Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 767 Attacking The Weird Country

The communication was disconnected, Fang Jie pondered: "I didn't expect there are so many hidden things. It seems that I know too little."

Elite demigods are worthy of being elite demigods. They live a long time and know a lot of things.

In their opinion, this is some common sense thing, but they don't know it at all. Even if I hear it, I still don't understand many things very well. This is the lack of fundamentals.

But Fang Jie couldn't take the initiative to reveal it, and it would be more troublesome for them to know that they were newbies.

If they want to calculate themselves, they can use all kinds of methods that they do not understand.

Although Fang Jie wanted to repay Emperor Withered Bones for his favor, people couldn't help but be on guard. Who knows what the other party thinks, Fang Jie doesn't think he can escape 100% if he takes advantage of the opportunity to deal with him.

"You forget everything before, nothing happened before, you were just sleeping."

Fang Jie said something to the mayor, and the mayor ran over to sleep in a daze.

And Fang Jie flashed and left the town without disturbing anyone. Continue to fly all the way to the south, this time the speed is much faster than before. In order to speed up the speed, Fang Jie directly used the fly.

Of course, not flying by himself, but relying on the dead soul bone dragon. This thing will fly by itself, so it won't consume anything.

All the way to the south, Fang Jie saw more and more towns and villages. This place is really desolate everywhere.

"I really don't know what's the use of that guy transforming the world into this way. The people inside are all dead, so where do believers come from." Fang Jie knows that believers and population are very important.

The more people there are, the more believers can be, and the believers are related to the power of belief in the gods.

Although Fang Jie himself can't use the power of faith directly, but through the tower of faith, he can already appreciate how powerful this power is. If you have to use it, you can also speed up your own improvement.

Fang Jie really doesn't understand the gods of this world.

Maybe that god was doing everything he could to escape.

"Hey, what is this place, it looks ghostly, but on the surface it's really prosperous."

Fang Jie watched from a distance, the place was full of people, yes, at least on the surface. However, Fang Jie found that there were no other human gathering places nearby.

Everyone seems to know that there is a problem here, so no one dares to approach this side.

Even some animals are very far away from here. Large cities plus surrounding towns are connected one by one. But after leaving this area, it immediately became desolate.

At first glance, it is all natural scenery, but there are not many animals.

Even some plants growing here exude an inexplicable aura.

Fang Jie could tell at a glance that this place was a large mythical creature.

No, it's not exactly one mythical creature here, but a lot of ghosts and mythical creatures are connected together.

"Maybe there used to be a lot of people living here, but unfortunately they are all dead now." The situation in this place is too similar to the ghost town that he released, and the scope is larger.

The people inside seem to be normal people, but they are actually ghosts.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net, but they are not repeating everything in the past, but they really live in it like human beings. I don't know if it's this kind of life, or something else.

Fang Jie is not a ghost, so I really don't understand this kind of thinking.

"This place is not bad. It is a good place to generate spiritual points on a large scale, and it is also a good place to comprehend soul-type spells." With so many ghosts gathered, it is absolutely easy to comprehend soul spells.

Of course, the first thing to do is to be able to survive here.

If you can't survive, then there is absolutely no good end to this place.

Being assimilated by these ghosts and becoming one of them is already a very common consequence.

But Fang Jie didn't plan to follow their rules to crack like them. Fang Jie flew directly to the sky above the mythical creature, releasing a powerful breath that impacted everything below.

The large ghost beetle was hit by Fang Jie's power, and it twisted up, as if it could shatter at any time.

All of them suddenly raised their heads and looked at the air with indifferent eyes like dead fish. Some people's faces gradually became hideous, but their eyes remained calm, as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

"Who, dare to come to my Hao Tian ghost country." The huge impact came back against the air.

"Hao Tian? What a big tone, this guy has lost his mind." Fang Jie sneered.

However, the impact is not weak, and it definitely reached the level of a demigod. Also, to be able to maintain such a huge piece of ghosts, how could it be possible without a demigod level. No, not yet one, but a whole five.

"Not bad, five demigods are considered a powerful force in this world."

Fang Jie was also polite, and with a wave of his hand, twenty demigods appeared beside him. These are not dead soul bone dragons, but those demigod subordinates brought by Fang Jie, who can't do everything by themselves in this world.

"Lord Lord, leave this to us."

As soon as they came out, these people knew what was going on. All the people flew over instantly and directly surrounded those ghosts.

Although ghosts are naturally able to fly, they are not very fast. So in real combat, they float at best.

But now, it's replaced by a few weird demigods. They never thought that the person who came to trouble them this time was actually so powerful. Although there have been people who have made trouble before, their strength is just that.

They haven't encountered such an enemy since they settled here.

"What should I do, brother, these people seem to be very strong."

"How do I know, I can't give up this place." When they reach a demigod, they can leave at will.

But they can leave, but those whose strength does not reach the legendary level cannot leave a certain range. This is a special rule for them. It's just that they don't have time to continue discussing.

The undead around, directly facing them. They know a lot about these ghostly undead.

In particular, the annihilation ghost is the nemesis of these same ghosts. At the beginning of the battle, a ghost of annihilation staged a classic assassination, instantly beheading a ghost demigod on the spot.

Except for a special thing, the ghost itself is very fragile.

So in the face of the assassination of the same type of assassin, it is not strange to be killed in one move.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net

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