Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 759 Changes Brought About By Fusion

After a long time, Fang Jie opened his eyes and felt an extremely fulfilling feeling of power.

Next, as long as you digest it for a period of time, you can improve your own strength. "Not bad, even the spirit of mountains and rivers got feedback." Fang Jie suddenly laughed.

The feedback received by Spirit of Mountains and Rivers is not as much as own, but the proportion is much larger.

After all, the spirit of mountains and rivers is his own pet, and as the pet of the master of the gods, it is definitely his own. So when I realized it, the bonus power obtained by the spirit of mountains and rivers was not much weaker than Fang Jie.

Because of the particularity of the spirit of mountains and rivers, it is felt that those who come here will not refuse. No matter what kind of law, it will be absorbed. That's right, this is no longer comprehension, but direct absorption.

It doesn't matter if the spirit of mountains and rivers doesn't understand it, as long as the world behind him can absorb it.

In the final feedback, the spirit of mountains and rivers also got a lot. After it was completely digested, Fang Jie felt that even if his own spirit of mountains and rivers could not reach the demigod, it would not be too bad.

And there is a great chance that the spirit of mountains and rivers can also use this time to directly break through to the demigod level.

"I don't know what will happen to the demigod level, but it is certain that the carrying capacity will be stronger."

Fang Jie can't Closed Door Training now, because he still needs to come out to appease the others. After walking out, Fang Jie comforted him, and then returned to his own study with Anya and some materials.

"Let's talk about it, what changes have taken place, and are there any losses?"

Anya said quickly: "There are some losses. Although they are not fully summarized, there are indeed some house collapses. Especially in the mountainous areas, rockfalls and landslides have occurred in some places, and a lot of losses have occurred."

Fang Jie frowned, didn't expect so many problems.

"These mainly happened on the element plane. Because of the construction of farmland on our side, the farmland has a maintenance effect on the land. There is also the protection of the God's Domain. There is no problem here."

Fang Jie nodded to indicate that he understood, after all, before the fusion, there was no divine domain protection on the element plane.

At this time, after the fusion was completed, the barrier of God's Domain began to slowly expand towards that side.

According to Fang Jie's calculations, it would take at least three days for God's Domain to completely cover it.

"Anything else?"

With the mobile phone and the Leyline Bone Tree as the connection, the transmission of various information is convenient. If it was before, I am afraid that it will take a few days to collect the data, but now it is directly transmitted through other places.

Maybe some details are not very clear, but this fast and convenient is not comparable before.

It is a pity that the number of Earth Vein Bone Trees needed to completely cover the entire Divine Realm is still somewhat large. This cost, as well as that construction time, is not something that can be done casually.

Especially now that the land has more than doubled, the cost of wanting to completely cover it has increased again.

What a happy trouble, Fang Jie thought speechlessly.

"The other impact is the improvement of strength. This time, the strength of many people has been greatly improved. Especially the legendary level, the improvement is the most obvious. There are also many people who have used this breakthrough to become legendary."

"Are they all indigenous? It shouldn't be possible for a branch to break through." Anya nodded, indicating that's it.

"In addition, we have already had two people break through to the demigod level this time, one is from the earth system, and the law seems to be related to vibration. The other is from the thunder system, and the law has something to do with lightning."

Fang Jie understands, but adding two demigods is a good thing after all.

It's just because it's not a soldier, so Fang Jie didn't want to take it as a god, so let's just leave it as it is, and when he becomes a god, and the other party becomes a god, he can turn them into his own subsidiary gods.

Although it is only a cooperative relationship, who said that the cooperative relationship is not reliable.

In fact, apart from the arms, the number of places belonging to God is limited. Fang Jie doesn't know how many places there are, but he doesn't want to waste it. After all, they still have to keep it for Qin Lan and the others.

"There are still some places where there are some places of elements, some places are very large, and the power of the elements is very strong."

Fang Jie closed his eyes, communicated with the realm of the gods, and began to observe from the perspective of the realm of the gods. In some places, there are indeed Elemental Lands, which are places with very strong elements.

Come to think of it, this is some of the places formed by itself after integrating the laws of the opposite azimuth plane.

It's a pity that I don't have an affiliated faction of the element type, so these things won't get bonuses.

But even so, some elemental creatures will still be born in these elemental lands, that is, these elemental creatures will not take the initiative to show loyalty, that's all. The birth of elemental creatures has no bonus, but will be suppressed instead.

That is to say, in the future, there will never be too many elemental creatures born naturally on the own plane.

If it is a God's Domain with elemental camps, it may be very beneficial to them to get this change.

"Okay, I see. You continue to collect the changes during this time, and try to appease them not to cause too much disturbance."

After Fang Jie instructed to go down, he put down the information in his hand. Anya has already finished talking about the main changes. The rest are trivial things that don't matter.

However, after this fusion, the spirit of the two planes has improved a lot, and their own reputation has also increased.

Looking at the level of belief, it has indeed improved a lot. The most important thing is that Fang Jie found that his own people, Talent ability began to improve. In other words, the original Talent received a certain amount of blessing.

Their offspring, if they are newborns, will be promoted.

This is not because of the improvement of bloodlines, but simply because the level of the plane has increased, so everyone on the plane has received a kind of feedback.

"It's no wonder that there are always so many experts in the high-level world, and it is especially easy to appear strong. Many people in the low-level world seem to be okay, but in fact they are completely incomparable to the people in the high-level world."

It's not just an environmental issue, many situations are inherently different.

Life is different, this is not a joke.

But these basically have nothing to do with Fang Jie, what he needs now is to continue to improve his strength. This fusion was successfully completed, and what needs to be considered is the next fusion. I don’t know when I can find a large plane.

After processing these things, Fang Jie announced Closed Door Training, ready to digest the previous income. Fang Jie's actions also made the people feel more at ease and at ease.

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