Lord Shadow

970 The Truth of the System

Actually, what she felt is not special. Everyone felt it. Like there is a brand new law that is actualizing in this planet.

This kind of thing could not be hidden.

A new way suddenly appeared. Thousands of new path suddenly exploded into existence and all kinds of new methods toward this path could now be deduced.

The closer one is to the source of power, the stronger this feeling is. For people like Azief, Jean and Hikigaya, they easily understood what it is.

The knowledge is embedded in the fabric of reality.

But for people on the lower level, all they could feel was a bit of feeling. But this is enough for them to recognize that there is new way

Azief smiles.

To say it is a brand new law is not quite accurate.

If Azief had to summarize it, it is this Laws, felt even more obvious as it is tempered by the Laws of all the worlds that connected through the Multiversal Convergence.

This is the Will of the Omniverse.

Spread and scattered throughout all of dimension and parallel universes, these Will did not dissipate and remain the same

It might have different names in other words, it might have certain differences, but since it came from the same source, from the same will, in essence it is the same.

This will, this Law had always been on Earth since the Fall.

But the path seeking is hard because unless one truly understands the many secrets of the world, understand oneself and understand their own path and Laws, one would feel hard to sense this Will

But the Multiversal Convergence brings out this will toward the surface.

For Azief, this did not mean much since he is pretty sure what path he is walking on.

The same for Jean and Hikigaya. But for others who are still seeking the path, this feeling is very important to them

Azief very much fond of Sasha. It would not be bad for her to know certain things. Still smiling, he then said

'Your feeling is not wrong. There is another way' Sasha frowned a bit, still not understanding fully.

Azief forgot that not everybody was privy to the knowledge that the system they had is merely the imitation of advanced civilization in the Universe.

And Sasha is always busy defusing attempts of attack against Pandemonium so she had neglected her levels all of this time.

If Azief really had to describe the daily life of Sasha it would be a little bit like Jack Bauer in the 24 TV show.

She did not just have time to catch a break. Since she is in charge of Pandemonium, she rarely touches the research on the extraterrestrial things unless it is related on her case.

If people think that Sasha reads all the information that came daily toward the Shadow Guard, they would be sorely mistaken since that is not just possible.

The system that the World Orb give them, it is useful and quickly enable humans to grow stronger. But the path of that system is not the only path in the world.

And sometimes, the path of the system is not suitable to some people. There is also some flaw in it.

Sasha then ask

'Can you explain a bit deeper?' Azief nodded and then he said

'It means the new generation does not have to cultivate energy the same way we did'

Sighing he added

'I don't know if that is a good thing or not. Only time would tell whether breaking the system is good for humanity or not'

Then shaking his head, he continued

'They could break the system by practicing in other methods. New Laws appears and new way is formed. As such, there is many more choices. We are lucky that we are of the first generation of the Fall. Energy is full in abundance and the system pointed us, guides on how to grown stronger the fastest'

'Because of the loophole of the system, we could easily absorb energy into our body without the hassle of refining it first'

Then sighing he said

'But, the next generation would not be as lucky as we are. Right now, people could easily break through to Disk Formation and the path forward to Divine Comprehension is very optimistic. But in the future, maybe it is ever hard for one community to have Disk Formation levelers as the energy of the world is absorbed by the early people. Like us'

There is silence for a while. The problem of energy distribution. This problem is not something new.

The World Government had once raised this issue in the World Council before.

But now because of the Multiversal Convergence and the surge of energy that is nourishing the world, this matter would also be forgotten and not be raised until that moment come again.

The energy seems like it would be endless.

But Azief knows better. Once someone broke through the ceiling of the Supreme Being level of power, the amount of energy that is needed to break through such level would be astronomical.

However, this is not the thing that Azief wanted to talk about, so he resumed talking about system

'We also have classes'

Sasha nodded. She is listening to the word of Death Monarch intently and trying to understand it.

Azief then explain more about classes in details. This is based on his understanding of classes after understanding the Laws

Since he could see Laws of the world and even manipulate it, there is a certain sense of a truth being opened to him regarding certain things

And one of these thing is about the classes each person would get after choosing a class and how it relates to one advancement to become stronger.

'The classes are not some simple class like in the game. when we all started we all feel like the classes in the system is like the class in the game. This is not entirely wrong'

Pausing for a second he then continues

'There is Warriors, mage, Healers to name a few. There is all this kind of familiar classes in the game. But if you notice, there is many other classes that in the game it did not have. There is Shadow Lord, Earth Controller, Martial Art Overlord, Beast King, Thunder Lord, Time Lord and many other classes you won't find in games. This is what we called the secret classes. And there is a secret about it as there is also a secret about the normal classes.'

Sasha did not know what Azief is about to say but he felt that this would relate to her advancement.

There is this premonition in her heart so she listens even more carefully.

'All of this classes are not merely some imitation of games. Instead, each class is actually the representation of a grand path. Did you read about the Etherna?' Azief asked. Sasha nodded and Azief continue by saying

'When the Etherna civilization was destroyed, each of these Ethernian was turned into the Wills of the Omniverse. One could only imagine their strength before their death, to be able to assimilate themselves into the Will of the Omniverse'

Azief did not dare boast that he knows the most about Etherna on Earth.

But, since he began walking his path and as he saw many ancient things and structures in the Universe, he began knowing a bit more about the lore of this ancient primordial beings that existed long before Time itself existed.

A being that birthed all of the Laws of the Omniverse.

And after seeing and walking on the Thirteen Steps of Supremacy, he knew even more thing about Etherna and he even bears some Karma with Etherna as he took over the power and blessing that the Thirteen Steps of Supremacy had bestowed him with

Power had a price. If anything, if there is not price, then that worries Azief. Azief continue saying toward Sasha

Epochs after epochs passed and this will of the Etherna turned into Laws. Some was too weak and turns into particles, but the strongest of them, turned into Wills that is inside these Laws. Inerasable and eternal.

Then thinking that this explanation might fly over Sasha head, he explains in more detail.

'For example, Shadow Lord. It is my secret class in the beginning' Sasha nodded

By now, it is not a secret.

Everyone knows that Death Monarch had the class of Shadow Lord.

But what puzzles people was that even though Death Monarch had the Shadow Lord class, he rarely uses his classes skill.

Shadow Lord.

The name itself signify the ability to control Shadow. One would not be mistaken to believe that such class would be a class that emphasizes stealth

Yet, if one looks at the behavior and action of Death Monarch, which of his move is stealthy?

Instead, much of the move and action of Death Monarch is very showy, and the very opposite of stealth.

Azief then explain

'I believe the classes is merely a manifestation of will of some Etherna. And my Shadow Lord class is merely the manifestation of some Etherna in the Etherna world that have the ability to control shadows'


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