Lord of the Starry Sky

Thirty-seven. The other side of the divine boat!

The rubble belts in the cosmic starry sky are said to be rubble, but the smallest ones are as big as houses, the largest ones are as big as mountain peaks, and there are even existences as huge as asteroids.

Shen Jian shuttled through the gravel belt for a long time. Wherever he looked, could he see a battleship?

"Disguised as a boulder?" He thought as he raised his right hand and concentrated on the token.

The light patterns in his palm flashed a few times, and he felt something in his heart and flew in one direction.

After a while, Shen Jian stopped and landed towards a boulder.

The hard and cold rock surface looks no different from the surrounding boulders.

After Shen Jian thought for a moment, he stretched out his right hand and pressed his palm on the rock surface.

Suddenly, a black hole silently appeared on the rock in front of him, and a huge suction force came from it, swallowing him up instantly.

Shen Jian calmed his mind and checked the condition of his body while his true energy was circulating. There seemed to be nothing unusual.

At the same time, he was also observing the scene in front of him.

Although the light was dim, it was still possible to make out that he was in the corridor inside a battleship.

"It's very similar to Yanhuang's usual battleship style." Shen Jian looked around the corridor environment.

But according to many information in the battleship database, this battleship is probably extremely advanced.

The Yanhuang Federation, or the Yanhuang World, currently cannot have such a powerful psychic battleship.

This is not Shen Jian's blind judgment or belittling the Yanhuang Federation.

Even if the Yanhuang World has military secrets and very advanced research, it cannot reach the level of this battleship because it is completely beyond imagination.

Not to mention the Yanhuang World, even other worlds such as the Kaiyuan World and the Yuxing World would hardly have such a battleship.

A battleship that seems to exist more in fantasy or imagination.

"But the database and the interior style of this battleship look similar to our Yanhuang battleship." Shen Jian walked forward in the corridor.

"...like, from the future."

Guided by the token sigil, Shen Jian walked all the way to the battleship bridge, where the real control room was.

Some gates seem to be damaged and cannot be opened.

But the hatch is still working normally, and with the token, Shen Jian can pass through it without any hindrance.

When he finally stepped onto the bridge, he saw operating platforms in front of him.

Most of the light curtains were pitch black, but a few still lit up and flickered in the dark bridge.

Shen Jian watched all this with some obsession, running his fingers over each instrument.

Time was limited, so he calmed down, refocused his attention, and first searched for the core control room where the captain was located.

Soon, Shen Jian found his target.

Opening the control room, the internal environment was exactly the same as what he had seen in the token virtual world.

After searching for a moment, Shen Jian took off his starry sky protective suit, stretched out his right hand, and pressed it on the center of the console.

There was a soft "buzz" sound, and Shen Jian felt as if the entire battleship was shaking.

In the originally dark control room, many light screen interfaces lit up instantly.

Even on other control desks in the bridge outside, more light curtains lit up.

However, the battleship still seems to be sleeping.

Shen Jian's movements seemed to just make the sleeping giant turn down slightly.

At the same time, a few words seemed to appear directly in Shen Jian's mind.

"The other side... the god... boat?"

He murmured to himself: "A divine boat carrying people to the other side of the starry sky?"

Looking up at the light screens, Shen Jian smiled: "I like it."

He checked the operation interfaces one after another in the actual control room according to the instructions of the token.

"Sure enough, it was severely damaged before."

Combat control...failed.

Power control... malfunctioned.

Communication control... malfunctioned.

Detection Control...Incomplete Operation.

Self-healing control...incomplete operation.

Seeing this, Shen Jian paid special attention.

This battleship actually seems to have the function of self-repair, and it currently shows that the repair progress is only 14%.

The accumulated time that has been restored, converted into the customary time of the Yanhuang world, is about two hundred years.

"Two hundred years, will it also be the time this battleship stays here?" Shen Jian continued to check and saw other text descriptions on the interface.

Due to the lack of spare parts, the fault cannot be repaired by itself, and the final repair limit is expected to be 55%.

Judging from this, although the battleship has the ability to repair itself, the damage was too severe before, and some failures were due to complete scrapping of components.

Such a malfunction needs to be solved by replacing new parts, otherwise the warship itself will be unable to make a meal without rice.

"It took two hundred years to reach 14%. When it repairs itself to 55%, it will take at least more than four hundred years." Shen Jian operated on the interface.

The battleship's spiritual brain, which still retains some functions, quickly responded to him.

Including the replacement of missing components, if all conditions permit, the warship can repair itself to more than 80% within a few years.

But this so-called "all conditions are allowed" is very harsh.

Shen Jian was not discouraged. Instead, with shining eyes, he asked the Battleship Brain to list out the form, and then he wrote it down carefully.

Although he yearned in his heart that he could control this divine ship to sail to the other side of the Star Sea, Shen Jian did not feel frustrated by the situation in front of him.

If there's a way to get the thing, or find a way to speed up the repair, that would of course be the best.

Just try your best, and it doesn't matter if you can't get it. Being able to open all the databases of this battleship is also a treasure.

In this real battleship control center, more areas in the database can be opened than in the virtual control room manifested through token sigils.

Although there are still many areas that cannot be opened due to damage, Shen Jian is very satisfied at this moment.

The only pity is that my time here this time is relatively limited and I have to return later.

"There is no crew list, and there is also a lack of historical and cultural information." Shen Jian has not given up on investigating the origin of the other side of the Shenzhou. Unfortunately, the information in this area is basically blank.

"Could it be that one person piloted this battleship to come here? But even so, why is this captain's information blank? Where is the voyage log?"

Shen Jian frowned and looked at the areas in the database that he could not open at the moment, thinking endlessly.

Where did the original driver go?

Is the relevant information in these unknown areas?

He tried again for a while and found that it really couldn't be opened at the moment, so he stopped worrying: "Let's wait until the battleship is roughly repaired."

Shen Jian clicked on other operation interfaces: "There seems to be nothing in the dining room and crew living area.

Ammunition depot... Well, the data cannot be retrieved. It seems that it needs to wait for repairs.

The same goes for the energy storage warehouse. Well, what is this area? Item warehouse?

It looks like it can be opened here. "

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