Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 758: The Great Plane Fusion Rapidly

The fusion began, and fifteen white bone tentacles were firmly wrapped around another plane.

Because the plane has been completely occupied, the plane on the opposite side has not struggled at all. The white bone tentacles that were increased to fifteen were entangled, and quickly collided with the original plane.

The two planes began to vibrate at the same time, but this time it was no longer just a sense of vibration but no vibration.

At this time, the level of vibration has reached the feeling of a fourth fifth-level earthquake.

Some buildings that are not very strong collapsed on the spot, but fortunately they have been reminded before.

However, this kind of vibration is not a problem in most places. The place where the vibration was most intense was actually the location where the two planes directly connected, and that place could hardly be described as an earthquake.

The huge vibration made the ground seem to be boiling, and some places continued to explode.

Even a person of the bronze level standing on this kind of land may endanger his life at any time.

Fortunately, before that, Fang Jie had already transferred everyone on the edge. If they are still unwilling to leave, then there is no way, they can only pray for their luck.

During the shock, everyone was looking forward to it. Because it was known for a long time that this kind of thing would happen, everyone was not panicking.

Some valuable things have been put away long ago, and there is no need to worry about being broken or something.

"Look at that colorful light." Suddenly, someone raised his hand and pointed at the sky.

A large piece of colored light appeared in the air, like a rainbow, and like an aurora, but the color was more complex, and it was constantly changing. The range was very large, like a wall formed by a layer of light.

This layer of walls spread to the location where the entire plane collided. Then, the light began to erupt, spreading in different directions on both sides. The light is bright as if it has evolved, and it is very dazzling.

Of course, ordinary people can only see that this light is good-looking, but the strong are different.

The legendary-level powerhouse felt a strong pressure suppressed. It seems that just any movement of his own can lead to disaster. But they know that this is actually an illusion.

It's just that the strength of the burst is too high, so it makes me feel this way.

In fact, as long as they're not directly fighting that force, there's no problem.

But even so, the feeling of oppression still made it difficult for them to ignore, and they could only bear it abruptly. Because some people are under such pressure, their spirits have been continuously sublimated, and their strength has begun to increase invisibly.

And the feeling of demigods is even more special. They feel that the laws of the two planes conflict with each other.

Under this kind of conflict, the demigods seem to find it much easier to understand the law. The demigods of the arms, which were originally difficult to improve on their own, actually improved a little under this perception.

Although it is not big, it should be able to improve a lot in one day.

Now, many demigods who have returned to the territory are glad that they are in this place.

Thinking about it, even if it can't be improved too much, this insight will still be precipitated in my own experience. In the future, if you absorb the origin of the world, you will improve faster and stronger than others.

When you reach the level of the gods, maybe the background will be bigger. But these are too far away, and they are not sure whether this is an illusion for the time being.

At this moment, Fang Jie is the one who feels the biggest change. Because Fang Jie is different from others, he is the master of planes and the master of the realm of the gods. Such a collision and the resulting vision are actually a process of conflict and fusion of laws.

The law evolved in it, and the essence of the law appeared in front of Fang Jie.

Fang Jie knows that this is a good opportunity, and even if he becomes a god in the future, this can become his own heritage.

It is difficult for ordinary people to experience this kind of benefit. Only the masters of the gods who can integrate the planes can enjoy this benefit and lay a stronger foundation for the future.

In this evolution, Fang Jie felt that the comprehension of own law was very fast.

Some things that I didn't understand before became clear quickly in this perception. Some things that have been understood before are now clearer, and they can comprehend more, and can enter a higher level at any time.

If it wasn't for the fact that his own strength was temporarily unable to keep up, Fang Jie felt that he could improve a lot.

The light is not flickering, the two planes are bursting with powerful power, and various changes are gradually appearing. However, the light did not last all day, but after half a day, the fusion was completed.

"It seems that I miscalculated. The bone tentacles are indeed very useful to help fusion."

Fang Jie has some regrets, and the time to realize is too short. But Fang Jie couldn't help it, he didn't blame the bone tentacles. Because even if there is no bone tentacles to assist in the acceleration, the fusion time is longer, and the benefits that I get are the same.

It may even be because the conflict of the fusion of laws is reduced, resulting in less comprehension.

Because the greater the conflict, the greater the impact on the law, and the more and deeper Fang Jie can see.

Laws do not benefit at all if there is a smooth fusion of laws without conflict at all. Just like the fusion last time, Fang Jie didn't get this benefit, but it wasn't just because of his low level.

So, the bone tentacles are useful, and will continue to be added if needed.

"Is there two or three more? God's Domain also has its limits."

Fang Jie felt that in such a plane, as long as he merged two or three more, his own realm would be complete.

It is impossible to want unlimited fusion, at most it can only reach the level of Consummation. If you continue to integrate, it will be a waste, and you must upgrade your own God's Domain again before you can proceed to the next steps.

However, these are still far away for me, and it will take time to find so many planes.

Of course, it would be best if you could find a plane that was vastly different from the laws of your own divine domain. The more this is the case, the more intense the conflict of laws, and the greater the benefits that one can get.

Suddenly, Fang Jie closed his eyes, because a force of the origin of the world began to gather towards him.

Fang Jie smiled, he knew that this was the fusion of two planes, the feedback brought back by the ascension of God's Domain.

The core of own God's Domain has been improved, and of course he, the Lord of God's Domain, can't have nothing. This power is brought about by the fusion of the two planes. After absorbing this power, his previous insights can be used a lot.

This time, Fang Jie felt that he was one step closer to the level of a god, maybe he became a god much earlier than he thought.

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