Cosmic technology value!

How could I forget about it!

Ye Mo had actually noticed this a long time ago.

Whether it was occupying a small spaceship or occupying the remains of an alien civilization, there would be a certain amount of cosmic technology value gained!

However, this technology value needs to unlock the technology planet before it can be used, and unlocking the technology planet requires entering the space exploration stage.

Ye Mo had just entered space and was too excited to remember this matter.

Since this is a special value given by the universe lord world,

Ye Mo is absolutely sure that this technology planet will definitely have unexpected effects!

Thinking of this,

Ye Mo no longer hesitated. Let

's put the exploration of space aside and get the technology planet out first.

"Unlock the Tech Planet!"

Ye Mo said directly to the Lord World.

"Ding! Unlocking the technology planet requires 100,000 technology points and 100,000 cosmic energy crystals. Are you sure you want to unlock it?"


This unlocking requires money?

Ye Mo suddenly had a bad feeling.

I haven't gained any benefits yet, and you want me to pay 100,000 cosmic energy crystals.

Isn't this technology planet a trap?

Ye Mo's decision will not change.

""Give it to me!"

As Ye Mo was deducted 100,000 technology points and 100,000 cosmic energy crystals, the technology planet was officially unlocked.

The three-dimensional map of the spacecraft showed a special satellite that revolved around the planet where Ye Mo landed.

It was like the relationship between the earth and the moon.

Needless to say, this satellite is the technology planet!

I didn't expect the technology planet to appear in the form of an artificial satellite!

At the same time,

Ye Mo's mind also had the cosmic coordinates of this satellite.

It seems that he needs to go to this technology planet before he can take the next step.

An hour later,

Ye Mo successfully reached the technology planet.

Ye Mo was surprised.

From the outside, this technology planet looked like a round mechanical ball with a diameter of five kilometers.

When Ye Mo arrived, a concave hole opened in the center of the mechanical planet for Ye Mo to enter.

The technology planet was not large and could not accommodate the spacecraft to dock.

Ye Mo only flew into it when he arrived at Lingyun and the three sisters.

After entering, he found that there was another world inside.

This is a spacious control room with a pure black sphere with a diameter of five meters in the center, suspended in the center.

When Ye Mo arrived at the control room, there was also a display on the black sphere.

"Ding! Welcome Lord Ye Mo to the Science and Technology Planet!"

"This technological planet is exclusively for Dragon Country Lord Ye Mo! No one except Dragon Country Lord Ye Mo can use it!"

"By paying the corresponding technology value and cosmic energy crystals, the technology planet will unlock the lord's exclusive cosmic-level technology!"

"One point invested, ten times return! It is your only choice to dominate the universe!"

"Please make good use of it and unlock more!"

"Unlocking the first level of Lord exclusive technology requires 10,000 technology points! 10,000 energy crystals. Lord, can you unlock it?"


Unlocking Lord exclusive technology also requires money?

Why do I feel like I'm entering a pyramid scheme?

One cent investment, ten times return?

Is it that exaggerated?

The first level of Lord exclusive technology only requires 10,000 technology points and 10,000 energy crystals.

Ye Mo can afford it.

It's just a small amount of money!

I, Ye Duoyu, invested in this project!

Even if it doesn't work, it's just a waste of 10,000 crystals!

"Ding! Congratulations to Lord Ye Mo for unlocking the first stage of Lord-exclusive cosmic technology!"

"Please select your favorite exclusive technology from the following three options!"

"Charm Transformation Fluid: Double the charm! The charm of the lord and his cosmic subjects is doubled. When you make contact with other alien civilizations and conduct friendly negotiations, it is easier to gain the other party's favor!"

"Battlefield Mind Deterrent: Placed on the battlefield, it can enhance the deterrent effect! When your cosmic subjects gain an advantage, the enemy's momentum will be reduced by 20%! The enemy's combat power will be reduced by 20%!"

"Lord storage space (rare first-level exclusive technology): The lord's exclusive storage space is made using space transformation technology! Unlimited capacity! The lord can store useful materials in the storage space and use them at any time!"

"At the same time, the lord can also give permission to his subjects to put the harvested materials into it!"

"Note: This technology is a rare first-level technology. If you choose this exclusive technology, you will need to pay an additional 1,000 energy crystals per day as a usage fee!"

Ye Mo,"!!!"

This is the correct way to use the technology planet!

It can unlock the lord's exclusive technology!

But it seems that three are unlocked each time, and you can only choose one!

Ye Mo took a look, and these three exclusive technologies are really good, not the kind of garbage that can't be used!

The charm transformation fluid seems to be used to improve charm, if it is used in friendly contact with other alien civilizations in the future.

Ye Mo thought for a moment, among the three exclusive technologies, it seems to be the least useful to him!

Friendly consultation?

Is it useful?

The Qingqiu Fox is so strong, if the alien civilization doesn't know what's good for you, just crush it!

There is no need to force the opponent at all!

Do you know that the truth comes out under your fist?

The second battlefield mind deterrence device is an icing on the cake.

If the Qingqiu Fox has an advantage on the battlefield, it can have a deterrent effect on the opponent's mind, reducing the opponent's momentum and attack power.

Ye Mo knows that the real purpose of this battlefield mind deterrence device is to reduce losses!

After all, the star wars are often hundreds of thousands or millions of people.

If the opponent's combat effectiveness is reduced, this time a lot of space lords will be sacrificed!

But this works for other lords, but not for Ye Mo...

Ye Mo is not like other lords.

In every battle, more than 20% of his personnel will be lost.

So far, there has been no precedent of Qingqiu Fox dying.

All of them are crushed by strength!

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