Lord of the Starry Sky

Eighty-four.1 Everything has just begun

The great world of Yan and Huang has a long history, with its glory in ancient times and its downturn in modern times.

Now, the Yanhuang monks who have risen again are working hard.

In the process of transforming from the ancient monastic era to the modern monastic society, the ancient Yanhuang world was a step slower.

Nowadays, the development of the endless star sea in the future may be another huge change and become an opportunity for Yanhuang to rejuvenate.

With the passage of long years and the rapid development of modern monastic civilization, whether it is the Yanhuang World, the Kaiyuan World, the Yuxing World, etc., the development and consumption of its own resources has reached its limit.

Simply relying on the local area, or adding a few subordinate worlds developed in the past, everyone's development will gradually fall into a bottleneck.

Fortunately, the endless void of the universe is vast and contains a large number of new resources and treasures, waiting for people to discover them.

Including the Yanhuang World, the top powerful people in all worlds are often involved in the exploration of the void of the universe.

Now, initial results have been achieved, and many outer space footholds have been established, and based on this, we have continued to expand further into the void.

Apart from the society of ordinary people, in addition to the necessary military and police defense forces, the remaining monks who stayed in the local area were mostly members of the education system and the younger generation, who worked hard to cultivate and continuously provide talents.

Just like what Shen Jian said in his previous conversation with Gao Hui.

The future of the world lies in the endless starry sky.

The landing place of the star boat is Tianhai City in the Jiangnan area of ​​the Yanhuang World.

Tianhai University and Deep Space University are both located here.

The psychic spacecraft landed and stopped in the space well, and Shen Jian and other passengers walked out one after another.

"Go ahead and get busy. Contact me when you have time." Si Yulong waved to Shen Jian.

After Shen Jian said goodbye to him, and was about to leave, he heard a ringtone ringing on Si Yulong's handheld brain.

Si Yulong connected to the voice transmission, and an angry voice immediately sounded inside.

"Where did you go, dead fish? Do you still want to do it? If you don't want to do it, just tell me, I'll find someone else, and get as far away from me as you can!"

Ordinary people can't hear it, but with Shen Jian's hearing, he can vaguely hear the faint curse.

As Si Yulong walked away, the voice was no longer clear.

Shen Jian stood there and stopped.

He did not look back at Si Yulong. Even though the other person is facing away from him, he may feel his gaze.

After a moment of silence, Shen Jian walked away again.

"I've arrived at Tianhai City. Where are you?" He first sent a message to Wang Jinyan.

After a while, Wang Jinyan replied with an address.

Apart from the address, there was no other text, which was completely different from his habit of long speeches and almost exceeding the character limit in every message, which fully demonstrated Lao Wang's embarrassment and reluctance at this moment.

Shen Jian ignored his mood at this time and went to look for Wang Jinyan.

When he arrived at the hotel room, he rang the doorbell. After a while, the door slowly opened, revealing the dark, tall and thin figure of Lao Wang.

In the first sentence of the meeting, Shen Jian said directly: "I have contacted Aunt Gao and promised her that I will go to see her with you as soon as possible after meeting you."

Wang Jinyan was crestfallen: "I knew it would be like this."

"Otherwise, why do you think I came all the way to Yanhuang World to be your middleman?" Shen Jian followed him into the guest room.

The rest of the room was in a mess, showing the previous poor emotional and living state of the room owner.

But on the table, many materials have been sorted and placed neatly.

After talking to Shen Jian on the phone, Wang Jinyan seemed to gradually calm down.

"It seems that you are ready, then let's set off." Shen Jian said.

Wang Jinyan asked dullly: "What did my mother say?"

"What can you say?" Shen Jian asked.

"Does she believe that I am innocent?" Wang Jinyan sat on the bed, hunched over and head lowered. Shen Jian couldn't see his face clearly, but he could roughly guess what he was thinking.

"If you tell her yourself, she may not believe it, but isn't it because of me?" Shen Jian replied, "I will vouch for you, and your credit is enough."

Wang Jinyan immediately cursed: "Damn! You are obviously much more unreliable than me. I just speak more carefully, clearly, comprehensively and thoroughly, unlike you who are despicable, cunning, shameless and deceitful without drafting!"

"What you said just now is just telling lies with your eyes open." Shen Jian said.

Before Wang Jinyan could retort, Shen Jian slapped him hard on the shoulder: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go, everything has just begun."

Lao Wang exhaled a long breath, clapped his hands on his knees, and stood up from the bed: "Okay, let's go!"

He stored the information in his palm, then took the completed written materials and left the hotel with Shen Jian.

The two went to Tianhai University to meet Gao Hui.

While walking on the road, Shen Jian asked casually: "The quantity of the liquid I collected for you is limited. I'm afraid it's not enough for large-scale research, right?"

"One of the wonderful things about the Star Sound Bead is that we can use what we have now to find more in the void outside the world." Wang Jinyan replied excitedly.

The silver liquid is extremely viscous, and every drop is as round as a bead.

Xingshengzhu was named by Wang Jinyan. Generally speaking, as the first person to successfully research this newly discovered material, he has the right to name it.

Of course, this is now also part of Zhao Tao's fight to seize the opportunity.

Shen Jian asked again: "How did you bring those mysterious liquids out of the Deep Space University laboratory?"

Logically speaking, the other party plagiarized and seized Wang Jinyan's research results and materials, and the laboratory was in deep space, so it was difficult for Wang Jinyan to resist.

With his strength and skills, it was impossible to escape with his things.

But if this treasure was left at Deep Space University, the other party would not use the scavenging incident of the two of them as a reason to apply for the federal government's official intervention to forcibly confiscate Wang Jinyan's materials.

Shen Jian kept wondering about this on the way here.

"I didn't take all the materials to the laboratory. I kept some of them at a bank and opened a personal counter for storage. The part I brought to the laboratory was consumed by experiments and there was not much left. Those bastards also tried to trick me into taking the materials from the bank. In the past, luckily I discovered something was wrong in advance." Wang Jinyan replied angrily.

Shen Jian lamented: "A fool may think a lot, but he will always get something."

Wang Jinyan responded with a middle finger.

At this moment, his mood had completely calmed down.

But when he arrived at Tianhai University and saw Gao Hui, Wang Jinyan couldn't help but feel a little ashamed and embarrassed.

Gao Hui was calm and didn't ask Wang Jinyan about his future college choices. He just asked him again in detail about the incident.

Then, she took Shen Jian and Wang Jinyan to meet two other people.

A director of the school office of Tianhai University.

A head of the weapon refining department of Tianhai University.

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