Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 761 Elemental Dragons That Can't Be Raised

"Is this the element dragon? It's really strange." Fang Jie looked at the dragons in front of him.

These are all raised by themselves through the dragon's lair, so even if they have been transformed into elemental creatures, they are still very loyal. At this time, the loyalty of these dragons is almost full.

Speaking of which, the arrogance of the giant dragon is really incomprehensible, and it is destined to be difficult to gain die loyalty.

If it weren't for the fact that they were all raised in functional buildings, and that this place had become a god's domain, it would have an impact on these giant dragons all the time. It is difficult to make these giant dragons surrender just by ordinary means.

Even now, none of Fang Jie's dragons can reach full loyalty.

However, Fang Jie is looking fast, and it won't take long before a diehard will appear.

"Experiment, let me see their abilities in all aspects."

Fang Jie pointed at a fire element dragon, and the dragon rose into the air. On the opposite side, a water element dragon seemed a little dissatisfied, and flew up with a roar, and the two sides fought in the air.

Although the strength of the two dragons is only at the gold level, Fang Jie can still see something.

"Sure enough, the seemingly absolute elemental creatures are still pure-bred dragons after all, but there are some differences."

Fang Jie has already seen it, and there may be some things that he doesn't understand about the blood of the giant dragon. After all, this is formed by the powerful Dragon God transforming his own bloodline step by step, and it is not something he can understand now.

Even if those giant dragons have become elemental creatures, the bloodlines in their bodies are still inherited.

Although some changes have taken place, it still maintains the appearance of the bloodline in elemental state.

According to Fang Jie's guess, the bloodline of this giant dragon is probably not just as simple as the bloodline. This should be a rule of blood, a special rule that belongs to the race of giant dragons.

As long as this law exists, it is impossible for a creature like the giant dragon to truly perish.

No wonder the dragon's bloodline has so many incredible abilities, and now Fang Jie understands a little. It seems that other high-level powerful creatures may also have some factors in this regard in their bloodlines.

Being able to remain in the elemental state is absolutely impossible for ordinary bloodlines.

If the bloodline remains, then these giant dragons can maintain some special powers. For example, Longwei, this is not possessed by elemental creatures. Elemental creatures are elements, and there is no such mental coercion.

In other words, elemental creatures are not very good at spirituality at all.

The battle between the two elemental dragons can also break out a very powerful dragon language magic. That's right, relying on the dragon language to strengthen the movement technique. Although it can only be released with the corresponding element, the power is even greater.

This is completely different from the attacks formed by ordinary elemental creatures mobilizing elements.

Normal elemental creatures, even if they become dragon-shaped, even if their level is a little higher than them, I am afraid they are not their opponents.

Moreover, these two giant dragons are very powerful in melee combat.

After becoming elemental creatures, they are no longer shackled by the weight of flesh and blood, and their speed is faster. Moreover, the claws and dragon breath also have their own elemental abilities, and their strength is only strong or weak.

The same element is basically immune, and different elements also have high resistance, even more than the original.

As for ordinary physical attacks, they can ignore them directly. It can be said that there are many benefits, no wonder so many dragons choose to elementalize themselves. "It's just a pity, there are still some flaws."

Fang Jie shook his head, if elemental creatures really only have benefits, then those powerful creatures have already transformed themselves.

Although these giant dragons have blood inheritance, their strength is too poor after all, and many things are unclear.

Although this transformation may seem powerful, it is difficult for them to improve in the future. Creatures with flesh and blood are not the same as they are raised. Elemental creatures need to be upgraded, which is much more difficult than normal creatures.

Moreover, many special methods of giant dragons cannot be used after they become elemental creatures.

The original resistance and defense of the dragon are very strong, which can be said to be very balanced.

After becoming an elemental creature, it seems that this resistance is stronger on the surface, and physical attacks can also be ignored. But this is not actually the case, because once the demigod level is reached, it will show problems.

Dragons at the demigod level can continue to inherit their own particularities.

They still have very strong defense and resistance in the face of other demigods' attacks. But after becoming elemental creatures, this advantage no longer exists, and they will become similar to ordinary elemental creatures.

Even if it is combat power, I am afraid it is not comparable to the orthodox dragon.

Although demigods are almost the same kind of creatures, their origins have a great influence on them.

"The most important thing is that these guys have no way to reproduce."

This is what annoys Fang Jie the most. After these dragons choose to elementalize themselves, they have lost the ability to reproduce. Elemental creatures do not have the ability to reproduce, they are all upgraded from low-level elements step by step.

The low-level elements are all born in the places where the elements are enriched by natural evolution.

That is to say, he has no way to raise element dragons at all, even if their strength is good.

There are no eggs, no cubs, and it is impossible for the dragon's lair to develop its ability to breed. To say that this thing is still a purebred dragon is purely because of the strength of its own bloodline.

"If those powerful dragon ancestors saw their younger generation choose so, I'm afraid they could not help but kill them."

Qin Lan also smiled: "In any case, it is their own choice after all. Who can be sure, this choice must be wrong." This is true, although it sounds like nonsense.

"Forget it, study their specific abilities and see what else they haven't discovered."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements." Qin Lan waved, and the people who had been waiting for the study finally ran out. The next thing has nothing to do with Fang Jie, he came here just because of curiosity.

But after seeing it, Fang Jie not only lost his curiosity, but also felt very speechless.

"By the way, there are still some people, let's see how to deal with them."

"Who?" Fang Jie said in surprise.

"On the element plane, although there are relatively few people in the past, there are still some local lords. These people are still somewhat useful, and they have already chosen to surrender."

"And the lord? Why didn't I find out before." Fang Jie felt very strange.

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