Lord of the Starry Sky


"Zhao Tao is also participating in this year's Magical Weapon Expo?" Wang Jinyan heard Shen Jian's words and immediately searched for the list of exhibitors.

Sure enough, he found Zhao Tao's name and his works.

Machine beast, shadow wolf.

Wang Jinyan frowned: "Is it this again?"

Last year, Zhao Tao actually participated in the Magical Weapons and Magical Weapons Expo, and the exhibited work was also this mechanical beast called Shadow Wolf.

It has multiple functions such as combat, warning, search, and rescue, and has the ability to perform dangerous tasks on behalf of people in complex and unknown terrain environments.

Zhao Tao hopes to use this to get large orders from the military and police, or orders from some major forces.

He is about to graduate from Deep Space University, and this is a shortcut to continue his studies or establish his own business.

However, at last year's exhibition, in the face of high-standard testing by buyers, Zhao Tao's mechanical beast was considered to have room for improvement in the psychic power talisman array.

Since he is confident of making a comeback this year, it shows that the problems last year have been resolved.

"But his shadow wolf is not just a problem with the psychic power array. I always feel that there is something wrong with the overall structure of that machine beast." Wang Jinyan curled his lips.

"It's fine if you feel something is wrong." Shen Jian said, "I remember that you once tried to develop a magic weapon to deal with machine beasts."

Wang Jinyan shook his head: "We haven't succeeded yet, we're far from it.

I really want to invent a magic weapon that can restrain all the machine beasts in the world, but different types of machine beasts have their own secrets, and the powerful machine beasts are more comparable to high-level monks.

Although I am confident, I still have to study this path.

It will be good to see some initial results when I reach the golden elixir stage. "

Shen Jian looked at him: "At present, it is not necessary to be able to deal with so many kinds of machine beasts. It is enough to be able to deal with one kind."

"You mean..." Wang Jinyan stopped talking and began to think deeply.

Shen Jian waited quietly.

After a long while, Wang Jinyan said slowly: "If my judgment is correct, there is really something wrong with the structure of Zhao Tao's shadow wolf, then it will be easier to be restrained by the function of my magic weapon.

But after all, I don’t have the complete design drawing of Shadow Wolf. The public information that can be found on the spirit website is still too superficial and cannot touch the core. "

Shen Jian said: "On the day of the exhibition, maybe I can try to help you check the internal structure of the machine beast, but I guess there won't be much time left for you then."

After Wang Jinyan was stunned for a moment, he guessed Shen Jian's general meaning, and then nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, if I can't do it, I won't have the confidence to ask the Zhao family for debts in the future?"

He hummed: "Just like you said, Zhao Tao, he will pay me some interest first!"

After being reminded by Shen Jian, Lao Wang did what he said and immediately went into retreat again.

A few days passed quickly.

The day soon came to May 10th.

This day is the day when the Tianhai City Magical Weapon Expo is held.

Tianhai City is one of the few large cities in the Yanhuang Federation today. What is particularly worth mentioning is that the business atmosphere is extremely developed.

Not only do people come and go in the Yanhuang world, but there are more than one starry sky gates in Tianhai City that are stable here.

Some of these star sea gates lead to the Taiyin world where Shen Jian and others lived before, some lead to the distant void, the stable bridgehead established by the Yanhuang Federation's outer space exploration, and some lead to Kaiyuan, Yuxing and other big worlds... …

Tianhai City can be called the forefront of Yanhuang Federation’s external exchanges.

Several expos are held here every year.

This session in May is mainly for monks with lower levels of cultivation.

Don't underestimate this aspect. The total demand for magic weapons at this level is often the largest.

Especially in recent years, the federal government is undergoing some reforms, and some government departments and even military and police departments will conduct public bidding at similar expos.

It was this opportunity that Zhao Tao was eyeing.

He is the son of Zhao Mingyuan. His father is one of the few masters of weapon refining in the Yanhuang world. The resources and connections he brought to Zhao Tao are certainly very developed.

However, unlike Zhao Mingyuan who is keen on developing and refining magical weapons for civilian use, Zhao Tao is more inclined to develop in the direction of military use.

That doesn't mean he's interested in joining the military.

But he is willing to establish relationships with senior military and police personnel to open up the situation.

It's hard to talk about other professions, but for an artificer, no matter how good he is at it, the establishment of personal relationships will ultimately depend on his work.

Last year, Zhao Tao actually had the opportunity to sell his Shadow Wolf, but unfortunately, the psychic power talisman array did have some flaws, which led to failure.

He was not discouraged. After a year of research and improvement, he fully solved the previous problems and achieved optimality under current conditions.

This time, Zhao Tao firmly believed that he would not fail.

Sure enough, once the exhibition started, Shadow Wolf stole the show and attracted many people's attention.

Compared with other low- and mid-level machine beasts currently on the market in the Yanhuang World, Zhao Tao's Shadow Wolf has huge advantages in terms of performance and price.

Even compared with similar imported products from Kaiyuan, Yuxing and other worlds, they seem to be not inferior and the cost is even lower.

Zhao Tao has won great praise, and people are praising him for his courage after realizing his shame and his instant success.

The negative impact brought on him by the constant bickering and disputes with Wang Jinyan these days has actually been diluted a lot.

But what makes Zhao Tao most happy is that his Shadow Wolf has received the attention of the military personnel responsible for bidding and procurement.

"In addition to completely civilian types, machine beasts still need to be tested in actual combat." The officer said.

Zhao Tao smiled: "Of course, we have prepared a total of twenty-two practical subjects, which can be started at any time."

The officer shook his head: "Actually, it doesn't have to be that troublesome. It's most intuitive to find another type of mechanism beast, or find a monk at the first level of the foundation building stage, and try it out in actual combat."

Zhao Tao was full of confidence: “We are prepared for this.

We have prepared three kinds of machine beasts of the same level, as well as a monk who is at the first level of the foundation building stage, and another monk who is at the tenth level of the Qi training stage.

At that time, this student who is at the tenth level of Qi training will fight against the shadow wolf with bare hands and fully armed with battle armor, and the results will be presented to you. "

The officer looked at him: "I won't bother you teachers and students in the deep space. I want someone from our army to give it a try. Do you have any objections?"

Zhao Tao's confident smile never faded: "Of course you can, but I believe the result will always satisfy everyone.

Before that, why not take a look at our practical subject display?

This will also help you learn more about Shadow Wolf, and know yourself and the enemy, right? "

The officer did not continue to refuse, but nodded directly: "Okay, let's get started."

The exhibition venue covers an extremely large area and has all kinds of facilities. After Zhao Tao said hello to the person in charge of the Deep Space University booth, he took everyone interested in Shadow Wolf to the actual battlefield.

One after another practical subjects are displayed in front of everyone.

Everyone looked at it for a moment, including the officer, and they all nodded involuntarily, obviously extremely satisfied with Shadow Wolf's performance.

The arranged test subjects are gradually approaching the last few.

In a lounge, a senior student from Deep Space University who was in the tenth level of Qi training was checking his armor and paying attention to the time.

Seeing that it was his turn to appear, he pushed open the door and walked out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the door, he saw a person standing outside blocking the door.

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