Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 757: Another Plane Occupied

"Forget about the arms, it adds another means of longevity."

Fang Jie looked at the element pool. The biggest effect of this thing is not these arms. After all, no matter how powerful the arms are, they are not at the same level compared to their cost-effective undead arms.

What surprised Fang Jie the most was that this element pool actually had a special ability, that is, transformation.

This thing is not limited to two creatures, humans and orcs, but all creatures can be transformed. Even the undead can enter it, as long as a certain amount of elemental gems and gold coins are put in.

After the successful transformation, the weakest is also the gold level. If the original level exceeds the gold level, more resources are needed. After the transformation is successful, its own strength will also be ascending. This is the true ability of the element pool.

And once the transformation is completed, then people will become elemental creatures.

There is almost no limit to the lifespan of elemental creatures. According to the element pool, the creature transformed by this thing will perfectly retain the original memory and maintain all the original habits without any problem.

It's just some of the original skills. If there is a conflict with the transformed element body, it will be transformed or disappear directly. This is also no way, after all, the elements have a degree of fit.

There is also a problem, that is, the element pool can only transform these four basic elemental creatures.

If it is some special elements, the element pool cannot be transformed, at least there is no way at this level. Maybe it can be upgraded in the future, and maybe it can be solved, but Fang Jie does not plan to do it for the time being.

Fang Jie also knows that it is impossible to say that it has no effect at all.

Although everything seems to have been inherited, after all, the body has changed and it has become an elemental creature.

Elemental creatures do not have the five senses of normal creatures, and even the perception of the outside world relies on elemental perception. In this case, over time, it will definitely have some adverse effects on the original people.

But anyway, there are always some people who like this makeover.

They may not be able to accept other modifications, but this is normal. The reason is also very simple, because Fang Jie has heard that some local indigenous people are actually learning cultivation methods from another plane.

They have begun to try, and the contract elements have begun to transform themselves.

To be honest, Fang Jie himself is a little confused about what these people think.

But since there is a need, prepare some.

"Anyway, there are options for incomplete transformation. Let them choose." Fang Jie then ordered the construction of some element pools in various places, which were all for them to use.

During this time, these people continued to go deep into the Elemental Plane, causing various disputes in it.

But because many people inside are constantly revolting, constantly relying on the undead, and relying on the undead to transform. Coupled with the strength shown by the undead, they have no heart to resist.

In a short period of time, another plane has been completely controlled.

Eight holy cities, long after their ancestors perished, they surrendered.

Those who can persist until now are relatively weak cities. They are still delusional to persist until the elemental law subsides, and then become the new elemental god and become the top existence in this world.

Many people have already started to contact each other, wanting to help each other and fight the undead after becoming an element god.

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