Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 770 Are We Become Animals?

The action of the cavalry army was very powerful.

A large number of troops ran out, and they found out the first time they approached those towns and villages.

"Report, there are cavalry approaching, I don't know who's team."

"No, there are still people raising cavalry these days. Are they preparing for war? They are all lunatics. Once too many people are killed in the war, they will directly create large ghosts. This is not fatal, right? ."

This kind of detrimental thing to others, no one will do it now.

After all, that kind of large ghost is simply a huge hazard. No one can deal with it, and it will also affect the surrounding area. Caused this area to become a dead place.

Weird didn't kill them all, that's because of Weird's special action mode.

If it weren't for this, people in this world would not be weird opponents long ago. After all, after so many years of development, human beings have almost no demigods, but there are many strange demigods.

Although Cultivation Martial Arts becoming a demigod will be much more powerful than a bizarre demigod, it requires too much time and resources.

Over the years, strangeness has been rampant, and generations of people have used the strange method of possession to improve Cultivation, and there are fewer and fewer people who can settle down and come to Cultivation martial arts. The population base is not enough, how can there be strong people.

"No, that's not human cavalry, it's weird cavalry."

"What! Yin soldiers are crossing the border, bad, hurry up and tell everyone to evacuate."

Large-scale shadow soldiers, that is only possible on large-scale battlefields. And once the Yin soldier crosses the border, the power is absolutely terrifying. Wherever they pass, all the people and the strange have to shy away.

Otherwise, if they are rushed over, they will not care so much, and will directly wipe out all those who are not their own.

The large-scale Yin soldiers gathered, and the evil spirits on their bodies were very powerful. That suffocating aura directly aimed at other strange things. Therefore, in the face of large-scale Yin soldiers, neither human beings nor the strange have the ability to confront them.

What they didn't expect was that the speed of those cavalrymen was too fast.

Before they could finish packing, he was surrounded by death knights.

He didn't rush over directly, and while he was relieved, his heart was sinking.

"My lords, Xiao Lao'er is the village head here. We don't know if anyone has offended you lords. If you want someone or something, just say it, and we will definitely deliver it."

They know that this is going to cost some people.

However, those who are sacrificed will not be missed, but will be hated by others. Because when they wanted to come, why would the family run over if someone hadn't provoked these underworld soldiers.

You know, those troops are not ordinary and weird, they will not run around without a purpose.

The discipline of the army, once they are dispatched, there must be some reason.

"By the order of the lord, from now on, you are our territorial people, and this piece of land will be the land of our lord." Everyone was stunned, but they never thought that they were actually grabbing the territory.

This is the first time I've heard of such a strange creature.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net, although ghosts like this will make them occupy the site, but they are not actively snatch it.

"Well, what does the lord mean to drive us away?" the village chief said cautiously.

"You will be our territorial citizens in the future, and of course you will live here. Someone will come over later and tell you the rules of the territory. One more thing, all weirdness must be eliminated, and you are not allowed to cover up privately."

"Wait, wait, the weirdness in us is used to deal with the weirdness. If the weirdness is cleaned up, they will die too." Seeing the cavalry aiming at the ghost hunters, the village chief was anxious .

Because these people are all heroes in the village.

In other words, without them, the village would not even have the ability to survive. Although the people in the village are very afraid of them, they are worried that they will suddenly become really weird one day, but no one wants them all to die.

"No nonsense, we have a way to prevent them from being hurt. In addition, the task of protecting you in the future is ours, you just need to survive well."

The knights didn't care at all and went straight to it.

The magic methods that have been sorted out a long time ago directly separated the weirdness in them, and then killed them. Although these people have become weaker, they find that they are really not dead, that is, they have lost their strength.

There is no danger of becoming weird, no pain, but no power.

After being eroded by strangeness for so long, they will not be able to do Cultivation martial arts in the future.

And Fang Jie just wanted to deal with these weirdness, but didn't think about restoring them. After all, when the world is swallowed up, who knows where these people will fall, and they will not be their own subjects in the future.

The cavalry finished all this, then inquired about the strange situation around, and left.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing why: "What's going on here, what should we do in the future."

"What else can we do, the family is strong, we can only listen. Remember not to merge with weirdness in the future, or you will be discovered and your family will be implicated in your own death." The village chief warned a few people.

I used to be afraid of these people, worried that they would be stimulated to backlash, but now I don't.

Without the weirdness, they are just ordinary people.

"We, have we become livestock?" said a former ghost fighter.

Everyone's expressions changed, and the village chief quickly said, "Shut up for me. You will never say such things in the future, you know." In fact, he himself had guesses, but he didn't dare to say anything.

After all, if you want to control yourself, there must be a reason.

From their point of view, I am afraid that these strange things are looking at their bodies and souls. After he died, or when he didn't die, he was transformed into their weird cavalry, or something else.

It seems that this is the only function that can make Weird fancy.

But what can they do when people are under the roof. It's better than before, those weird people will kill them when they see them. Now being reared, at least it can continue to reproduce, and there is no need to worry that everyone will die one day.

What they didn't know was that it wasn't just their village that happened at the same time.

The surrounding villages, towns, and even some cities were all attacked. In those cities, there are even legendary powerhouses, but under the attack of a large number of legendary undead, there is no resistance at all.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net

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