Lord of the Starry Sky

Thirty-eight. First meeting?

After some operations in the control center, Shen Jian left the bridge and headed to the item warehouse.

Just like on the way here before, not a single person was seen in the entire battleship.

Not that it's a ghost ship.

In fact, all areas of the battleship, especially the living area, are simple and new, with no trace of anyone having lived there before.

It seems that no one has come up since the battleship was refined and built.

Even if there are, they are only a handful of people, and they have not been in the living area.

To be able to live without food, eat wind and drink dew, one must at least be in the Golden Elixir stage.

Shen Jian felt more and more that this ship might really have been driven here by just one person.

From this perspective, the previous owner of the battleship and the battleship itself are not simple.

The internal space of this other shore divine boat was very huge. Shen Jian walked through it for a long time and came to the location of the item warehouse.

He pressed his right hand on a jade stone at the door, and the token talisman in his palm caused the heavy warehouse door in front of him to open to both sides.

Shen Jian stood outside the door and observed for a moment before stepping inside.

Inside is another corridor with multiple doors on both sides of the corridor.

This warehouse is very huge, so it is divided into several different areas.

Through previous inquiries in the control center, Shen Jian knew the general classification of each area.

However, due to damage to the database, he was unable to obtain a detailed and huge list of items.

So what exactly is stored in each partition has yet to be sorted out.

Some key components that are missing in the repair of Shenzhou on the other side must not be here, otherwise the self-repair function will be automatically called up.

Shen Jian estimated the time. The flow was stopped in the control center for a long time before, so I was afraid there was no time to sort and select carefully.

If it drags on for too long, I'm afraid it will attract other people to rescue and search.

Opening one of the doors, Shen Jian entered.

The room seemed relatively empty, with not many things piled up. Shen Jian opened a cabinet, which contained rows of crystal-like crystals in various colors.

The starry sky protective suit on his body looks bloated, but the space inside is relatively limited.

Shen Jian had already made plans, took out ten colored crystals, put them away, and then closed the cabinet door.

He didn't open the other cabinets in the room and went out, entered another warehouse, and then randomly selected a cabinet to open.

After picking and choosing, Shen Jian exited the item warehouse, locked the door again, and left.

He went to the place where he came in, checked that he was wearing the starry sky protective suit, and then stretched out his right hand again and pressed it on the hatch of the battleship in front of him.

The hatch did not open, but Shen Jian himself seemed to have passed through the wall and suddenly went from inside the battleship to outside.

In front of him was a vast strip of gravel. When he turned around, he saw that he was also leaning against a huge rock.

From the outside, there is no way to tell that this boulder is actually the Shenzhou on the other side in disguise.

After Shen Jian took another careful look at the boulder, he finally turned around and flew in the direction he came from, leaving the gravel belt and returning to the star shuttle.

On the star shuttle at this moment, some tourists from the same group as Shen Jian have returned one after another.

They stopped at the transit isolation area, took off their starry sky protective suits and other equipment, and handed them over to the second batch of tourists.

The staff on the shuttle were on hand to guide and inspect.

The first batch of guests who took off their devices returned to the cabin where their seats were.

Although Lin You should be the third group of tourists to set off, her mind was not here at all. She came here early and quietly stood guard outside the transfer area, hoping to wait for Shen Jian to come back and talk to him alone.

Lin Lan stood aside and looked helplessly at his sister.

"You should be back, right?" Lin You looked worried.

"Have you thought about what to say later?" Her sister sighed: "Don't just jump on me and say you want to have a baby with someone."

Lin You snorted.

"Just thank him for saving his life first, and then see the other person's reaction before saying anything else." Lin Lan continued.

Just as Lin You was about to speak, the door in front of him opened and someone came back from the transit area.

Seeing that the visitor was a girl, sisters Lin Lan and Lin You looked away again.

The other party passed by them and returned to the cabin.

The girl returned to her seat, put down the isolation mask, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately no one noticed. It was so dangerous. My heart nearly jumped out when those people were checking me just now. Fortunately, you little guy can atomize it by yourself."

She opened her palms, and there was a pattern on her palms, like a tattoo.

The pattern swayed, as if it came alive on its own.

The blue mist rose from the girl's palm, and then gradually manifested into a small spiritual beast.

This spiritual beast looks like a cat, but it has three tails. It is all white and has blue eyes. It is small and exquisite and looks really cute.

The girl looked at the three-tailed civet. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. She took out the spiritual fruit from her pocket and fed it: "I picked it on the space island. It's delicious. You will also like it."

The three-tailed civet stretched out its tongue and licked the girl's palm, the blue light in its pupils getting thicker and thicker...

What happens in the private space inside the isolation barrier is difficult for outsiders to know.

In the Star Shuttle's monitoring room, everyone was concerned about another matter.

"Why hasn't No. 7 come back? Was there an accident?" someone asked.

"It's moving, he's moving and he's coming back." Someone else replied.

Sisters Lin Lan and Lin You were surprised to see Shen Jian come back after waiting for a long time.

However, Shen Jian finally returned to the Star Shuttle in time.

After handing over to another tourist who had been waiting for a long time, he left the transit area.

It was a bit troublesome for the staff to check the things he brought back. Originally, Shen Jian had prepared an excuse, but he didn't expect the other party to have something urgent, so he asked him a few questions and let him pass.

Shen Jian left the transit area and entered the corridor of the star shuttle cabin, only to be greeted by two people.

One of the long-haired girls took off her mask and sunglasses and looked at him with wavering eyes: "Brother, we finally meet again."

Shen Jian took a closer look at the long-haired girl and then asked uncertainly: "Uh... are you Lin You?"

The long-haired girl was happy and excited: "It's me!"

"You came here specifically to find me?" Shen Jian asked, "Is something wrong?"

"I want to be your bride and give you a child!" Lin You replied without hesitation.

Lin Lan next to her was so angry that she wanted to cover her mouth with her hands.

Shen Jian was stunned.

After he came back to his senses, he said: "I was very surprised when you said goodbye just now. If I remember correctly, it should be the first time we met in reality, right? When you suddenly said that, I was really..."

"How could this be the first time?" Lin You said anxiously: "You saved me when I was a child!"

Shen Jian shook his head: "I think you recognized the wrong person."

"You recognized me just now!" Lin You protested.

"Although I don't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, of course I recognize you because you are so popular." Shen Jian said, "It's just that you don't look the same as usual, so I wasn't sure just now."

"I was just afraid that you wouldn't recognize me, so I didn't put on any makeup when I came to see you this time!" Lin You said.

Her usual makeup is specially designed by professionals in the industry, which highlights the characteristics of the iceberg beauty.

Now that she has taken off her makeup, she has a different kind of beauty. Although her face still looks a bit cold and aloof, her lines are much softer, less cold and cool, less mature, more in line with her actual age of sixteen, and full of girlishness.

The long-haired girl said anxiously: "Don't you remember me? When I was a child, I was a little fatter than I am now, but it hasn't changed much, it's just that I have grown taller!"

Shen Jian looked at her: "You said I saved you? What happened to you then?"

Lin You replied: "I'm drowning. If you hadn't saved me, I would have drowned."

Shen Jian asked: "How many years ago was that?"

Lin You replied: "I was nine years old at that time, seven years ago!"

Shen Jian: "Oh, seven years ago, when I was ten years old..."

Lin You: "How's it going? Did you remember it?"

Shen Jian: "No, I'm sure you got the wrong person."

Lin You: "How could that happen?!"

Shen Jian: “Because I couldn’t swim when I was ten years old.”

Lin You: (⊙?⊙)

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