Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 752 Blitz Normal's Siege

On this day of Fang Jie's research, the undead army broke out with the fastest marching speed.

Because Dorolla knows that since they have already attacked the King of Elements, it is absolutely impossible for other holy cities to sit idly by at this time. Once the news is passed, they will find a way to wake up the ancestors as soon as possible.

In this case, Dorolla is welcome, and directly touches the various armies that have been prepared for a long time. Some cities along the road are completely ignored, and only Block's will eliminate them.

The action is very fast because of the reason that it has been prepared for a long time.

On this plane, there are actually some teleportation arrays, all of which are in the plane.

In just one day, when Fang Jie came out, the remaining seven holy cities were completely surrounded. At this time, one-third of the undead army that I sent to this world has gathered in this place close to the center of the plane.

"Have you already started? It's fast enough. If I study more slowly, maybe by the time I come out, these holy cities will be finished." Fang Jie said, feeling the fluctuations in the distance.

"How many people have we come to this plane, I'm talking about demigods."

"Lord Lord, we have already had thirteen demigods come back. They didn't go out during this time, but came to this place."

"Thirteen, not bad, even if you face seven of them at the same time, you won't necessarily lose to them. Let them follow Dorolla to avoid problems." Fang Jie ordered directly.

Although Dolora is the most powerful one among them, after all, everyone is a demigod of the same level.

Fang Jie's orders will be implemented 100%, but Dorolla's orders will not be so easy for others to obey. This is also a problem with the undead, that is, the level is too strict.

Moreover, the minds of the undead are almost always straight, and the same goes for the demigods, who do not like to turn.

At this moment, Dorolla has already started with the king of fire elements. The King of Fire Elements transformed into a huge flame giant, but Dorolla, who had fought once, was really familiar with this kind of battle.

After finding an opportunity, carrying the flames and being injured, Dorolla still beheaded the opponent.

For this injury, Dorolla needs to treat herself, and she will recover in a few days.

Unfortunately, now is not the time for treatment, so I can only deal with it, and then Dorora runs towards the next city. For several days in a row, General Dorora killed the four kings of the elements.

In addition to the king of ice elements and the king of fire elements at the beginning, there are also the king of lava elements and the king of quicksand elements.

The remaining four are the King of Air Elements, the King of Earth Elements, the King of Water Elements and the King of Rock Elements.

However, none of the common lightning elements can reach this level. Because the thunder and lightning elements are too violent, it is very difficult to fit in, and the most powerful ones have not been able to completely transform themselves.

Although this has always been an avenue to the sky in this plane, no one has walked through it.

At this moment, it is impossible to fight one by one, because the four kings of elements have all awakened, and in order to avoid being defeated one by one, they actually united.

"It seems that they are also very afraid of our side. It just so happened that there were still many problems left in the previous march. Take advantage of this opportunity to deal with it. Dorolla, come back and I will treat you." "Follow Lord. "Dorora's face turned pale.

No way, it is not an easy task to quickly kill the strange fusion of laws like the King of Elements. Except for the first time at the beginning and the next three beheadings, Dorolla was struggling to be injured, and each time it was more serious.

By the last time, it was almost hit hard.

Fortunately, Fang Jie himself has a powerful healing ability, as long as Dorora goes back, it can be healed.

Back and forth once, if it's fast, it won't even take two hours. That is, Fang Jie himself is not willing to come out, otherwise the speed will be faster.

At this moment, the four kings of elements gathered together, and the atmosphere was very dignified.

"Now in this situation, everyone should have understood that it is impossible for us to be Rival alone." A huge stone actually made a very beautiful female voice.

"Although you have become an elemental creature, but you were born as an orc, why don't you keep your own appearance."

The King of Water Elements said with a frown, only the two of them were female. The characteristics of the King of Water Elements seem to be some aquatic creatures, which should be some kind of aquatic orc race.

"Okay, don't let other people's ambition destroy your own prestige. Although that Death elemental god is powerful, she is only fighting alone. If she faces any two of us, she is definitely not Rival."

"The real trouble now is that they don't seem to integrate well with the Movement Technique, otherwise..."

The opponent used too much power. If it continued like this, more and more fusions would occur, and they would definitely not be Rivals. Even when the time comes, it may be difficult for the four of them to join forces to fight.

The rest of the earth element and the king of the wind element are all human beings, and they look a bit elegant.

"Four died in a row, and the fluctuations are very strong now. If we want to integrate the laws again, I am afraid it will take ten years. Within these ten years, the other party will not be able to improve, but we will not have new helpers either."

At this point, they were already thinking about whether to support a person to become a new elemental god.

But this is not so easy. On the one hand, what if the other party does not listen to their own after success, and on the other hand, it is impossible for other people to let them support their own people. The best way is to divide one by one.

But this is not an ordinary problem. Although it is a good idea, it is really uncertain whether it can be done.

"These are all things that need to be considered in the future. The main thing is that this Death Elemental God is too much. He has completely broken the rules between us, and he doesn't listen to us at all."

"So I think we should get rid of it and get the Death element in place. Right, now is a good opportunity."

Indeed, although Dorolla had killed four consecutively before, Dorolla herself was not lightly injured. Although they have just woken up, some things are still very clear.

In such a large-scale war, it is absolutely impossible for major cities not to send people over to check.

Maybe they don't have professional spies, but even if these things are not so professional, they can still see a thing or two. Otherwise, they wouldn't be together now.

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