the people in Frost Ice City were also a little surprised: "It's strange, the ancestor woke up so quickly? Didn't it take at least half a day to wake up after the sacrifice."

The city owner also found some problems, but suddenly an old man's eyes lit up next to him.

"I see, the sacrifice actually started long ago."

Seeing everyone looking at him, the old man continued: "Don't forget why the sacrifice is so bloody, because from the very beginning, this design was designed to deal with large-scale wars. So the sacrifice can be the blood of the sacrifice. , can also be the enemy's."

Everyone understands that in fact those enemies, even their own people, can be regarded as sacrifices.

Although the undead have no blood, as soon as the war started, many of them died.

So much blood was scattered, which was directly absorbed by some of the arrays arranged in advance on the foundation of the city. In other words, the sacrifice actually started long ago, and all that was missing was a key.

This key is the life of the members of the City Lord's lineage, as well as their unique set of rituals.

When this set of rituals was completed, the sleeping ancestor woke up.

In the air, a blue figure gradually emerged. Although it was their ancestor, it looked very young. That face, absolutely burst most of the little fresh meat.

Fang Jie also saw the figure in the sky from far away, but his eyes were a little weird.

"How is it a rabbit, or a man."

That's right, the person in front of him is from the bunny clan, and seeing this makes Fang Jie think of the bunny girl maids in his home. I don't know whose bad taste came up with such a set of things, anyway, this was not prepared by Fang Jie himself.


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