Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 768 Inheritance Of The Ghost Type

The ghost itself has a lot of special abilities and is very troublesome, but it is actually very fragile.

Even if you find some rules, you can hit them hard with these rules.

It is not unbelievable for an assassin who is also a ghost to find an opportunity to kill him in one move. Fang Jie was next to him, grabbing the soul and pulling out the dead demigod soul and Divine Spark fragments.

"It's funny, it's really funny, and these weird tricks."

Fang Jie looked down, and many ghosts had already started to escape. But Fang Jie didn't want to let them go. Keeping these guys is a huge harm to others, so let's just deal with them.

Besides, dealing with these things can also get a lot of spiritual points.

At this moment, the spirit of mountains and rivers has appeared on the ground, taking itself as the center, absorbing a large number of spiritual points around it.

And seeing that another demigod appeared, and it was such a big demigod, the remaining four ghosts felt even colder in their hearts. What happened to these guys, why did they suddenly unite to deal with themselves.

Judging from their appearance, they are obviously from weird backgrounds, how can they still deal with their own people.

Although there will be fights between the weird, most of them are conflicts of their own rules.

Otherwise, it is more common for them to cooperate or have nothing to do with each other. Even if they reach the demigod level, they still maintain this state. This kind of large-scale alliance to deal with another force is really rare.

As for Fang Jie, it's not surprising to them that after Weird turned into a demigod, many people returned to human form.

Of the five brothers and sisters, didn't two maintain their human form?

But what happened to that giant tortoise, I had never heard of such an existence.

Fang Jie waved his hand, and a large number of undead were released. As a special arm, as long as they reach the silver level, they have special powers. It is very easy to deal with those ordinary ghosts.

In fact, with some special means, even ordinary people can threaten those weirdness.

It's just that people in this world don't know much about these things.

It's not that they don't study it, it's because the population is too small, and it's not an easy task to study it clearly when you can't just waste your life and don't communicate much with each other.

However, as Fang Jie probed the memory of the strange demigod, some things gradually became clear.

There are also the methods of ordinary weird people, although they are very amazing and magical, their level is really not high. Fang Jie just didn't think about it before and didn't think about those aspects, but after seeing it, he understood.

Those ghosts really cannot leave a certain range before they reach the legendary level.

But this is not absolute, Fang Jie saw some strange things below, and actually used the method of possession to attach himself to some creatures and let the creatures take him away.

That way you can leave where you are and go somewhere else.

And if the level is high enough, it can be completely hidden, so that other people can't feel their existence at all.

The creature itself is its own layer of protection, and this method is really clever.

In addition, there are some strange things, attaching themselves to some special utensils. Then use your own power to erode the artifacts, and you can play your own certain rules.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net Through these rules, they can hunt other people more easily.

Even in this place, it is possible to hunt creatures from very long distances. The more powerful you are, the farther you can go. I have to say, the methods of these guys are really eye-opening.

And these strange, it is not really that there is no normal attack mode.

It's just that their development is basically going in a weird and weird way, and direct attacks rarely exist.

On the other hand, in terms of possession, they have made some progress. For example, some rotting corpses, or even things with only bones left, some strange things will attach to them to attack.

Although this attack mode is very poor, but because it is too direct, the power is still good.

At least for ordinary people, these carrion skeletons are not weak.

Of course, this is a real carrion, not an undead soldier. Even if these corpses are possessed, they will rot little by little, and in the end only bones are left.

During this process, the decomposed corpse will produce a large number of viruses and bacteria.

Fang Jie even suspects that the lethality of this thing may be more terrifying than the ghost itself.

"These guys have really become so strange in their paths. But also, without the blessing of the world, they are rejected and suppressed by the world, and the gods from the source of power have not been guided, so it's normal to become anything."

Fang Jie understands this development model when he thinks of the situation in this world.

Not only the path of human beings has gone astray, but even the paths of those ghosts have also gone astray.

If it weren't for the death of a large number of creatures here, relying on the laws of this world's mutation to bring together a lot of power, relying on the strangeness of this world itself, it would not be easy to form a demigod.

In this way, most of the bizarre demigods are transformed into demigods after death.

They were demigods during their lifetimes, with powerful souls. After they died, they were eroded and mutated by laws, and they became this new kind of weird demigods.

Unfortunately, most of their memories have been sealed in the depths of their souls. If Fang Jie hadn't found something wrong and untied it, I'm afraid he wouldn't know these things himself.

They will think that they are born ghosts, and then act according to the ghost's character.

When a new personality is formed, even if the original memory is restored, it will be difficult to change.

"Although most of them are useless things, the things contained in them are quite good. There is also the inheritance of this soul type, but it can be modified and used well."

What Fang Jie values ​​most is always these special knowledge. Modifying it, it is definitely a good inheritance.

There is no such inheritance using the soul in his own territory. This thing is not only useful for the ghost itself, but also has a great effect on some people who have the talent to control the spirit.

Even if you don't control your own ghost units, ghosts are created in many places.

It can even become a hassle if it is not cleaned regularly.

There is no need to worry about Fang Jie, but it would be better if it could be used. Some people who seem to be not very talented at first may be geniuses in this regard.

Just thinking, the battle is over, and the four strange demigods have all been eliminated.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net

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