Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 778 Demigods About To Explode

"These are the biggest gains." Fang Jie looked at the legendary powerhouses who followed him.

When setting up the magic circle before, Fang Jie planned it well.

Standing at the forefront and absorbing the most are those legends that have not been split. When they become demigods, then they can directly fission them, which is thirty times the profit.

In this batch, there are dozens of them that can reach the breakthrough level.

Counting this wave, his demigods have harvested at least several hundred. This time, the demigods that he lacked have been supplemented to the greatest extent, and they are all demigods.

You must know that the power of the source is a very limited existence, exceeding the power of ordinary laws.

As the most original power in the world, as long as it has this power, even a soldier can break through its own rules, and can directly break through to become a demigod by relying on the power of the original source.

The next step is to cultivate these guys, and their source power is only enough to break through.

If you rely on this power to improve your own strength, then there is no way to break through the demigods. This is something Fang Jie will never allow, because it would be too wasteful to do that.

After giving the order, Fang Jie let them go for promotion.

As for how much resources are consumed, compared to the harvest, this is nothing at all.

Then Fang Jie looked at the other demigods, and this harvest gave them a lot of source power. Absorbing this source of power can greatly improve their strength.

Originally, Coster was not as strong as Dorora, but after this time, he surpassed her again.

I just don't know what's going on with Fang Hao. As the first hero unit to follow him, Fang Jie feels different about Fang Hao. Being weaker than others, Fang Jie always felt a little awkward.

When your strength is strong, you will have a way to continue to cultivate.

Forget it, no matter what, Fang Jie looked at the inheritance in his hands.

That's right, it is inheritance, to be precise, it is the modification of various inheritances in the previous world. Although the world was only occupied on the surface, Fang Jie's army had searched every corner of the world.

In these places, Fang Jie has found a lot of previous inheritances, which are all useful.

Others may not care, but Fang Jie is different, there are many humans and other creatures here.

After sorting out, the road of the warrior in that world is very interesting. Not only is it suitable for humans, but it is actually more suitable for orcs who are born with strong bodies. After sorting out, a new path appears again.

I believe this kind of thing will definitely be liked by all orcs.

Improve your physical fitness by exercising your qi and blood. Not only is the body strong enough, but the qi and blood condensed can also replace other forces such as Dou Qi, and there will be no obvious shortcomings in the Late Stage.

Another set of more inheritances is the inheritance of strange aspects.

The inheritance of these strange aspects can make people contract the power of ghost attribute creatures. With the help of the opponent's strength to fight, originally this set of methods would cause great harm to oneself.

But after Fang Jie's improvement, this kind of power no longer hurts himself, but can become a power to improve himself. The more contracts, the more powerful the ghost, the faster it will improve itself.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net, but some details have not been handled well, so this set of inheritance cannot be used directly.

"Go, find some research mages over here."

Fang Jie ordered it directly, and then started to organize these things.

At the same time, Qin Lan also learned the news of Fang Jie's return. Qin Lan did not come to Fang Jie immediately, but went to other places in the lord's mansion.

Looking at the few people in front of him, Qin Lan said with a serious face, "You all know what to do?"

Everyone nodded slightly, and their faces were slightly red, but there was no reluctance at all.

"Very good, now that you know, don't think about things you shouldn't think about in the future. It should be yours, of course, but if you have other ideas, don't blame me for being rude."

"Don't worry, Mistress, we all know what to do."

Some people spoke up, and others also spoke up. This mother-in-law made Qin Lan very happy, which represented his status. Although Fang Jie has never confirmed his identity, there is no difference.

After all, in Fang Jie's current capacity, a wedding or something has no meaning.

Besides, if Fang Jie really wants to do this kind of thing, the scale will definitely not be small. And many people have to be invited over, and this kind of thing is arranged, maybe it will be troublesome not to control a new plane.

It's better to be like this instead of laboring and recruiting a lot of people.

Anyway, even if there is no consciousness, in Fang Jie's home, no one can compete with Qin Lan for status.

Not long after, some mages came to the City Lord's Mansion and entered Fang Jie's study directly.

"Look at these inheritances, these are the next important tasks. With these, our ghost troops can play better, and even they can learn a lot of special skills through these methods."

"Lord Lord, ordinary ghosts may not be suitable, and we may need to study new weirdness."

"Is it weird? Can it be done?"

"There should be no problem. Although only one piece of the world was brought back, the laws attached to it have been recorded and merged. If we study more, we should be able to reproduce the weirdness."

Fang Jie nodded: "It would be best if it could be made, and it would be directly made into a new unit."

Only the arms are the easiest to control and the most stable, otherwise, who knows what will happen if they are weird. After all, this kind of thing, doing things according to its own ideas and rules, can easily hurt other people.

This is his own domain, and the people in it are his own people. Fang Jie doesn't want to scare them with weirdness.

After discussing the details, Fang Jie handed everything over to them.

After all, you only need to deal with the most critical things, and let your subordinates do the other trivial things. Otherwise, what do you use to cultivate so many mages?

Now I don't need so many mages to fight, even before.

From the very beginning, Fang Jie cultivated so many mages to help him study spell knowledge. Now that it has been expanded, all kinds of knowledge can be studied. After all, the talents of mages in different directions are also different, and their research abilities are not the same.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net

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