Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 751 The So-Called Inheritance Of The Elemental God

Their backers perished, and the arrogance of these people disappeared at once.

Looking at the beautiful figure in the sky, everyone felt extremely cold. Originally, the cold would only make them feel comfortable, but this time it could almost freeze their hearts.

"All march, surrender without killing." Lola's voice resounded throughout the city.

Afterwards, Lola waved to the city, and a few attacks completely shattered the city's defensive barriers. I have to say that this defensive barrier is really strong enough, and it takes a few more Lola attacks.

With the strength of the original siege, without the continuous attack of ten days and a half months, it is impossible to exhaust the power inside.

The city was exhausted and its defenses basically destroyed, making it completely useless.

Some of the people in the city started going crazy and wanted to pull on a pad before dying. But more people, at this time, no longer have the intention to fight, and surrendered directly.

It didn't take long for a large number of prisoners to be pulled out, and their power was imprisoned one after another.

What awaits them is to assimilate them step by step. Anyway, as long as this plane is fused, and then with the help of God's Domain, it can be fused quickly. Even through this, Fang Jie can get an elemental power.

Although this transformation will gradually change itself into an element, it is still of human and orc origin.

"Lord Lord, this is all their inheritance." Soon, the things in the city were sent to Fang Jie.

Fang Jie took a quick look and found that most of them are actually useless, after all, they are just some ways to use them.

Those things are very precious to others, but in Fang Jie's eyes, they are not even interested in taking a look. The most important thing is the principles of those elemental transformations, but there are not many of these things.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to scan it.

The City Lord's family is the most comprehensive and advanced, but the other families are not completely useless. Especially the transformation methods of some different elements, but it opened Fang Jie's eyes.

"Send some transformed people of different degrees here, I want to study it."

Now there is a lot of research materials under his command, because many members of the big family who surrendered here are not weak.

If they die on the battlefield, there is no way, because after death, their bodies will be transformed into elements, and the power of the elements will quickly dissipate, and the remains of the remains are of little value for research.

But now that they are captured, there is no way to control everything about themselves.

At this point, even if they wanted to commit suicide, it was useless. After being controlled, some people soon became Fang Jie's test material.

"Really, why would a good human being transformed into such a strange shape."

Fang Jie looked at a woman on the experimental bench, she looked really good. However, most of this body has become ice elements. Whether it is with elements or removed, it feels very strange.

This kind of person, even lying here, makes normal people off-putting.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to enter the state of research. With Fang Jie's current strength, even if he is only possessed by an undead, he can still figure out something in a very short period of time.

Not to mention, there is a lot of material for your own understanding and reference. "It turns out that this is the case. Now they have all figured out their transformation route."

A day later, Fang Jie stopped his experiments. These test items, Fang Jie directly let people deal with secretly. Although it was okay for those prisoners to see it, it was still a little bad.

After experimentation, Fang Jie has completely completed the elemental transformation heritage of this world.

They indeed sealed the elements in their bodies, and then absorbed the elements with the help of elemental creatures, allowing themselves to adapt, thereby transforming them step by step. Although the methods of transformation are different, they are generally the same.

Just to accommodate different elements, so some of the auxiliary conditions vary widely.

The methods of transformation start from some unimportant positions, and then step by step towards the interior transformation. But when it comes to the guts, remodeling can get pretty cumbersome.

At this time, either they continue to transform step by step, or they can choose another method.

They can use a special method to gradually absorb and fuse the elemental creatures sealed in their bodies. Use your own soul to replace the core of the elemental creature, and then completely integrate the core of the elemental creature into itself.

Then use this core to replace its own operation to ensure that even if there is a problem with the internal organs, it will not die.

Under this special state, completely transforming oneself step by step is the true secret of the city lord's lineage.

In this way, after you have completely transformed yourself, you can completely integrate with the elemental core. There is a requirement here, that is, the elemental creatures of the contract must themselves reach the gold level.

After the fusion, the gold-level elemental creature will disappear.

After the fusion, it will become a complete elemental creature, and its strength will reach the legendary level. In essence, it is almost the same as their ancestor.

The only difference is that they need to continue to ascend in the form of elemental creatures.

Constantly attacking and absorbing the same type of elemental creatures can make oneself grow and reach the legendary peak.

According to their secret method, if the contract is a legendary-level elemental creature at the beginning, they can still withstand it. Then after this kind of foundation fusion, it will directly reach the peak of legend, which is a shortcut.

It's just that this road is not easy to walk. If you are not careful, your body can't bear it and you will die on the spot.

After reaching the peak of the legend, all they need is to integrate into the laws of the plane.

The method they used Fang Jie didn't know, after all the King of Elements couldn't pass it down, and they didn't believe they would die one day. But Fang Jie doesn't care, because he has a way.

Moreover, Fang Jie's own methods are definitely much better than the methods of the King of Elements.

Their crude fusion method even suffers from the rejection of elemental instincts. This is the real reason why the Elemental Law will continue to fluctuate after fusion, and it will never stop.

Similarly, after that fusion, their strength ceiling will be very low, and they will never be able to continue to improve.

Of course, this is not a good way at all, and Fang Jie doesn't like it at all. Researching this thing is just to provide a special advanced route for some of my own people.

"With a little modification, maybe the fusion of the undead system will be more suitable for them." Fang Jie thought.

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