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The four people were negotiating when suddenly there was chaos outside.

After all, they have different identities. Even if they come out to negotiate, it is impossible to come out alone. This time, they brought a lot of followers and guards, although they were basically useless.

The four negotiated in the palace, while the others were stationed outside.

Usually, for no particular reason, these people are not going to do anything.

Now that it is messed up, the four of them feel that something is wrong. Just before they came out, suddenly a fierce breath descended from the sky, and actually cut open the roof of the palace where they were.

The four of them shot almost at the same time, intercepting the slash.

Then the four of them looked heavy at the same time, because they felt that this force was not something they could easily resolve. Facing it alone is not a Rival at all, and the result can only be suppressed by the opponent.

Now they know why the element gods with the same strength as themselves died one by one.

And it's four in a row, very fast. If it wasn't for them gathering together, I'm afraid now I don't know which one is going to die. Others die, they don't care, but it's their turn to die.

The roof exploded directly, and the four elemental gods finally saw the noble Dolora in the air.

"Hello, I finally found you."

"The elemental god of Death, you are too much. We are all equally noble elemental gods. Why do you want to kill them all. And you are alone now, and you are not our Rival at all."

Suddenly, Rock Elemental God made a puzzled voice: "No, isn't she injured? Why doesn't she seem to have any problems at all."

This time, everyone's heart sank even more, and the other party was indeed not injured. Although they cannot perceive other laws, but through the power of laws, they have no problem in perceiving each other's Contest Condition.

This shows that the other party is either the one who showed the enemy to be weak before and deliberately pretended to be injured.

Or there is a way to recover quickly after being injured, knowing that their attacks are all powerful laws.

Because they are not good at healing each other, if they are injured, it will be very troublesome to recover. Either of the two situations is not a good thing for them.

"Isn't it Rival? You think too much."

Dorolla showed a bright smile: "Introduce yourself, Dorolla, she is not an elemental creature, she was born as a Death Knight, and is a demigod under Lord Fang Jie. The purpose of this visit is to catch you all."

Several elemental gods were a little ignorant and did not understand what Dorolla meant.

It's okay to deny that they are elemental creatures, after all, they don't want to be elemental creatures either.

Born from Death Knight, it should be the original race name, just like those undead also have their own race. But what is Lord Fang Jie, who claims to be a subordinate.

Their elemental gods are obviously gods, and when will they be subordinate to others.

This woman, wouldn't she be crazy when she broke through, which can also explain why the other party's fusion rules are so bad. Several people looked at each other and saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

But Dorolla didn't plan to explain anything, because on this plane, all those who could hinder them in the end have already gathered here. As long as they are wiped out, everything else will be much easier.

Even at that time, you can continue to explore Otherworld without staying in this place.

With a wave of her hand, Dorolla sent a signal directly, and other demigod powerhouses appeared one after another. The powerful breath completely Lock On the four elemental gods. The four elemental gods were completely stunned this time.

Because they never thought that the element god of Death was so difficult. Could it be that Death's elemental law is so strong that it can withstand so many gods at the same time, and their elemental thrones are not the same.

"How did you do it, and why are there so many."

"These people are the same as that person, and they have not completely connected to the law of the elements, but they have definitely reached this level."

These guys, who still don't understand each other's situation, are still using their own knowledge to imitate them.

Dolora waved her hand: "Go ahead, be careful, don't get hurt, or the Lord will treat him personally."

Everyone nodded, there were thirteen demigods in total, plus Dorolla was fourteen. Although they are not as powerful as the four guys on the opposite side, they are all on the same level.

The four people condensed their own elemental bodies almost at the same time, four huge elemental creatures, facing the surrounding enemies.

"These people are not as strong as Dorolla, they are weaker."

"Even so, it's not easy to deal with." Several people still had time to speak, but their appearances looked very miserable. Each body is broken, and the body moves around, trying to avoid the enemy's search.

It's a pity that Dorola still has the perception ability to annihilate Ghost, and it didn't take long to find them.

Because it was more and less, so soon the three kings of the elements could not support it and were killed one after another. Dolora killed one, and the remaining two died at the hands of two Annihilation Ghosts.

Annihilation Ghost is the top assassin among Ghost, with a very strong assassination ability.

In the face of the existence of the King of Elements, who has a very poor control of his own power, he will not even be injured. In the end, the King of Rock Elements is left, because the defense is relatively strong, and he can barely persevere.

"Wait a minute, I surrender, I can rely on you, don't kill me."

The King of Rock Elements finally knows what he is facing. If he doesn't admit it now, he will die.

Dolora shook her head: "No, we want you to be useless. And your existence will only hinder the normal operation of the law." These guys are all integrated into the law in a very rough way.

This kind of existence must be cleaned up, otherwise it will not be good for the development of God's Domain.

The key is that they can blend in, but Fang Jie has no way to pull them out.

Maybe there is a way to deal with the rush in and get them fully integrated. But once that happens, this god belongs to the hunting grounds of the heavens, and for himself, this is a time bomb that may explode at any time.

So this kind of person, no matter what, there is no way to become a subordinate, it is better to deal with it directly.

In the grief and indignation of the King of Rock Elements, Dorolla gave the other party a joy with his sword. This time, the eight element gods on the entire element plane have been eliminated, and the stumbling block of the entire plane has disappeared.

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