Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 765 There Are So Many Spiritual Bodies In This World

The others left, Fang Jie also flew towards the south without saying a word.

In the previous world, I seemed to have developed from the south, and this direction felt very cordial.

"It really deserves to be an elite. This is probably the real elite demigod of the undead system."

Fang Jie sighed in his heart that a demigod of this intensity would never have appeared in the hunting world back then. Because their potential is stronger, it is impossible for the gods to waste them.

Even if you fancy someone's Divine Spark shards, it's impossible to pass that way.

Because in that kind of world, there are many people who can threaten them.

In that world, Fang Jie was almost invincible. But it has been a long time since that time, and his strength has also improved a lot, but these people's strength is still no weaker than himself.

Although Fang Jie knew that it was because he had improved too fast during this period, his understanding of the law had not kept up.

But he is also born with the existence of the four natal laws. The actual combat power far exceeds that of conventional demigods.

Among them, Ye Li's strength should be the weakest, but she feels the most dangerous and deadly to herself. That purple-blue poison is very dangerous, and I don't know if there are any other special methods.

As for the initiator, the Great Emperor Withered Bones, the feeling to Fang Jie is unfathomable.

With his current strength, he still can't find the bottom of the opponent. It is very likely that the opponent's strength is already approaching the peak level. Even Fang Jie is not sure whether the Great Emperor Withered Bones is about to become a god.

If this is the case, after this success, maybe the other party can become a god.

But now is not the time to think about it. What is needed now is to find a way to expand your gains.

In this operation, the larger the territory that one can occupy, the more the source power that oneself will absorb. This is an invisible competition, and I believe others are the same.

That's why the compact doesn't specify how much each person must contribute.

Because their contributions determine their own benefits, and no one will mess with it.

"Someone is fighting, but you can learn about the fighting mode of this world."

Although they can feel some of the world rules, but that's roughly it. Fang Jie, who is not a god, can only feel that the laws of this world are very different from the laws of his own domain.

Not out of place, but there are a lot of things that are different.

These differences determine the direction and development model of a world's Cultivation.

Fang Jie approached quietly and found that there was a small encirclement ahead. "There are really many spiritual bodies in this world." Fang Jie saw that those being surrounded and suppressed were some special spiritual bodies.

It was a town-like place, but Fang Jie could see that the surrounding town was illusory.

Some ghost-like spirits lived in it, but they have now been discovered.

"This thing is somewhat similar to the effect of the ghost town spell, but it is formed naturally." Fang Jie knew that it was formed because of the special rules of this world.

Without these special rules, the phenomenon would be impossible to see at all.

At least, it cannot be seen naturally, and if it is seen, it is definitely artificial.

As a last resort, this site uses a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net, but it is not easy for those who surround and suppress them. They seem to be ordinary human beings, but each of them is full of air, not like normal people at all, but more strange than ghosts.

"Dare to run, stay with me, fusion."

A big man roared, and then a monster in the shape of a tiger appeared behind him.

As the other party released the spell, the ghost was directly integrated into his body. The next moment, the big man's eyes changed, and the aura on his body became very violent and ferocious.

A kind of coercion from the tiger directly caused the shadows on the opposite side to be greatly suppressed.

"Stop, we have no grievances, why are you arresting us?"

"There is no injustice and no enmity, how could it be? You are entrenched here and killed many villagers. Of course we want to take revenge."

"Damn, you obviously want to use us as materials to feed your Yin spirits. Using this evil way, be careful that one day these Yin spirits will backlash and devour your souls completely."

"It's really stubborn, give it to me, don't let one go."

Then, the people around them integrated Yin Spirit into themselves, and they also showed various special abilities.

"These people, this method of use is really rude, direct fusion. If it weren't for the special rules of this world, I'm afraid it won't take long for this method to die, and I'll turn into a zombie ghost."

Fang Jie looked at the Cultivation method of these people and felt really puzzled.

This world seems to be specially designed to take this kind of ghost path.

"If you modify it, the rules of this world can actually be used to walk the path of necromancers. It should be very easy." Although Fang Jie only saw part of it, he also understood a lot.

It didn't take long for those ghosts to be caught.

Normal people can't touch them or even see them. But those monks who have contracted Yin spirits are different. They can use these Yin spirits as their nourishment, or as their servants.

After these things are captured, they will soon be digested by them and become their own strength.

Fang Jie followed these people quietly, and he also wanted to figure out the specific situation of this world.

It didn't take long for these people to appear in a small town here. Along the way, it was deserted. Seemingly very fertile land, no one has developed heavier, and just left it there.

The voices of some people can only be seen near the town.

And when they came to this place, those people finally let go of their vigilance, and there were more smiles on their faces.

"All stop and check." The two men at the door stared at them cautiously.

All the people stopped and didn't care about the attitude of these people at all. It was not until these people tested everyone with a compass-like thing that they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Welcome back, please come in." There was also a smile on the face of the person in charge of the inspection.

"The inspection has been so strict recently, it seems that other teams are not doing well."

"Who said it wasn't, I don't know what happened recently. It is said that a war broke out between the two cities. As a result, too many people died, which led to a heavy yin here. I hope no new battlefield ghosts will form."

"What, a large-scale battle, are they crazy?" The leader of the team showed a terrified and incredible expression.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net

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