Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 771 Different Means Of Different Races

This expedition is different from before, Fang Jie can't stay in the base all the time without going out.

On the contrary, every time they encounter some places where the demigods are entrenched, most of Fang Jie will be dispatched to personally destroy them. The strength of the people under him is still somewhat flawed.

Give them too little time to discover, otherwise they definitely don't have to be busy every time.

"It seems that we still need to strengthen the training of subordinates." Fang Jie thought silently in his heart.

At the same time, in the process of communicating with others several times, Fang Jie also saw the various ways of fighting others. Unlike Fang Jie himself, other means are completely unacceptable to normal humans.

"Sure enough, people who are not of our race must have different hearts. This is very reasonable."

Fang Jie has no way to accuse him. After all, in the eyes of those ethnic groups who are despised by him, he is probably also heinous. The people of this world are mainly human beings.

Therefore, when Fang Jie fought, he controlled it and turned it into a vassal under his temporary control.

And his own means of attack, using some cavalry, using magic to fight.

But other people are different, first of all, the Great Emperor Withered Bones, this guy is worthy of his name. All his subordinates are all kinds of skeletons, and the skeletons used this time have a kind of Spiritual Strength on them.

It is said to be a kind of soul bone, and it seems to be somewhat similar to his own dead soul bone dragon.

This kind of soul bone itself has Spiritual Strength, and as long as it is attacked, it can damage the soul.

It can be said that this kind of skeleton is simply a strange nemesis, so the speed of advancement is very fast. And the subordinates of the Great Withered Bones brought more than 50 powerhouses with demigod strength this time.

And each strength is not weak, it is conceivable that these are definitely not all the subordinates of the Great Emperor Withered Bones.

As for the manpower below, it is miserable. The Great Emperor Withered Bones is not an existence that advocates the coexistence of multiple creatures. Facing those creatures, Emperor Withered Bones did not leave a single one behind and killed them all.

The bones are extracted as materials. Or to make skeletons, or to make other things.

It can be said that in the area where the Great Withered Bones is located, basically no one can survive.

Next is Ye Li, this little skeleton didn't shoot, Fang Jie didn't know how strong Ye Li really was.

But the threat I felt that day was definitely no joke.

Ye Li's subordinates are slightly less, but there are also nearly forty demigods, which can be said to be the second most numerous here. The aura on these demigods is also very dangerous, and their combat mode is almost one-shot kill.

Basically, he gave up defense and attacked with all his strength purely on speed. I think Ye Li is similar.

This mode is very dangerous to oneself, and even more dangerous to the enemy. It is indeed not the kind of enemy that is easy to deal with.

The subordinates are quite satisfactory, all kinds of normal ghost-type undead creatures, and the strangeness of this world is directly opposite. If there is no special means, I am afraid Fang Jie himself will choose ghost creatures.

However, the biological diversity of ghosts under Ye Li is not comparable to Fang Jie, as if her normal units are dominated by ghosts. Some types of arms, even Fang Jie looked a little jealous.

And those human beings under Ye Li also did not leave any living people, they all took away their souls.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net, and the corpse was directly thrown in place to rot, and it seems that there is no intention to stay there.

On the contrary, the weirdness was enslaved a lot, and Ye Li took the weirdness as her own hand and took control. Similar to Fang Jie's control, but the species controlled by the two people are different.

In the end, there is Zilan. Zilan's strength is stronger than Ye Li, but the development is obviously not as good.

Only thirty demigods came under Zilan's subordinates, but that was more than Fang Jie.

Among these people, only Fang Jie brought the fewest demigods and the worst quality. Therefore, in normal battles, Fang Jie is often the most tiring.

Others don't have to do this at all, which may also make people question Fang Jie's strength.

But no one asked, after all, different people have different methods. Moreover, Fang Jie's strength is also very strong, every time he just let the dead soul bone dragon take action, without revealing too much.

In addition to the dead soul bone dragon, Fang Jie's strength is not much weaker than Zilan's.

Zilan's subordinates are mainly carrion-type undead. This kind of undead has no advantage over weirdness. But they have a special kind of poison that can have an effect on the soul.

Fang Jie secretly got a few people for the King of Plague to study, but the results have not yet come out.

It seems that this plague poison is somewhat special, and it is not so easy to crack. But it is, after all, it is a trump card that a powerful old-fashioned demigod has made for a long time. If it was so easy to crack, it would have been ruined long ago.

And the area controlled by Zilan is the worst place in the environment.

Relying on a special carrion, Zilan turned the place he controlled into a swamp full of decay.

All the creatures were left alone, and even the environment was directly destroyed. The strange creatures were not controlled at all, but were sealed in the swamp by special means, becoming a defensive measure for their own territory.

The highly poisonous that permeates everywhere is not at all accessible to normal creatures.

However, those corpses were used well, and they all stood up one by one, becoming a special scenery in the swamp.

Only some special corpses will be made into subordinate units. As for how to choose, that Fang Jie is not clear.

Because of the massacre of the other three people, a large number of civilians fled in the direction of Fang Jie. Although there are constant casualties on the road, all kinds of strange and rampant land are constantly being created.

But after all, some people were able to reach Fang Jie's territory. And after coming here, they were finally able to survive.

Not to mention how life is, for them now, as long as they can survive, it is not easy.

"Really, if it goes on like this, will it be a little too noisy?"

Fang Jie has some headaches, he controls the territory by himself, and basically he won't make too much noise. Where the original people lived, they were basically still in those places, just with a new rule.

But the other three were really hot. I don't know if it's because I do so many things that I don't care.

It is also possible that in the eyes of the other party, he seems too cautious.

However, Fang Jie was thinking about the impact of this incident, and suddenly the contacting crystal ball emitted a light.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net

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