""Master! Still no useful resources have been found... except for bugs~"

After searching the entire planet, Ling Yun ran to Ye Mo and reported to him first.

Ye Mo looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle and sighed. His mentality collapsed.

He searched three planets in a row, but there was nothing except bugs.

This was very sad...

This time, Ye Mo explored three planets in a row, but unfortunately he obviously did not continue the luck of the first planet.

The three planets were all bare dead stars.

Except for a large number of bugs, no resources were found on them.

This was also the first time Ye Mo encountered space Zerg.

Unlike what Ye Mo imagined, the level of the space Zerg on these three planets was not high.

According to the evaluation of the universe lord world, it was only level one to level three.

Ye Mo thought that the Zerg living in space would be of high level, but it seems that this is not the case.

The space Zerg that Ye Mo encountered on these three planets was mainly a kind of insect similar to a mantis, and a bit like a cricket.

It was three to five meters long and was called a double-blade mantis insect.

"Space Zerg: Double Blade Mantis"

"Grade: Level 1 to Level 3"

"Job Type: Attacking Zerg"

"Combat Power: 500 to 5000"

The whole body is extremely black, and it is a social insect race.

The combat power of this kind of insect race itself is not high, but there are a lot of them, like ants, a large group of black!

On each planet,

Ye Mo killed at least 5 million insects.

On the three planets, the number of insects added up to 20 million...

In front of the Qingqiu Fox, these insects are as weak as ants, and they can be killed with just a breath.

This level of insect race is not threatening, but annoying.

After all, even crushing an ant to death takes time and effort. This is the first time Ye Mo found that he hates insects so much.

Bugs from level one to level three are overwhelming. It can't give too much experience. After clearing the bugs on three planets, the overall level of the universe citizens has only increased by two levels, and this is with the blessing of 300 times the experience!

The Qingqiu Fox, which is as high as level 60, hunts low-level universe monsters, and the experience points it gets are not enough!

The most annoying thing is that the universe energy crystals obtained are only 200,000 pieces, and an average of 100 bugs produce one universe energy crystal...


I have never seen such poor bugs in the Advent Lord World!

It's a complete waste of time! What makes

Ye Mo even more speechless is that after he eliminated 20 million Zergs, the Universe Lord World also gave him an honorary title.

"Honorary Title: Space Zerg Cleaner!"

"Congratulations to Lord Ye Mo for destroying 20 million space Zerg and obtaining this achievement title!"

"This title has no substantive function, but it is a display of the lord's personal honor!"

"You came to the universe and made an outstanding contribution to the entire universe in clearing the Zerg, hunting down more than 20 million space Zergs! Every advanced civilization will be grateful to you!"

"I hope you can keep up the good work and kill more Zergs!"

"Note: This honorary title will be displayed under the lord's portrait."

Ye Mo,"……"

Are you sure this is an honorary title, not a title of a great enemy?

Three consecutive planets are full of bugs,

I must have a grudge against bugs! What

Ye Mo didn't know was that the double-bladed mantis worm thought the same thing!

Do we have a grudge against you?!

Do you think we Zerg want to meet you?!

The little bugs were just happily gnawing on the stones on the ground, and you came down from the sky and destroyed us!

What a bad fate!

Who did I offend...

However, this is the exploration of three planets, and it also made Ye Mo think clearly about one thing.

This universe exploration is more difficult than he imagined.

It's just that Ye Mo was too lucky.

The first planet he explored found a relic of an alien civilization.

This gave Ye Mo an illusion that every alien planet has a lot of resources.

In fact, the universe is vast, and there are countless planets.

The number is trillions, which is an understatement.

It is impossible to find valuable resources on every planet.

Most planets, like the three barren dead stars that Ye Mo searched for, have nothing but bugs. Some may not even have bugs... In other words, in space exploration, searching for valuable planets is actually a low-probability event!

"What a waste of time!"

Ye Mo sighed.

You know,

Ye Mo is still doing a short-distance voyage within the galaxy.

It takes at least half an hour to two hours to go from one planet to the adjacent planet, plus landing on the planet, searching, and dealing with the bugs that run out to make trouble...

Almost every search for a planet costs about two hours!

Ye Mo has dealt with three planets in these five hours, which is already a very high search efficiency!

Ye Mo looked at the entire vast galaxy, and there are still 250 planets that have not been explored.

If all of them are explored completely, it will take at least... a month?!

The most important thing is that if this month is spent, it may not necessarily get the ideal harvest.

If nothing is found, he will continue to explore another galaxy.

In a blink of an eye, several months will pass... It is very likely that nothing will be found after spending several months , which is unacceptable to Ye Mo!

"There must be a way to improve efficiency!"

"It's just that I didn't think of it or encounter it!"

Ye Mo believed in his sixth sense.

He felt that there must be a solution, and there must be some detail that he didn't notice.

Ye Mo confidently looked at the attribute panel several times, and suddenly noticed the cosmic technology value of the person lying in the corner.

"The cosmic technology value you can use: 210,000 points!"

"The cosmic technology value can be used to settle the technology planet after the space exploration stage!"

Have fun reading on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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