Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 749 Imperfect King Of Death Elements

As soon as the Ice Elemental King waved his hand, an ice-blue air mass hit the opposite side.

It seems simple, as if thrown out of the elemental trebuchet, but the ice element contained in it is worlds apart. Coupled with the coldness contained in it, this can cover a range of thousands of meters.

This kind of attack, a few times, an army will die completely.

Dorolla knew that she couldn't help but do it. With a slight wave of the long sword in his hand, a gray-white breath shot out from the sky, directly hitting the blob of blue light, both of which were offset in the air.

That's right, there is no explosion but cancellation, which fully demonstrates Dorolla's fighting skills.

Dolora slowly stepped forward on a horse, facing the figure floating in the air.

Dolora is a demigod and can fly in the air, but the flying speed is not fast enough, and it also consumes more power. Most of these demigods, who were born unable to fly, still walked on the ground.

However, the king of ice elements is different, because it is integrated into the law of ice elements, so it is also a part of the law itself.

Where the law is full, the king of ice elements can walk on the ground. So Flying is almost instinct.

Looking at Dolora who suddenly appeared, the King of Ice Elements was a little dignified, because the person who came and he was on the same level. And looking at the beautiful face of the other party, the king of ice elements couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

His face is actually just an illusion, and he has essentially become an ice element.

But the other party has clearly reached his level, yet he can still retain his human appearance. It seems that his thinking has not been affected in any way, which is really unexpected.

If I had this method in the first place, I would not have transformed myself into this way.

Because Dorolla is a demigod, her own race has already changed, so even the king of ice elements cannot see that Dorolla was born as an undead.

"I didn't expect that there are elements of death that can also breed elemental gods, which is really unexpected."

Elemental god? Is that what these guys call themselves? Obviously it is a puppet of the plane law, and he thinks he has become a god. Well, it seems right that they are gods in a sense, Fang Jie thought to himself.

"There's a lot of nonsense, what else do you want to say?" Dorolla was very interesting to the guy in front of her.

"Unfortunately, your advanced secret method is not perfect, and it does not resonate with the death element of the entire world. Your method is not strong enough, and it will be easy for others to compete for your position in the future."

This is to persuade Dorolla to give up and fight against herself, after all, both of them are demigods.

Once he starts, there may be no Frost City, which is what he doesn't want to see. However, in his eyes, Dolora, the imperfect elemental god, could not be his Rival at all.

The strength gap between their eight elemental gods is not very big, after all, everyone is the same.

Fang Jie suddenly realized: "So it is, no wonder there are only eight holy cities."

Fang Jie finally understood what was going on with them. They first fit their own elements and transformed themselves into elemental creatures. However, how it was completely transformed in the end, Fang Jie is still unclear.

But he knows the other party's means of fitting, and uses a belief of people's own to form a special impact.

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Then use this spiritual belief to fit a special law. After all, this belief is also the belief of man himself. With special methods, it is possible to use the power of these beliefs.

After the plane law was shaken, they assisted this opportunity and integrated themselves into it.

However, because the fusion method is very rough, they are incompatible with the plane law, which makes this law constantly fluctuate. As a result, they themselves have no way to continue to improve.

Even the degree of fusion is not very high, the strength is set from the beginning.

In the same way, because of the constant fluctuation of the law of giving way, others have no way to integrate.

That is to say, an elemental law can only fit such a demigod in the end.

As for the connection with the ice element of the world, it is because of some special abilities of the connection law itself. This ability makes their power become very powerful and continuous.

Just being able to play it out is not the same thing.

"Really, unfortunately you read it wrong. And I also want to see how strong your so-called perfect product is." Dorora didn't care about the other party's evaluation at all, because she knew that she was not in that situation.

As long as you continue to explore different worlds, your strength will continue to improve, which is different from this defective product.

In the eyes of the other party, he is a defective product, but in his eyes, the other party is not like this.

"It's stubborn, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you." After all, he became the king of elements, and some of his own thoughts have been very indifferent. Before, it was just a rational Contest Condition.

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to leave now, the king of ice elements, who was the king, instantly felt a surge of anger.

Wrapped in blue light, the King of Ice Elements turned into a huge blue bird after a while. The big bird seems to be made of ice blocks, exuding an extremely cold aura, as well as a noble aura.

The big bird opened its mouth, and a streak of ice came out.

Not to be outdone, Dorolla condensed her own spells with the long sword in her hand, and with a grudge, it was a sword without hesitation.

The huge sword energy shattered the ice, leaving a huge scar directly on Big Bird. However, the big bird roared and continued to attack, and the whole body was covered with ice feathers, which were released everywhere.

And the scar on his body is healing at a very strange speed.

Dorolla knew that this was because the big bird was not the other party's body, and the other party's body was inside the big bird. This is nothing but ice power, and attacking this will at most cost the opponent some power.

However, the opponent's strength is constantly flowing, and he is not afraid of consumption at all.

Dorora also knows that this is because the opponent's own strength is too strong, but he can't use it, so he will form such a huge creature, so as to reluctantly emphasize his own strength.

If you can use your own power perfectly, you don't need to become like this at all, after all, the opponent's body is not this big bird. .

"The power transfer is very poor. Now the outcome depends on when Dorolla can find the opponent's body."

Although the other party's ability was very contested, Fang Jie was not interested at all after looking at it. This thing looks good, but it's actually a waste.

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