Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 756 Elemental Pool And Elemental Knight

It has to be said that the capabilities of these researchers are really eye-opening for Fang Jie. Actually, with some things in this world, the mobile phone is really restored.

Although Fang Jie knows that many of these principles are not the same, this is the most powerful.

Being able to replace it with something different in such a short period of time shows that their research capabilities are really powerful. It is impossible to do this without thoroughly understanding both technologies.

Fang Jie studied the mobile phone in hand and found that what Qin Lan said before was not so comprehensive.

Although this mobile phone has not reached the top quality on the earth, it is a little worse than what I used before. And a few functions are simply not conceivable on earth before.

For example, something similar to holographic projection was almost a conceptual technology before.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. It's not as good as the latest model. It seems that as an ordinary person, I was not qualified to know many things." Fang Jie laughed at himself and continued to explore.

But it didn't take long before Fang Jie gave up completely.

Because he found that he seemed to be unable to go back to the way he used to be. Once upon a time, I was a person who felt like I couldn't live without my phone, but now I don't seem to like it anymore.

Although some people have restored some previous games and programs, Fang Jie just can't play it.

It seems to be a change in mentality, or it may be because of different levels and pursuits.

Putting down the phone, Fang Jie shook his head, forget it, since he can't go back, he won't go back. It's not that he has nothing to do, and there are still many things to study. Now Fang Jie is more interested in studying spells and comprehension laws.

After another few days, Fang Jie came out and opened the treasure chest in front of him.

With the continuous battle, Fang Jie also has a lot of treasure chests, so he has to come and open it every few days.

Although Fang Jie is basically unattractive, there are still some interesting things. But this time is different, because Fang Jie opened a special building.

"A common building for humans and orcs, I didn't expect it to be an elemental type of unit."

Fang Jie looked at the element pool in his hand in surprise. The building was of gold level. Although Fang Jie had long thought that he might get a special element type unit, he really didn't expect such a strange blueprint to appear.

After the construction of the element pool, a special unit called the element knight will be born.

However, this type of unit is not manufactured in the same way as the normal transformation method, and the element pool itself is a large pool. Although it looks very clear, in fact, what is inside cannot be seen outside at all.

Just throw some elemental hold and gold coins in, and it won't take long for some units to appear.

However, these units are all elemental creatures through and through, that is, they are much higher in thinking than normal elemental creatures. At least compared with normal people, their thinking is not much different.

There are also some disadvantages, that is, it is difficult for element knights to appear hero units, and it is not so easy to improve.

It seems that this is the defect of this transformation secret method. Even if it becomes an army, it also inherits some defects. "However, looking at it like this, if it can truly become a hero unit, it can quickly increase its strength by consuming resources, but I don't know where the limit is." There are no hero units for the time being, so Fang Jie can only watch.

It didn't take long for some elemental knights to appear in front of Fang Jie.

"There are four kinds in total, which correspond to the four conventional elements, which is not bad. One arm can be used as four different arms. Although it is a bit expensive, its strength is not bad."

Fang Jie looked at the knights composed of four different elements, earth, water, fire, and wind, and let them start experimenting.

The first is the earth element knight, this is the most normal, it looks like a cavalry riding a horse. But the whole is composed of earth elements, thick and solid, and the impact is very strong.

This elemental knight can basically be used as a heavy cavalry on the battlefield.

And the element knight will use the corresponding element power to release some spells. So it looks like Mowu dual culture. It's just that their attacks are also accompanied by elemental power, not fighting spirit.

Then Fang Jie looked at the Fire Elemental Knight, which was rather special because their mount was actually a Firebird.

The fire element knight can fly in the air, and the speed is not slow. This is directly a flying unit, and its combat effectiveness is not bad at the gold level. Especially the lethality of the flame is even more terrifying.

The characteristic of the earth element knight is that it can quickly recover on the ground, and the characteristic of the fire element is the explosion.

They can explode with powerful power and instantly increase their attack power, but there will be a period of weakness after the explosion.

Next is the wind element. In the face of the fact that the fire element can fly, the wind element knight can fly faster. The wind element knight looks like a flying saucer with a half-human body, but it is a little bigger.

Special mounts like saucers allow them to fly at a very fast speed in the air and are extremely agile.

Fang Jie made a comparison and found that among his own golden flying arms, there is no one that can surpass the wind element knight in speed. It's just that the wind element knight is fast, and the attack power is a little weaker.

But they are good at using wind blades and can attack from a distance.

So overall, this is the battlefield harvester. It can be said that the speed of clearing low-level troops on the battlefield, the wind element knight is second only to the poisonous bone Soaring Dragon's existence with a highly poisonous Realm.

Finally, there is the Water Elemental Knight, which surprised Fang Jie the most.

Because the name of this knight seems to be somewhat inaccurate. The appearance of this water element knight looks like a Naga, with a long tail and no mount-like structure.

Usually rely on the tail to carry out activities, but the speed is not slow, especially in the water environment, the speed is faster.

The attack is more inclined to close combat, and the eight arms use eight or eight long knives. After dancing, it is difficult for others to get close. In particular, the ice power attached to the long sword has the ability to slow down the enemy.

In pure melee combat, Fang Jie found that even bone dragon-type undead are no match for this thing.

Even if you are not careful, it is possible to be cut into pieces by the other party. However, if the water element knights are not in the water environment, then the performance of water spells is a little worse, and their spells need more external water sources.

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