Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 760 Even The Dragons Are Elementalized

When Fang Jie Closed Door Training digested, he didn't expect some people to come back.

Coster, in particular, has encountered a relatively large world. After finally swallowing it, the power obtained is a lot. Fang Jie in Closed Door Training got this feedback and can convert even more.

By the time Fang Jie came out, it was already half a month later.

In just half a month, Fang Jie felt that his own strength had at least doubled.

You must know that Fang Jie's strength was very strong in the past. Now that he has his own strength, there are probably not many people among the demigods who are his own opponents. Compared with the three-headed snake demigod that he had summoned before, it is probably not far behind.

At least if the three-headed snake just relies on the phantom to deal with itself, it is absolutely impossible to do anything about it.

But if the main body comes, Fang Jie feels that he is still not an opponent.

It's not that Fang Jie doesn't have confidence in himself, it's that other people are not that simple either. Moreover, as the special messengers of the snake god, these three-headed snakes are definitely different from ordinary demigods, and there must be other snake gods' means on them.

"Today, I am getting closer and closer to the level of the gods. In terms of attributes, it has exceeded 600, and it is very close to the limit of 999."

Although it is close, the closer it is, the slower the improvement will be.

Fang Jie wants to push all the attributes to the limit before breaking through, and the difficulty level will definitely be higher.

But these are temporarily ignored, the speed of own improvement has been very fast. If you want to accelerate the improvement, you will need some time after all. It is impossible to achieve that level by just relying on your own self-cultivation.

Fang Jie set his sights on his own domain, and then launched the fission of the undead.

During this time, a lot of new undead creatures have been produced. These all need fission, increase the strength, and a new piece of land, which requires a large number of undead to come and occupy it.

In addition, there are some Earth Vein Bone Trees. With an extra piece of land, it is natural to need more.

After doing all this, Fang Jie came out. But as soon as he came out, Fang Jie was depressed for a while. "Why so many? My study is about to become a warehouse."

Fang Jie Closed Door Training is connected to the study, which is where he works.

At this time, a lot of paper was piled up in this place, all documents. This document made him unable to see the table and chairs, and even the floor was almost invisible. You don't need to think about it to know that this was definitely done by Qin Lan.

Although I have accumulated a lot of things from Closed Door Training over a period of time, it is absolutely impossible to do so much.

Fang Jie sighed, this is Qin Lan expressing dissatisfaction.

On the one hand, it is because of the increase in own work, and on the other hand, it is also because they have not been together for too long. "Forget it, come out this time to appease Qin Lan."

Fang Jie thought to himself, then stepped forward, wanting to see what the information was.

At this time, a voice sounded: "You know, a new plane has just merged in, so many things are waiting for you to sign, and you went to Closed Door Training without a word, can you do less things?"

Qin Lan's resentful voice came from the back of the document, and Fang Jie realized that Qin Lan was here.

Because it is his own site, Fang Jie will not turn on his perception all the time, and it is normal not to find the other party.

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