Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 779: The Talent Ability That Has Been Improved Again

Let a group of mages leave the research, Fang Jie finally explained everything here.

Next, digesting this harvest is the top priority. Although it is far from being able to get close to the gods, Fang Jie still knows that he can get close to the gods.

And some questions about becoming a god, Fang Jie also got it from the previous three people by way of side-by-side.

They want to become gods, naturally they have been preparing for a long time, and many things are already very familiar.

For some common sense issues for them, Fang Jie is not so easy to get.

As a result, they said something casually, in the usual conversation. The only pity is that they contacted too little and talked less, so Fang Jie got less.

But in any case, being able to know that is already a very valuable asset.

Most demigods, especially those wild demigods who don't have a powerful backer, have no way of knowing this. Without knowing these taboos, it would be so easy to become a god.

Suddenly, Fang Jie felt that Qin Lan had come to his lord's mansion, right in the room.

So Fang Jie decided to postpone these things for a while, and then ran to his room on his own.

"Qin Lan, why didn't you tell me when you came here?"

"Aren't you busy? Let's talk when you're done." Qin Lan's ears turned slightly red. Of course she knew what this guy wanted to do when he saw him for the first time for so long.

Sure enough, Fang Jie didn't think about anything, and hugged Qin Lan directly.

Qin Lan didn't resist either, just notified the two little foxes.

After a while, on the big bed that could hold half the room, the two little foxes, An Fei and Luo Qi'er, had lost consciousness and were sleeping beside them.

However, Qin Lan kept insisting, which surprised Fang Jie. If it was normal, Qin Lan couldn't take it anymore.

"Wait, wait a second, you guys are not coming in yet." Fang Jie was stunned for a moment, then saw several figures and walked in.

"These are your maids, and now I'm old enough to share."

share? Are you under so much pressure? Fang Jie was speechless for a while. I didn't even think about those things. My own woman actually took the initiative to find someone for me. Is this still a lady from the earth?

But seeing Qin Lan's tired face, Fang Jie also regretted it.

"Sorry, I didn't consider your state." If I knew this, I should have prepared something strong for Qin Lan. Although he can't improve his strength, at least he won't be exhausted like this.

For a long time, Fang Jie thought that women would only feel comfortable in this matter.

I didn't expect that I could make them all overdose by myself, and the second half became uncomfortable.

"I know, it's up to you next." Qin Lan made a color, and the others started to act.

However, Fang Jie, who was on the rise, was stimulated by Qin Lan's guidance, and then he followed the trend. Until the next day, Fang Jie was lying on the bed, smiling bitterly at the previous absurdity.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net Although it may be unbelievable to say it, Fang Jie really never thought of this.

In one night, there were five more women around. Fang Jie knows these people, two of them are from the fox clan, they have been with the two little foxes, they can be regarded as people who have served him for several years.

The other three were women who came with Anya at the beginning, and were carefully selected by some nobles.

Anya is so young that Fang Jie doesn't feel that much. However, the age of these people is not young, there is even one, and it has already met the adult age on the other side of the earth when it was first sent.

In the past few years, because he has been outside, these people have more contact with Qin Lan.

Qin Lan is a woman after all, and she actually accepts these people after more contact. Of course, it is also because his status will not be affected, otherwise Qin Lan will not lead the wolf into the room.

Even if you want to choose someone for Fang Jie, it can only be the one you can control.

As for those people outside who can pose a threat to him, or even just think about it, Qin Lan will never let them in, not even seeing Fang Jie's face.

For example, the elf countess of the Black Flame Empire at the time, Qin Lan would not let the other party approach.

Although that woman is an elf, she has a little more ambition and a little more ideas. Especially for the development of their black flame elves, who knows what they will do.

Lying on the bed, Fang Jie didn't want to wake up lazily, and simply opened his panel.

The power of the world has not yet been digested, but it has absorbed a lot before. Because of his own particularity, with the improvement, his talent has been upgraded again unknowingly.

And it is not an ordinary talent, this time the upgrade is his own fission of the undead talent.

"It seems that after they break through, the profit will be higher." Fang Jie's mouth cracked an arc.

Undead Fission Level 8 (Unique): Simultaneously fission 100,000 undead under his command, turning each into 50, consuming 1-3000 mana points, and the maximum fission limit is demigod. The only talent, no second person will get the same talent. Being in the realm of the gods, you can use the power of the realm to fission the undead anywhere in the interior.

Unconsciously breaking through the level 8 Undead Fission talent, the number of fission has changed from thirty to fifty, that is to say, fifty times the income. If it is to directly create arms, add your own territory to assist.

The two fission has reached 2,500 times the income, which can scare people to death.

At the same time, the number of fission has doubled from 50,000 to 100,000, with little change. The maximum mana consumption has changed from 1,000 to 3,000, which is nothing to Fang Jie.

Anyway, they all recovered in an instant, and this consumption is almost the same as nothing.

However, Fang Jie found that there is a special change. Not only can he rely on God's Domain to fission the undead at any location in the God's Domain, but he can also rely on the spirit of mountains and rivers to fission the undead inside and near the spirit of mountains and rivers.

I don't know if this is to regard the spirit of mountains and rivers as part of his own divine domain, or some other change.

In short, Fang Jie can feel this change, but it is not reflected on the panel.

Many skills are like this. Some functions are always not exactly the same as what is written on the panel, or there are some things that the panel does not think needs to be written. These are all things that need to be tested by yourself.

Although some abilities are not considered important by the panel, they are actually not the same thing at all, just like the control ability of the cycle of life and death, which is such a situation.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net

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