Lord Shadow

969 The New Path II

Azief had nothing to hide so he nodded

Sasha then look back down at the floor, but one could sense that there is a storm going on her heart right now

No matter how powerful Death Monarch really is, it is not easy for him to raise his level just like that.

Sasha is confident of Death Monarch ability. But in the off chance that something goes wrong with Death Monarch, then Pandemonium would be besieged on all sides.

It is not that Sasha did not hear about Death Monarch declaration of protecting Loki. That alone had put Pandemonium as the target of many

And now, Death Monarch is about to go into seclusion.

The reason that they did not dare move is simply because Death Monarch is in the Divine Comprehension level.

There is no one above him on Earth and even those who reached Divine Comprehension level is still on the beginning stage like Hikigaya and Jean.

They could not threaten Azief lead right now

But, if Death Monarch suffers some mishap during his attempt of trying to break through, those enemies in the dark would surely pounce.

But there is nothing more she could say

She knows where to draw the lines and she understood why Azief is taking such a risk. It is because of Katarina.

Sasha herself had once tangled with Katarina but she had no hard feeling for that woman.

But one thing she does admire was the fact that this woman had the heart of this cold man in front of her.

Even though the relationship between Sasha and Death Monarch had grown closer, there is still this invisible wall between them

And both of them understand where the line ends. Azief is the superior. Sasha is the subordinate.

They did not cross these lines, staying faithfully inside these lines.

So, to Sasha, she did not feel the warmth that Katarina, Sofia, Sina and Loki experience. The warmth that he had is reserved for those closest to him

For many, Death Monarch is a cold person with merciless attitude toward his enemies. That was not necessarily true.

But the world had painted his image like this and this image had without a doubt shape the way the world sees Death Monarch

In a way, the World Government propaganda years ago does have some effect in the way the world views Death Monarch

Sasha nodded.

She was shocked with the way how easy it was for Death Monarch to come to her and bring her back but she had already calmed down.

Now, since the task is given, she is about to return to do her job. She had to call of the things she had prepared.

And she also had to try to call all of the department head of the Shadow Guard

The Shadow Guard to some people is a small but elite group of people tasked with executing the will of Death Monarch

This is not entirely wrong but it is not entirely true either. It is true about executing the will of Death Monarch.

That is not wrong. What is wrong however was that it is small.

Since it is an organization that is clouded with secrecy, most of the time people do not have a complete grasp of the extent of the size of this organization.

The public face of the Shadow Guard is Sasha. She is the head of the Shadow Guard. All the information in Pandemonium always in the hand of the Shadow Guard.

And the information that the Shadow Guard possess is not constrained only in Pandemonium as they also possess all kinds of dirt on all the Great Powers.

The Shadow Guard had many divisions.

To some of the high officials of the Pandemonium administrator, they know that the Shadow Guard acted like the supervisors of these secret departments but other than that, they were as clueless as other people

The only one that knows the true size and how many departments there is in the Shadow Guard is only Azief and Sasha.

And because of the power that Azief had bestowed Sasha, enabling her to create department according to circumstances, the power to execute first before reporting, there is even some secret department that even Azief did not know.

During the expansion of the world, Sasha enacted a certain protocol.

The heads of these department follows her protocol and now most of them are all scattered all over the world.

Azief did not know the full story but he knows it would take time for these heads to return back to Pandemonium, hence the one-week time period.

After saying his orders, Azief did not say anything else, remaining silent on his throne. Sasha face frown a bit before she sighed inwardly

It is very hard serving someone who did not say anything much

Since Sasha is accustomed to this, she was about to excused herself out of the room when suddenly she stops.

There is a complicated expression on her face

She closes her eyes and she ask herself…...should she really be asking this? But she wanted to know.

And she believes that if she got some guidance from Death Monarch, it would clear her confusion.

This confusion is related to her future Grand Path. If anyone is closer in realizing their Grand Path, it is none other than Death Monarch.

She sighed open her eyes and she turns back to look at Death Monarch.

She did not bow.

Azief who was about to think of a certain way to breakthrough also saw Sasha behavior and his eyebrows was raised.

Sasha and him had always had a very formal relationship.

When they meet each other in the capacity of superior and subordinate, Sasha would treat him very formally.

They were times of course when they are informal with each other.

But Sasha prefers formality and it is not something that Azief dislike either.

This kind of behavior shows that Sasha is going to be informal.

There is a trace of a smile on Azief face. He waited for her. Sighing again, she then become determined.

'Death Monarch, could I ask a question?' Azief confirmed it this time.

When it is something about work, Sasha would always address him as my lord. But, this time she addressed him as Death Monarch

He nodded and said

'Ask it'

'I felt something when the world expanded and the surges of energy from the multiverse pouring in. It was like there is a fundamental change is happening. I felt like there is a brand new path for me. Is this feeling wrong?' she could ask this question to Azief.,

Of all the people in the world, he is the one walking in the front and the only one that probably knows the answer

Sasha since the beginning of the expansion of the world felt something on her path. She is a Nightingale. That is the title she had and the title that everyone in the world is accustomed to it

But it is actually the secret class of thieve class.

That is why her stealth technique is very advanced and when she wants to hide, there is rarely anyone that could smoke her out.

If not for the fact that her level and Death Monarch level is heaven apart, she could even hide from the eyes of Death Monarch.

Sasha had struggle a lot.

In the Fake World she lost all of her powers and then recultivated from the beginning, choosing another class and this time with the help of Sina potions manage to solve a quest and acquired the secret class.

After that, being the blade of Death Monarch will, she had become a powerful official in Pandemonium, a position in which she could amass a lot of information and resources.

Her advancement then became very fast and while others are struggling to break through to Disk Formation, she had done it even though she cultivated back from the very beginning.

Her level is also very stable because while she did use external help, she did not rush it like in the beginning.

This is the advantages of working for a powerful organization and why some people out there would sacrifice their freedom to join the Great Powers.

However, there is now a problem that Sasha had felt now that she is in Disk Formation level.

Even though, she had broken through a lot in this six years and she had reached the Middle Realm of the Disk Formation level, there is no trace of her finding her own Grand Path.

Every once in a while, the feeling come.

But the moment it came, it disappears as fast.

She knows that if she could collect energy and even more energy she could break through to Divine Comprehension

But, her Divine Comprehension level would not be able to deter or threaten other Divine Comprehension leveler.

Because her Laws would lack substances. Azief on the other hand cultivated thirteen Laws.

For someone to cultivated so many Laws, it then follows logic that it would take even more time for them to understand and master these Laws.

But logic never did follow Death Monarch.

With the help of the Thirteen Steps of Supremacy, he had understood the Laws like he had been studying it for ten thousands of years.

As for Sasha, if she continues on this path, by the time she would try to break through to Essence Creation, it would be insurmountably hard. And the path might be cut off from her by that time. There is a chance for her to stop at Divine Comprehension and never ever be able to progress again.

But, the calamity today, brought about a sense of premonition in Sasha heart.

There is a fated chance for her. A feeling of a certain interconnectedness that urge her to find her path.

How could she then remain calm? But, she is also confused. This feeling is it truly a chance? Or is she feeling something else and she is wrong?


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