Lord of the Starry Sky

85. Pay interest first

From the moment Wang Jinyan came into contact with Tianhai University, the nature of the matter changed.

The conflict between him and Zhao Tao officially escalated into a competition between Tianhai University and Deep Space University.

As the two top universities in the weapon refining department among the universities in the Yanhuang world, although the focus of research is different, the two sides still often compete in various academic research, and they are already familiar with it.

Tianhai University intervened, and the direction of public opinion suddenly changed from one-sided to mutual criticism.

Overall, Deep Space University still takes the lead.

After all, the matter happened in their laboratory, and it was easy for Zhao Mingyuan and Zhao Tao and his son to do anything.

But fortunately, Wang Jinyan is not an unknown and incompetent person, but a rare rising star in the circle of weapon refiners. Tianhai supports him and has enough confidence.

Deep Space University applied for federal intervention, but Tianhai University and Wang Jinyan also cooperated.

"One thing must be made clear. You can accidentally find this Star Sound Bead anywhere, but you will never pick it up from the Void Territory with your own hands."

Shen Jian and Wang Jinyan took the reminder from the school office director in Tianhai to heart.

Anyway, when they first entered the Void Territory, although Lao Li, Xiao Meng and others were accompanying them, they also knew that Shen Jian had gained something by entering the cave alone. However, Shen Jian was vague after coming out, and no one knew what the gain was.

Strictly speaking, Wang Jinyan obtained the Star Sound Bead from Shen Jian.

No one witnessed where Shen Jian got this thing. Only he knew clearly.

Before, Wang Jinyan had revealed something to Zhao Mingyuan without any precautions.

But that was a tacit thing. No matter how loud his mouth was, he would never explicitly tell others that he was a scavenger.

Just like Shen Jian's hints from Principal Chen before, he would not admit it openly.

"The superficial evidence is not favorable to you. As you said, Zhao Mingyuan's laboratory in the Artifact Refining Department of Shenzhen University is almost overwhelming."

After being questioned by government departments, and with the care and management of Tianhai University, Shen Jian and Wang Jinyan escaped unscathed.

Back at his residence, Shen Jian said: "However, it's not that we don't have a chance to make a comeback.

It's impossible for you to not meet other deep space students in a deep space laboratory, right?

The reason why Zhao Mingyuan can cover the sky with one hand is because that is his home field and his prestige can cover it, so the deep space students speak for Zhao Tao with a unified voice.

Once he can no longer protect him, we can persuade him to retract his confession, and things will take a turn for the better.


At this point, Shen Jian paused for a moment: "It is very likely that the government is coordinating this matter and is trying to make things up, because there are too many things involved behind the scenes."

Hearing that there was something else in Shen Jian's words, Wang Jinyan was horrified: "What do you mean?"

"It's a long story." Shen Jian thought for a moment and then said, "Deep Space wants to recruit you. They must know something about your family background."

Wang Jinyan nodded: "Not bad."

"Aunt Gao and even Tianhai University may intervene. Zhao Mingyuan and Shenkong may not have expected it, but they are still very confident, so I guess they have other things to rely on." Shen Jian said slowly.

Wang Jinyan was slightly stunned.

"Zhaochen, or rather, the military." Shen Jian glanced at him.

Wang Jinyan was stunned. After a while, he gradually understood what Shen Jian meant: "You mean, there are rumors that the military is suppressing Tianhai..."

Shen Jian nodded: "Our principal, Mr. Chen, you should also know why he left Tianhai back then."

Of course Wang Jinyan knew.

Space navigation and exploration have been the responsibility of the military in the early years. Later, they were gradually opened to the private sector, but they are still dominated by the military.

It was not until the last hundred years that the trend gradually changed, and the federal government encouraged private citizens to participate in large-scale voyages and exploration and have greater autonomy.

In the Yanhuang higher education system, Zhaochen University and Tianhai University have the best warship departments.

Needless to say, Zhaochen has a military background.

Within Tianhai University, there have been some changes in the warship department in recent years.

Mr. Chen, who supported the military-led development of space voyages, sadly left.

A group of people who support the complete opening up of private voyages and explorations have the upper hand, led by Gao Hui's mentor, currently Director Sun of the Shipbuilding Department of Tianhai University.

This naturally dissatisfied the military.

To be precise, many measures taken by not only the Imperial Ship Department but the entire Tianhai University dissatisfied the military.

As times change, although it has become a modern monastic civilization, some things will not change with the times.

For example, Tateshantou.

The sect factions may have become blurred, but after all, there will be forces from all sides that will unite for one reason or another.

Due to historical reasons, the Yanhuang Federation military has always been very strong.

It was only in the past few hundred years, when the situation was relatively peaceful, that the military's influence slowly waned.

This is actually a necessity.

After all, monks are not ordinary mortals.

A certain level of rules benefits most people and everyone can abide by them.

However, the too strict military management is destined to be difficult for most monks to accept.

In a special critical period when a family is exterminated, in the face of greater dangers and conflicts, it may be possible to get everyone to obey orders and act in a unified manner, but it is difficult in peacetime.

The military still has a high reputation in the Federation.

The federal government has also insisted on the propaganda that joining the army is glorious, and a large number of new people join the army every year.

But for hundreds of years, powerful monks have continued to leave the military.

The two are not contradictory.

The struggle between non-military forces and the military is also relatively mild, and most of them are contests under the table.

Among them, Tianhai University is regarded as a major bridgehead for non-military forces in the education system.

In recent years, the relationship between Tianhai University and Zhaochen University has been relatively tense, which is actually a manifestation of this.

"Now it seems that Tianhai and Shenkong are arguing, but is there a chance that the situation will escalate?" Wang Jinyan looked a little ugly.

"I guess, but it's not impossible. It depends on how things develop." Shen Jian said: "After all, the matter involves ultra-long-distance communication technology across time and space. This is an important weapon of the country. It is not impossible to attract the attention of the top bosses. .”

Wang Jinyan cursed: "If this level has been alarmed, the result is more likely to be a mess. Isn't it in vain that I was ripped out by Zhao Mingyuan and Zhao Tao!"

Shen Jian looked at him calmly: "The final competition will still fall on you. Whoever can achieve more leading results faster will have the last laugh."

"Yes, you are right." Wang Jinyan took two deep breaths to calm down: "But I still feel bad!"

"Of course it's impossible to just forget it." Shen Jian said: "Deep space is deep space, and the Zhao family and his son are the Zhao family and his son. We must settle the accounts with them clearly."

He took out his palm brain, pulled out a news article, and placed it in front of Wang Jinyan: "Now, let Zhao Tao pay us back some interest."

Wang Jinyan lowered his head to read the news, but what he mentioned was the upcoming Magical Weapon Expo in Tianhai City.

Shen Jian tapped his fingers on the table: "Shenzhen University has its own exhibition stand, and there is this Zhao Tao's work on the list of exhibitors."

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