Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 754 The New Vampire Cultivation Method

Fang Jie, who got the news, raised his head slightly: "Have you finished, it will be very easy to control that plane."

This is Fang Jie's body, and at this moment, the one possessed by Fang Jie has dissipated, and his consciousness has completely returned. The next thing, just leave it to my own men to clean up slowly.

There are even those natives who can be assigned tasks.

It was not exposed before for the sake of secrecy, but it is not used now. Always give them some opportunities to make merit, so that they can climb up with credit, and can use credit to improve themselves, this is the consensus.

"Those demigods, leave two to stare, and the others continue to explore Otherworld."

Fang Jie arranged Dorolla and others, and then continued to study. Speaking of which, the more research on that method of transformation, the more Fang Jie felt that it was of great use.

At the beginning, Fang Jie researched the elemental transformation and found that this thing was too poorly suited to the creature itself.

It is not good for oneself to rashly reform, but someone has already carried out the reform, so it is better to continue.

The transformation of the undead was developed on this basis and is a special discovery. It is even said that this method was first tested by the indigenous people, and the results were very good, much better than the normal elemental biological modification method.

When the transformation is successful, it will become an undead, of course, an active undead.

It is the kind of undead creature that is still the same as normal people on the surface, similar to the living corpse.

This kind of undead, in theory, still has the various abilities of a normal person, but it is unable to reproduce. During the transformation process, they will retain this ability, but after the transformation is completed, it will not work.

After all, it is already an undead creature, and it is impossible to have that kind of ability.

But in the end Fang Jie discovered that the vampire, a special undead creature, was different. Although they are also classified as undead, vampires are indeed capable of reproduction, and they can also use blood to transform other creatures into their own race.

Vampires are now integrated into themselves, and blood servants have become a kind of creature.

This is a special kind of vampire, somewhere between life and death.

It can be said that this vampire is a normal creature, but it can also be said to be a kind of undead.

The most important thing is that Fang Jie found that even if the undead is used to make a contract, once the final step is reached. If you want to make a perfect transformation, you must absorb the undead and become part of your own.

In this way, one of his loyal subordinates disappeared like this, and Fang Jie felt a little distressed.

The level is too low, the effect is not good, and the potential is not large. But the level is too high, and it can't be wasted like this.

But vampires are different, the essence of vampires is blood rather than the undead itself. So after contracting a vampire, there is no need to seal the vampire at all, you can just seal some blood.

After Fang Jie's research, some improvements were made to the blood of vampires.

Allow them to create a special heart from blood, and then seal the heart for transformation. In this way, it is the same as the effect of sealing the original vampire itself, and you will not lose yourself.

As for the loss of the vampire's own heart, it can be recovered by absorbing more blood or eating some blood honey afterwards. This method is easier and easier than the original cultivation transformation method, and the ultimate potential is also great. When fusion, as long as one heart is fused, the risk is significantly reduced.

The most important thing is that through this transformation, the practitioner has turned himself into a special vampire, that is, Fang Jie's subordinate.

With the help of the characteristics of the undead system itself, plus the characteristics of the domain of the gods. Fang Jie is sure that this transformed vampire will not take long to become his own diehard and become a mad believer.

The most important thing is that transforming into a vampire is the wish of many people, especially those old people.

Only at the end of their lives will they feel the value of life. If they don't want to die, then they will be transformed. Even some people want to transform even undead creatures like skeletons, so you can imagine their obsession.

However, various transformations are actually flawed.

Even if it is the first embrace of a vampire, once you use it, you will become a subordinate existence.

Not only can't refuse the superior's order, but also own strength can't surpass the first owner.

But now this kind of transformation is different. I and my superiors are on the same level, and there is no master on my own.

Although its own potential Talent may not reach the level of the ancestor, its own limitations are not much different from the ancestor. This kind of transformation is believed to be more in line with the ideas of those people.

"So this transformation method can really be used as a reward. Wait, I still have some ideas. If it is successful, maybe this transformation secret method can be divided into different levels."

Fang Jie thought about it and did not act immediately, but continued to study.

Sure enough, just as he thought, because they were all transformed with blood-cultivated hearts, this transformation is of an existential level. It is different from other people who combine multiple different elements, which will lead to a decrease in their potential.

Because these hearts are all homologous, no matter how they are fused, it is the same as the fusion of one.

Therefore, this transformation can be divided into different levels. From the Vampire Heart of the apprentice level at the beginning, to the legendary level at the end. As long as there is credit, more advanced ones can be integrated.

Not only will his strength increase rapidly, but his own potential will also increase step by step.

As for the demigod level, there is really no such thing, because none of Fang Jie's vampires are demigods.

It is really blood servants of this group, and some are too stretched to meet Fang Jie's requirements. I hope that the new vampires that merge in the future can achieve this step.

After Fang Jie finished his research, he handed over these things to his mages.

The next improvement is left to them, those troublesome things Fang Jie doesn't want to do by himself.

As for Fang Jie himself, he continued to comprehend his own things, and then explored other planes and worlds. The next step is to improve step by step, and finally let yourself become a god.

"I should collect some more things, and I have to go to the City of Death after a while. Some things are of insufficient level and can't be bought at all." Fang Jie was also very troubled by these things.

After all, if you want to get something related to the gods, you must first get close to the gods, at least half step gods.

If you can't reach it, they won't sell it at all. Thinking about it, you know that these must be made by the undead spirits behind the scenes.

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