After all, Fang Jie doesn't need to watch over entertainment matters.

Even with Fang Jie's current situation, he is not very keen on these things. The next time, Fang Jie basically spent on researching new knowledge and absorbing the power of the source.

With the continuous absorption of the power of the source, Fang Jie feels that the power in himself is also increasing.

During this period of time, only his basic attributes have been raised to more than 700. The power absorbed last time has not been completely absorbed, and a large part is still left.

I believe that if these are absorbed, my basic attributes can be raised to more than 800, and it is not impossible to even approach 900.

The attribute limit of a demigod is 999, which Fang Jie has long known.

Any attribute reaching the full value has reached the basis of advanced. Of course, as for whether you can advance, it depends on your own understanding of the law. It is impossible to advance if you cannot reach it.

With the power consumption of the source, Fang Jie is not much trouble in this regard.

At this time Fang Jie felt that his strength had improved a lot, and it was very easy to defeat the previous self.

If it continues and this wave of source power is completely absorbed, then the people from the previous Withered Bones Great Emperor will not be their opponents at all. Even if I face three at the same time, I believe that I can easily suppress it.

It just depends on whether the opponent has any special means to kill it.

If this wave of power is absorbed completely, according to Fang Jie's own progress calculation, he will not be too bad in the law of white bones.

When I meet the Great Emperor Withered Bones again, even if my own bones are still not as good as the opponent's comprehension, I can still do it without letting the opponent interfere with me, which means that I can fight normally with bones.

Even after blessing other laws, one's own bones can suppress the opponent in turn.

All these changes make Fang Jie very happy.

But what makes me most happy is the development of my own men. Some time ago, the legends who absorbed the power of the source, after this period of training, one after another reached the peak.

Then use the power of the source to completely break through the bottleneck of his own.

You can directly become a demigod without resorting to a test. Among them, there are many people who have not undergone fission. My own fission limit is a demigod, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to change if it continues to improve in the future.

After all, at the level of the gods, it is impossible to fission it so easily.

And even if it is a demigod, after the fission, those newly created can only reach the level that has just entered the demigod. Even if the attribute is relatively high, the perception of the law is always just a little bit.

Afterwards, if you want to improve, it still depends on your own understanding.

The laws at the level of the gods cannot be created by their own fission.

Maybe I can find an opportunity in the future, but I don't need to think about it for the time being. However, even so, the number of demigods under his command continued to increase. For the next improvement, let them develop another world by themselves.

In addition to these, there is the newly born demigod-level Pluto Dragon.

After a long period of gestation, I finally got a few Pluto dragons in my hands. These Pluto dragons, Fang Jie easily fissioned them, one became fifty, and it was a large piece at once.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: After a series of fission, Fang Jie found that his demigod level combat power has exceeded one thousand.

"It's finally broken through 1,000, and it can continue to increase after that. The harvest this time is really not small."

Fang Jie was in a better mood. There are more than a thousand demigod-level subordinates, even other old demigods, no one can compare with him in number.

Of course, this is only in quantity. The quality of other veteran demigods is much higher than their own.

However, in terms of overall strength, the opponent may not be able to surpass himself. After all, even if it is the Great Emperor Withered Bones, he only brought out more than fifty demigods last time, although each of them is not weak.

If the opponent had thousands of demigods, how could they have taken out two or three hundred to fight last time?

However, Fang Jie doesn't know the specifics. These demigods have just entered. If they don't improve, they can't really play any role in the battle of the same level except to contain them.

On the contrary, the demigods had absorbed more of the power of the source last time, and their strength has now improved a lot.

Their absorption speed can be much faster than Fang Jie, after all, they have less ability and are easy to adapt. And their source power is also small, and now many people have completed the absorption.

The most powerful Kost, now the strength is barely comparable to the old demigod.

Although it is not as good as the four who worked together last time, the gap can be seen.

The two Costers combined can tie one of them. It's just that Koster doesn't have a special ultimate move, and it's up to Koster to comprehend this.

Within two days, Fang Hao returned to the territory, which surprised Fang Jie.

"Not bad, you are still the best."

Fang Hao bowed his head slightly, his luck was good, this time he encountered a very big different world. After some planning, this world, which was at a low point in overall strength, was finally brought down.

Fang Jie felt the power of half of the source allotted to him, and he knew that Fang Hao had gained a lot more than Coster's combined several times. As long as it is absorbed, it is still the top combat power of his own.

"Okay, let's not talk too much, you can absorb it during this time. In a few days, we have other plans."

Now that the strength of the territory is enough, I have to prepare for the next plan.

"I haven't been there for a long time, let's go and see." That's right, Fang Jie is going to the City of Death again.

Although there are not many places, it is too chaotic. On the surface it is calm and natural, but in reality the water below is very deep. If you are not careful, you may be submerged.

That's why Fang Jie didn't want to go for so long.

But this time, I had to go, because for so long, my Divine Realm did not encounter another plane. Fang Jie knew that the plane might not be as easy to find as he thought.

This past, is also to change this situation, so that he can get the opportunity to find other planes.

If God's Domain cannot be completed, Fang Jie doesn't want to continue to upgrade God's Domain. Because this will definitely leave some hidden dangers, otherwise there would be no such statement. If you don't know the specific inside story, then do the best you can with what you know.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name:

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