Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 786: The Great Emperor Withered Bones Becomes God

After signing the contract, Fang Jie immediately felt a force projected into his domain. The location is his own temple, but Fang Jie found that the temple now has the function of distinguishing and filtering.

After confirming that this power is not harmful, let this power really work.

"Yes, yes, the role of the temple is greater than I imagined, and it can automatically distinguish the good and evil of power."

Although happy, Fang Jie knew that this effect was only so great. After all, there is no harm in receiving your own power, which does not mean that after you leave, you will still not have any other calculations for yourself.

In this regard, it is easy to bypass, so the real insurance depends on your own strength.

In an instant, Fang Jie left his divine domain and appeared in a great hall.

However, this time the location is no longer in the square, but in the temple in the middle. From here, you can still see the square, which should be where you used to be.

You don't have to think about it to know that this is where the Dark Cloud God has always gathered them.

When he was a demigod, he would still stand in the square outside. Looking around the interior of the temple, there are also some demigods, and there are no gods. So, what's the difference?

In terms of strength, it should not be so easy to check out, and there are also some old-fashioned demigods outside.

Therefore, there is only one reason why he can appear here, and that is God's Domain.

With God's Domain, there is a foundation for becoming a god, and it will be much easier to become a god in the future. It is more than a hundred times more difficult for people who do not have God's Domain to become a God, and it may even be more difficult.

So this is the treatment for these people, they are qualified to let the gods take a high look.

"This time the orcs and we have discovered a powerful world at the same time, and we are fighting for it. The local gods are almost dead, and our enemies are only the people from the orcs."

"If you want to compete for the world, you can actually rely on us gods. But the conflict between them and us is going to be a fight. This battle is mainly about killing the enemy, do you know that?"

Everyone nodded, and Fang Jie was a little surprised. It turned out that Wu Yunshen said so many words.

It seems that it was not because he spoke less before, but because the level was not enough, it was not enough for the gods to speak more.

Fang Jie, like the others, lowered his head silently. His position is not very far from the door, which means that among these people, his Divine Realm is probably not very powerful.

But think about it, how long is your own God's Domain?

After all, if there is a god's domain, it proves that there must be a territory. Only when the territory develops above the main city can it become a god's domain.

Even if their territory is not the ability that they are born with, it is absolutely impossible for them to develop for such a long time. It is impossible to surpass them in a short period of time.

However, Fang Jie is not afraid of his own strength, because his strength is definitely among the top.

Fang Jie has felt all the people here before. Although everyone is restrained, Fang Jie's perception ability is strong enough. Except for a very small number of people who have a little threat to themselves, the others have no threat at all.

And even those who are threatened, the threat is not very big.

If you want to come and do it,-->>

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As a last resort, this site uses a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net can't beat the other party, nor can it be hurt by the other party.

It can even be said that he can easily press all the people to fight, the only problem is that he does not know whether the other party has some special killer moves. For a demigod who has survived for so many years, it is normal to have any trump card.

"Now, everyone sets out, with only one goal, to destroy everything in the orc camp."

This sentence is said to everyone, and the people in the square can only hear this sentence.

Then, a force wrapped everyone up and teleported out instantly. By the time Fang Jie found that his vision had stabilized, he had come to a new world.

Suddenly, Fang Jie felt a terrifying force filling his surroundings.

Fang Jie quickly took out the crystal ball and found that the power was transmitted from it.

This thing was given to him by the Great Withered Bones to communicate with him. It seems that there are some backers in it.

However, being able to exert this kind of power proves that the opponent's strength has surpassed that of a demigod.

"Don't resist, I'll bring you to my side." Withered Bones Emperor said, and then the surrounding forces began to shake the space. Even if the power of the gods has no space attribute, it can still exert an effect on space.

It can even be said that the gods can affect all kinds of power. It's just that there are no rules in it, and the effect is not strong.

Fang Jie felt it and found that he could easily resist that power, it seems that this power is not mandatory. Simply letting go of the resistance, spatial fluctuations erupted, and Fang Jie appeared in another place.

At this time, the two familiar undead, Zilan and Ye Li, were already in this place.

"Please take a seat." The voice of the Great Emperor Withered Bones sounded, and the Great Withered Bones was sitting at the highest place at this time.

Fang Jie glanced at it, and then felt a little tingling in his eyes, so he quickly moved away. He knew that the Great Emperor Withered Bones had become a god, and the gods could not be looked at directly, even if they were demigods. .

If a person under the demigod looks directly at the real body of the god, his eyes may be blinded in an instant.

Fang Jie had some doubts, it was Emperor Withered Bones trying to disarm them. Looking at Zilan and Ye Li next to them, there seems to be a sense of sympathy, although I don't know how the skeleton shows emotions.

But come to think of it, they have been treated like this before.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get down to business. The main reason for you to come here is to join forces with you."

Fang Jie was a little surprised, the Great Emperor Withered Bones had already become a god, do you still need to unite with his own demigods?

And even if they are united, is their posture so low? Think of the God of Dark Clouds, but it has never behaved like this. This also made Fang Jie suddenly discover that the gods don't seem to be the same.

At least even if they are all gods, there are highs and lows, and the black cloud god is obviously not low.

It can even be said that the old god of the dark cloud does not know what position he is in among the gods. He has also always led people below the gods to attack other worlds, but the God of Dark Cloud has never shown his face.

It can be said that the people under him do exactly what they do, or join other organizations, but Wu Yunshen doesn't seem to care. And the god withered bone emperor, who has just become a god, is much worse on the level.

The other two were also a little surprised, but showed nothing.

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