Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 750 Empty Elemental Throne

"Impossible, impossible..." The king of ice elements in the battle felt a little broken.

Although it wasn't long after the battle, the opponent's strength was also suppressed by himself, but the King of Ice Elements didn't think so. Because it is clear that his own strength is stronger, the overall strength is dozens of times that of the opponent.

However, the strength of his own mobilization is very weak, but the strength of the other party can be fully mobilized.

This shows that the opponent's power use level is absolutely higher than his own, but how is this possible. Obviously, the other party's compliance with the rules is not as clever as himself, and the fit is very poor.

The most important thing is that when you use more power to release the attack, the opponent can easily smash it with very little power. It seems that he is suppressing the other party, but in fact the situation is reversed.

Because I can't make mistakes, once the other party finds out, I am afraid it will be unlucky.

"Impossible, the elements are absolutely equal, there is no upper element, and the death element can never be more noble than the ice element."

The King of Ice Elements' mentality collapsed. At this time, he was not only jealous, but even fearful.

The opponent has this kind of strength even if the elements of the match are not perfect. If the match is perfect, wouldn't he be no match for him at all. After becoming an element god, they don't want to have someone on their head that can suppress them.

They have never seen the true God, and they always think that they are the most powerful existence.

Therefore, the person in front of him must be killed, and he must not be left behind.

"Great, the ancestors have completely suppressed the opponent's elemental god, this time we will win." Originally, they were not in a good mood when they saw that the other party also came with an elemental god.

But now that he sees the scene where he is suppressing the other party, it is different.

It is best to be able to kill the opponent, so that you can easily counterattack back.

And if the other party is dead, they can also plan a new elemental god, maybe they have this opportunity. Especially those who have not undergone transformation, feel that this opportunity is closer to themselves.

At this time, Fang Jie, watching the battle in the air, felt even more relieved.

"This is really rubbish. How crudely did they fit the laws, can't they even feel the other laws?" Fang Jie was really surprised.

Although the laws that each demigod comprehends are different, they can also feel the laws that do not belong to them.

Some people can even deepen their understanding of the laws by feeling different laws. Or it is possible to directly comprehend different laws.

But this is completely unfeeling, which is really strange.

After listening to some of the voices shouted by the other party, Fang Jie could understand it after restoration.

It is nothing more than the elemental god who still thinks that the other party is the element of death, but where is there such a thing as the element of death. Death is a law, but the other party can't even feel the power fluctuations of this law.

This kind of rough method makes Fang Jie look down on him, and that's all the fighting power that can be exerted. Duo Lola has always been looking for opportunities, but actually did not give his best.

With the battle, Lola felt less and less pressure. It turns out that the other party is a person who constantly squanders his strength. If he encounters someone who is not weak or has higher skills, he will be blinded.

Following the battle, the people at Frozen City finally realized that something was wrong. "Oops, they're coming in our direction, run quickly." At this time, no one was in charge of defending the city.

The defense of the city cannot stop the attack of this level. Once they are called, they can't help but die.

But their movements are fast, and demigods move faster. The king of ice elements, who was going crazy at this time, didn't care whether he was accidentally injured or not. After a while, the entire Frozen City was riddled with holes.

Then Lola left with the king of ice elements, and the undead army took the opportunity to enter it from here and start the end.

Although their army is still there, but when they have no intention of fighting, isn't this battle almost the end of it? At this time, Lola finally found the location of the enemy.

Because of the continuous frantic squandering of power, the shell of the Ice Elemental King finally showed some weaknesses.

Through these places, Duo Lola locked the opponent's position for the first time, which was at the neck of the big bird. And it is still moving constantly, it seems that the other party also knows that they cannot be easily locked by others.

"Unfortunately, I still found it." Lola's eyes lit up, and her figure disappeared instantly.

Accelerate the spell, so that Lola's speed is fast to Ultimate, at least not such a half-hearted person can react.

Almost in an instant, the long sword swept across, and the king of ice elements found himself cut in half. If it's just a normal attack, it doesn't make much sense for elemental creatures.

However, the power of the terrifying law attached to this sword began to permeate in an instant.

The rules that were originally rudely fit, took advantage of this opportunity to counterattack at the same time. The King of Ice Elements didn't even have a chance to speak at the end. It was shattered on the spot, and the fluctuations of the Ice Element Law in the whole world began to gradually subside.

"It's so easy to die, and it's clean all at once." Fang Jie was a little surprised. You must know that demigods are not so easy to die. Even if they die, there are usually many ways to be resurrected, whether it is active or passive.

At this moment, many ice element modifiers have bright eyes, because they also feel that the fluctuation of the element is smooth.

"Great, the old thing that occupied the ice element throne is finally dead. The empty throne, I don't know who the master will greet next."

"The cheers and praises of the elements gradually subsided, and there will be more than a year before the king will be welcomed again. This time, I must make my city a new holy city."

Feeling the death of the King of Elements, many people were excited.

Although the death of the Elemental King made them discover that the Elemental God is not invincible, it at least gave them a chance. After all, there can only be one person sitting on the Throne of Elements, which is their consensus for countless years.

If Fang Jie finds out, I am afraid there will be a very strange idea. After all, in his opinion, it is not a throne at all, and what they are fighting for is just the authority of a puppet.

The most important thing is that this is not good for the laws of the world. Anyone who controls the world will immediately clean up these guys who are preventing the world from running.

Different from their excitement, the faces of the people in Frost City were ashen at this time, and they never thought that their ancestors would die first.

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