Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 766: Mutual Erosion Of Laws

After entering the town, Fang Jie left these people directly, and soon came to the largest yard in the middle of the town.

"It seems that this is the owner of this town, and he should be able to know more."

Fang Jie thought to himself, then quietly approached. The opponent's strength is only at the legendary level, and it is not Fang Jie's opponent at all, so Fang Jie can easily fascinate the opponent and ask something.

"Is the information and communication in this world so underdeveloped? It looks like a world full of ghosts. If it were a normal world, it shouldn't be like this."

Fang Jie was a little surprised, after all, the world's instinct is to improve itself and advance itself.

And the most common way to improve oneself is only one, and that is to develop inner beings.

After the living beings themselves improve to a certain level, they will naturally lead to the improvement of the laws of the world itself. This is the most commonly used method for them to improve themselves. There is another best way, that is to devour other worlds.

If you want to devour other worlds, you have to make them bigger, and these also need your own creatures to do.

Therefore, it is the instinct of every world to develop creatures and make creatures within the world more prosperous and powerful.

But this world is really strange. Because this world is actually full of ghost-type things, but these ghosts have big flaws. Either they have no brains, or they can only stay in one place.

Some can move freely and are powerful, but this number is too small.

And the development of this world, there are a total of two routes. One is the martial arts route, Cultivation itself, strengthens Qi and blood, and finally condenses into Astral Qi, the way to sanctify the body.

This path exists in many worlds, but it is different, but it is basically to strengthen one's own body.

However, this road is somewhat interesting, and Fang Jie wants to find a chance to study it later.

The other way is to control the ghost. Use special methods to control the ghost, and then use the power of the ghost to fight. When the strength reaches a certain level, the ghost can be possessed.

But Fang Jie also discovered the flaws of this kind of thing. One is that the power of the ghost has an upper limit.

Once the upper limit is reached, there is no way to continue to improve, except to find more powerful ghosts.

But the living people are possessed by ghosts, but the methods are still so rude. Although relying on the laws of this world, this kind of damage is very small. But weak damage does not mean that there is no damage, it still exists.

Under this kind of damage accumulation, the more you use, the faster you die.

But in order to protect the already very rare clansmen, they can only choose this method.

In fact, this method is the fastest, and Cultivation martial arts cannot reach the level of being able to deal with ghosts in a short period of time. In order to improve the strength as soon as possible, the world basically takes this road.

At least, this is the situation in the neighborhood that the owner of this town knows about.

In the end, they researched a special method, that is, directly sacrificing themselves and their own ghosts before people are about to die. In this way, he will not become a ghost, and the ghost will not be free.

Both parties disappear and disappear to avoid problems in the future.

"This kind of spirit is quite touching, but the approach seems a bit weird."

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net Fang Jie feels very surprised, because since it is a sacrifice, who is the sacrifice to?

At this moment, Fang Jie suddenly felt a wave of contact from the crystal ball, and he knew that someone was contacting him. "What happened?" Fang Jie didn't shy away and took it out directly.

Anyway, there is only the mayor here, and he is controlled by himself, so he can't hear anything at all.

"Ye Li, you actually contacted us, did you find something?"

Emperor Withered Bones knew Ye Li very well, this Missy didn't like to communicate with people very much. It seems to be normal, but in fact, the nature is very cold, so there must be something important.

"I did research and found some problems with the world."

"The foreign god in this world has indeed been sealed, but the world itself has also been hit hard. And the sealed god has been using his own laws to erode the origin of this world."

"Law erosion? No wonder the power system in this world is so strange. It seems that it is because of his erosion that people in this world use the method of ghost possession."

Zilan naturally knows about these things, and understands it more thoroughly.

In this regard, to be honest, Fang Jie really doesn't know as much as these people.

"That's right, that's it. I found that when they were about to die, they would sacrifice themselves, their souls, and their ghosts to the sealed gods. The gods couldn't absorb this power, so they used it to erode the world. ."

"If it continues like this, I am afraid that thousands of years from now, the whole world will look different. That god will directly become the master of this world and transform this world into his own kingdom of God."

Fang Jie was a little stunned, as if he had heard a lot of knowledge that he didn't understand.

Will the external gods still occupy the world and transform it into a kingdom of gods? What is the point of doing so, and what kind of existence is the kingdom of gods?

It seems that those worlds outside are not very peaceful with each other.

Even if there is no hunting ground for the heavens to hunt, those worlds are themselves in danger, and if they encounter danger, they may end up worse.

Fang Jie didn't understand and didn't interrupt, just listened.

"Since this is the case, then this is good for us. That god can't cause trouble for us. When the hunting ground of the heavens devours this world, it will be useless for that god to have many means."

In the end, the speech of the Great Withered Bones attracted everyone's approval. Just as he said, the level of danger in this world is much less than they thought.

The world has been severely damaged, so it is impossible to exclude them, and the sealed gods are even less likely to be released.

When they absorb the origin of the world, the time until they are swallowed is very short. Such a powerful seal, even if the world is actively opened in such a short period of time, it is absolutely impossible to achieve the purpose of releasing the gods.

So, it seems like it's time to let go and do it, Fang Jie thought to himself.

"Okay, since some of the situation in this world has been determined, then there is no need to hide it so closely. Try to completely solve this world within a year."

A year is already fast for them, but Fang Jie still feels that the speed is a little too slow.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net

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